Following the sound, everyone turned their heads to look over, and saw a guy with a height of nearly two meters and a very explosive body walking out.

The person who came was none other than Wang Hu, the captain of the Black Tiger Commando who had just threatened to challenge Chen Jun with Leng Feng.

This guy's strength is still martial arts.


contestants who had been suppressed by Chen Jun saw Wang Hu come out, and a glimmer of hope immediately rose in their eyes.

It's good that someone comes out to fight, how can they be pressed and beaten by a recruit like this.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Hu walked up to Chen Jun and said coldly: "Man, let's compare fists and feet."

After speaking, he directly stabbed the dagger directly into the ground, the action was so crisp, and then he said: "I heard that when the Black Tiger Commando and the Wolf Tooth exercised, you climbed down from the cliff and beheaded our squadron leader, right?"

Wang Hu still remembered Chen Jun's beheading of Captain Lei, and he planned to count the old and new hatreds together.

Chen Jun nodded directly, "Don't talk so much nonsense, to be honest, I'm very interested in your martial arts."

Wang Hu shook his head with disdain, "Sure enough, I'm very confident."

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly roared, and then the whole person hesitated and shot towards Chen Jun.

Wang Hu's size is very large, but his speed is definitely not slow, and this speed has caught up with the cold front just now.

At terrifying speed, Wang Hu looked like a humanoid tank, and slammed into Chen Jun fiercely.

Lan Ying looked at it and nodded, "It seems that he has figured out Chen Jun's characteristics and flaws. The

black-faced god nodded, "Wang Hu, this kid, he has a lot of strength to give up his weapon, it just happens to be his specialty, I didn't expect Chen Jun to agree so happily." "

The first two people played daggers with Chen Jun, and they both lost, which fully shows that Chen Jun is a veteran in playing daggers.

Wang Hu was right to give up the dagger, plus he had the strength and speed to suppress Chen Jun.

According to experience, both the Black-Faced God and the Blue Shadow judged like this, and as they spoke, they couldn't help but feel sorry for Chen Jun.

After all, Chen Jun has already won, and there is no need to take the move directly, this is knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and he is biased towards the tiger mountain.

It's risky.

Lan Ying said again: "After all, young people are young, once they are excited, they are prone to big heads, and Chen Jun is only in his twenties, and he still needs some time to polish his sword before it will be brighter."

Black-faced God: "It's good to polish it, a person's excellence is not born with more, Chen Jun needs more tempering to be more excellent." At

this moment, the people of the Wolf Warrior and the Black Tiger Commando, because Wang Hu went out to fight, immediately hesitated and resurrected one by one, and they were all shouting and cheering.

"Team Wang, kill him, him, don't be merciful.

"Don't be merciful, how ruthless is it, the young man is too arrogant, let him see his fists and restrain himself."

"Use the fists of a real man, teach him how to be a man, and take him down." "

Team Wang, him, don't let him be arrogant again. I

have to say that the shouts and cheers of these people are really energetic, and they are all shouting excitedly one by one.

There is no way, they have been suppressed in front, if they had the strength, they would have wanted to stand up and challenge Chen Jun a long time ago.

A young man directly pressed the veteran's face to the ground and rubbed it fiercely, who could stand

it? It was a soldier, who didn't want to be strong?

In such a situation, no one could stand it, but the wolf-toothed man was relatively calm and did not participate in the shouting and cheering.

Because they all know that the bigwigs who contact Chen Jun with such an attitude are either raising pigs or writing ideological reports, and then they can't come out.

Lao Te, Lao Gao, Fan Tianlei, and Lei Zhan, which of these main generals is not because of Chen Jun, who wrote an ideological report on the pig farm.

This is not to see the coffin and not to cry.

I didn't expect these guys to be suppressed by Chen Jun enough, and they dared to face Chen Jun so directly.

Crazy, these people want to go crazy when they want to win.

The humanoid tank is really useless to Chen Jun.

Just when the wolf-toothed man silently mourned the other contestants, Wang Hu had already galloped to a distance of only half a meter from Chen Jun, and then he directly punched out.

There was no skill in this punch, but the power was terrifying.

"Get down!"

"Boy, I advise you not to accept the move, just admit defeat, otherwise it will be ugly." Seeing

Wang Hu's punch punching towards Chen Jun with a fist wind, Wang Hu's face looked so wonderful.

In the Black Tiger Commando, there is no one who can take the punch of the Wang team.

The fists of the royal team are more terrifying than the claws of the tigers, this is a saying that circulates in the Black Tiger Commandos.

Under the gaze of everyone, Chen Jun still did not move.


The fist fell, and the air exploded slightly.


crowd couldn't see it clearly and were puzzled.

Wang Hu suddenly changed color at that moment, and he was empty?

That punch, he did hit the air, but the strange thing was that Chen Jun's position had not changed.

"It turned out to be empty.

"It's so fast!" The

people around him finally understood, but they were also a little stunned in an instant, because in their opinion, Chen Jun didn't seem to react just now, and no one thought that the moment his fist landed, he actually moved.

Chen Jun's speed was so fast that they didn't even see it.

In fact, even the blue shadow and the black-faced god didn't see it, and they were also very surprised.

Wang Hu was not slow to react, and immediately reacted after finding that he was empty, he roared, swept his fist over again, and followed the fist like a raging storm, and slammed it with more than a dozen punches in a row.

He is not only a strength type, but also a speed type, and he doesn't believe that he can't hit Chen Jun in front of him.

Bang bang....

There was a continuous crash, but not the sound of flesh being beaten, but the sound of fists hitting the air.

Wang Hu still failed to punch him, let alone hit Chen Jun, even the corners of Chen Jun's clothes were not touched.

"What's going on?" Wang Hu became more and more weak the more he fought, and suddenly, Chen Jun's indifferent voice sounded, "The speed is good, and the strength is enough, but within ten steps, the bullets are not as fast as mine." Hearing

this, as soon as Wang Hu raised his head, he saw that the guy was actually in front of him, and then he saw a fist slamming in.

"Finally shot!" Wang Hu didn't dare to be sloppy, and immediately punched him.


Two fists collided, fists collided head-on.

With the sound of impact, the stout Wang Hu was shocked and grinned directly, and he even heard a slight cracking sound from his own bones.

"What's the matter, this guy's strength is so terrifying?"

At that moment just now, Wang Hu felt as if his fist was hitting a high-speed car, and when that majestic force came, he couldn't unload it, and his entire arm was about to be wasted.

Soon, Chen Jun smashed another punch.


Wang Hu's face was full of fear, and in a panic, his other fist directly met it.


Wang Hu immediately felt the majestic power coming, and his face changed suddenly.

At that moment, he directly regretted it, Made, knowing that the other party was fighting well, what else did he challenge, looking for abuse.

Suddenly, Wang Hu somewhat believed what the sniper Wang Ming said.

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