Hearing this, the militants immediately became much more confident.

"Yes, those are the Yanguo Scouts, they can't set off much wind and waves, they have passed before, it doesn't mean that they can still dodge those bombs."

"It's just the Yanguo Scouts, and they want to be with us, and they're still tender."


militants have never taken the Yanguo soldiers in their eyes, so naturally they will not be too afraid.

Old Cat: "That being said, don't be careless, don't be like a mad bull, stupidly go out and die, no one can do it without my order." "


"Listen, everyone, be careful to retreat, and don't expose yourself as soon as possible."

After the old cat gave the order, he led everyone to retreat, preparing to widen the distance between him and Chen Jun and the others.

Chen Jun, who was tracking behind, of course, also detected Chen Jun's movements, and led the hacker commando team to chase after him.


"I came to Yanguo to do something bad, and you still want to escape?"

Chen Jun stared at the backs of the old cat and the others who were gradually moving away, and ordered: "They want to escape, accelerate quickly, and don't stop shouting." "


"Old cat, I have a passage with your father, and I have a good relationship with your mother Bo Baoguan..."

Wang Yanbing and several people followed Chen Jun to continue to chase after the old cat, and the voice of insulting the old cat echoed over and over again in this jungle.

Hearing the harsh voice coming continuously, the old cat, no matter how good his psychological quality was, couldn't resist the urge to scold, "FUCK, what the hell, is it still insulting?"

"Gotta surprise those guys and shut them up."

At this time, the old cat's face was also a little unbearable, and he suddenly changed his course and walked to the left.

After a while, he led the crowd to give up fleeing, but lurked again, while he himself hid in a tree and continued to wait.

At this moment, Chen Jun, who was taking the lead, suddenly raised his hand, "Everyone stops." Leng

Feng, who had just rushed over, asked suspiciously: "Don't you scold, just scolded so much, this sentence is awesome, if the other party hears it, he will definitely vomit blood." Leng

Feng was originally separated from Chen Jun, but the more he tracked it, the closer the distance between the two teams became, and he met Chen Jun directly just now.

I have to say that when Leng Feng heard Chen Jun's words just now, he laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.

This scolding is too cultured.

Do those guys understand?

However, it was really enjoyable to listen to!

Leng Feng was very surprised when he heard such scolding just now, but when he reacted, he couldn't help but admire Chen Jun.

I didn't expect this guy to have such a brilliant brain, and he has a lot of ghost ideas.

Leng Feng is also a person who loves corpses, and immediately followed Chen Jun and others to scold the old cat.

He just scolded vigorously, but he didn't expect Chen Jun to stop.

Chen Jun nodded: "They are in front, waiting for us, there must be bombs, retreat." "

Bombs? How do you know if there's a bomb?

Leng Feng was even more surprised, he looked at Chen Jun and asked.

After all, he didn't have Chen Jun's terrifying hacker stealth technique, and he couldn't see it with the naked eye, but with experience, he felt that it was not impossible, but he was surprised that Chen Jun's judgment was very decisive.

Chen Jun: "Those guys suddenly stopped not entering, this is enough to explain the problem, needless to say, they must be waiting for everyone to take the bait."

"According to their style, bombs must be indispensable, and they just buried a weird chain of mines in the water."

Everyone immediately stepped back and continued to curse.

"Just scold hard."

"Yes." Hearing Chen Jun's order, the people of the hacker commando team followed and scolded again.

The next moment, Leng Feng immediately roared excitedly, "Old cat, I have a passage with your father, and I have a friend with your mother Bo Baoguan..."

The insults are obviously much louder than before!

"Why don't those guys chase after them?"

"Have you found the clues, or are you playing some tricks?"

Seeing that Chen Jun and the others did not continue to advance, the old cat was so anxious that he gritted his teeth.

He's waiting for them to take the bait, and if they retreat with a curse, his bomb will fail.

If those people retreated, not only would the bomb fail, but they would also be scolded in vain.

"Damn, those guys are so cunning."

The more the old cat waited, the less anxious he became, and the next moment, he directly ordered: "Prepare to attack." With

that, he detonated the bomb directly.


A violent explosion erupted from the jungle, and the blastwave formed a wall of fire that swept away in all directions.

However, because the distance is a bit far, these aftershocks are not enough to blow up Chen Jun and others.

Hearing the sound of explosions in the jungle, Leng Feng, who was still questioning Chen Jun just now, trembled, and subconsciously glanced at Chen Jun, with an incredible feeling in his eyes, this guy can, he is like a god!

"Attack, they couldn't help it."


Leng Feng was completely excited, and the person with the wolf warrior rushed forward directly.

"Don't..." Chen Jun originally wanted to stop Leng Feng, but before he finished speaking, he watched them rush out.

At this moment, the old cat who detonated the thunder ordered: "Snipers fire, shut them up." "

Kill them and shut them up!"

The old cat couldn't help it at all, and kept yelling at the broken gong.

All the way, he has been holding back, and he has really held it back.


With the order given, the sniper on the old cat's side fired a shot directly.

He is an assassin in the dark, and he is the best at letting go of the cold gun, and after the gunshot, a bullet directly hit Shao Bin in the thigh of the Wolf Warrior Commando.


Shao Bin trembled, screamed and fell to the ground.

I was shot, but I didn't hang up.

"Quick, rescue."

Leng Feng looked at Shao Bin, who was covered in blood on the ground, and hurriedly began to rescue.

"Rescue, don't let people die."

"Kill those guys, save people!"

Because Shao Bin was shot, many people were forced to be anxious, and they concentrated their firepower and began to rescue.

Looking at this scene, Chen Jun's brows locked directly, and a terrible thought flashed in his mind, surround the corpse to help.

These guys are just surrounding the corpse to help, this is a very passive way of playing, the enemy is in the dark, and everyone is in the light, once they go to the rescue, there will be casualties immediately.


Chen Jun looked anxious and was thinking about how to break the situation, but at that moment, the sniper's gunfire rang out again.


With the sound of a sniper gun, a cloud of blood mist exploded in everyone's eyes, and a soldier who tried to drag Shao Bin was shot on the spot and fell in a pool of blood.

"The other party did it on purpose, they didn't kill Shao Bin with a single shot, and waiting for this is the ending."

"The opponent has a lot of experience on the battlefield and is very accurate in marksmanship."

"If this continues, there will be more casualties."

Thinking of this, Chen Jun's face became extremely ugly, and in an instant, his mind seemed to return to that rainy night.

At that time, his comrades-in-arms died one by one, and how similar that scene was to this moment.

No, there is absolutely no room for such a thing to happen again.

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