Greatly, I was almost blown up as a eunuch!

Wang Yanbing's eyes jumped, and his instinctive reaction clamped the sides of his thighs.

If the instructor hadn't stopped it in time, he would have really touched that thin line, and then detonated the thunder, and then...

When Wang Yanbing thought of this, he didn't dare to imagine it anymore, and his heart was already cold.

"That's careless!"

"Almost, it's really almost, Lao Tzu's happiness in the second half of his life is about to disappear."

"What's more, those miscellaneous pieces of true yin, the means are too dark, don't let Lao Tzu catch them, otherwise they will be beaten into eunuchs."

Shi Dafan looked at the scolding Wang Yanbing and said with a smile: "Be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years, it is better to be careful in everything, those guys can set up such a trick mine, the means are very high, and they must not be sloppy."

He Chenguang nodded, "That's right, they are militants who kill people without blinking, they can't do anything yet, they must not be careless, this is the battlefield!"

"That's right, cheer up." Chen Jun said heavily, and then, he gently picked off the lead, letting Wei Lei directly dumb up.

Chen Jun said again: "You must be more careful, unless, you want to become a eunuch." "


Wang Yanbing turned his eyes seriously and responded in unison with everyone.

With the lessons of the past, he naturally did not dare to be careless.

The battlefield itself is a meat grinder, and if you are not careful, you will never recover!

Wang Yanbing really believed this sentence.

Chen Jun said again: "Come, I'll teach you a word, remember to shout." "

Old cat, I am the same as your father, and I am a friend of your mother Bo Baoguan."

"Damn, what does that mean?"

Hearing this, everyone wanted to stop talking, and in the last second, they all wanted to shout, but they couldn't open their mouths, and their expressions directly became extremely weird.

Wang Yanbing frowned slightly, "What do you mean by this?" Why are those words so profound?

He Chenguang suddenly smiled strangely at Wang Yanbing, "You taste it carefully." "

What the hell?" Wang Yanbing, who lacked culture, flashed a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

Of course, he also knew that this was a curse, but he didn't expect the instructor to scold people so highly.

Do you read classical Chinese?

Wang Yanbing was helpless and shocked...

And at this moment, in the jungle, the old cat is in ambush with his people.

The old cat, who was hiding, kept looking at his watch and was counting the time.

That weird chain of thunder was specially arranged by them, and now, they are already counting down the time to explode.

Tick tock....

Time passed, but there was a dead silence in the old cat's ears, and there was no explosion he expected to hear.

He buried a surprise for those guys, why didn't he move?

The more the old cat waited, the more he felt that something was wrong, and his expression became more and more solemn, it stands to reason that at this time, those tricks and thunders should have exploded, but he just couldn't hear any movement.

"Is it a dumb thunderbolt?"

"Or did those guys not come here at all?"

The old cat frowned, a little confused.

On the side, an armed man also noticed the same, and asked suspiciously: "Boss, is there no one to follow?" The

old cat shook his head, "Impossible, with the character of a soldier of the Yan Kingdom, when you see that slogan, you must follow."

"However, I have a bad premonition, so you better be vigilant."

Hearing this, the others had sarcastic smiles on their faces, but they were not much more vigilant.

After all, they were too confident in that chain of thunder, and they really didn't take the people of Yanguo seriously.

Boy Scouts of the Nation of Yanguo.

In their eyes, the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom are all boy scouts.

To escape grenades, it is simply impossible.

Just when those guys felt that it was impossible for the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom to come back, a voice suddenly came, "Old cat, I have a passage with your father, and I have a good relationship with your mother Bo Baoguan." "

Old cat, I have a good relationship with your father, and I have a good relationship with your mother..."

"When did these guys come over? Why didn't you hear an explosion?

"Could it be that they have discovered the Thunder?"

The old cat was deeply surprised, but before he could react, he was attracted by the repeated Chinese content.

"What do you mean by that, and why do those guys keep repeating it?"

"Monkey, they're sarcastic about me, right? You can translate it for me. Hearing

the same words all the time, the old cat's face became ugly, although he didn't understand what it meant, but with his intuition, he always felt that it was not a good word.

Hearing this, the monkey nodded directly, "They seem to be speaking classical Chinese, I'm not very familiar with this, but I also have some mastery, boss, you wait, I'll listen carefully a few more times, and then translate for you." After

the monkey finished speaking, he listened carefully, and then, word by word, wrote it down, followed by thoughts, and added translations.

After a moment, the monkey's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have discovered a new world, and said excitedly: "Boss, I understand, the meaning of their words is, he and you..."

Go on, you can't miss a word, hurry!

At the urging of the old cat, the monkey had no choice but to say according to the original text, "They all mean that he is with your father, grass your mother..."

Before the monkey finished speaking, the old cat twitched over, "Do you need to say so detailed?"

"Boss, didn't you tell me to do what I said? I didn't add a word, why are you hitting me? The monkey hugged his dizzy head, crying and crying out for injustice.

At this time, the words that made it difficult for the old cat to calm down continued to come, "Old cat, I have a passage with your father, and I have a good relationship with your mother Bo Baoguan..."

After all, he also followed Minden, stayed in Yanguo for a while, and also knew some Chinese, and originally understood half of the meaning, plus he had just listened to the monkey's explanation, and he understood even more that the Yanguo people were scolding him, scolding his mother, and insulting him.

However, Yanguo pays attention to the quintessence of the country, and this sentence is the pure quintessence of scolding.

On the surface, this sounds very cultured, but the content is very ugly, even worse than that of animals.

"Are those guys looking for death?"

The old cat was both aggrieved and angry, but for a while, he couldn't think of anything to fight back, so he snorted coldly: "It seems that they have passed through the bomb area, but don't panic, this is a small episode, and there are bombs waiting for them in the back."

"Let them scold, sooner or later it will be over!"

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