The speed of the brick attack was already very fast, but he could still turn directly to the attack without the slightest hesitation at such a speed, and this reaction was very terrifying.

The control of the body plate cannot achieve such an effect without the ultimate.

Chen Jun was also surprised when he looked at the bricks, but in this world, there are almost no people who can sneak attack him.

In an instant, he turned around suddenly, and with a wave of his dagger, he seemed to be careless, but it was already slashed on the back of the brick.

Under the lights of the scene, sparks splashed everywhere.


dagger was hard and the dagger was stiff, and there was a piercing sound of metal impact, which shook everyone's eardrums with a dull pain.

The people who watched were emotionally uplifted again, and their eyes dared to blink when they looked at the two people who were fighting.

In close quarters, the critical moment came.

Feeling the shock coming from the dagger, Ban Brick couldn't help but gasp, damn it, the speed is so fast, no wonder Leng Feng will be overcast.

This guy used to play fast, but he also has skills and strength in this way of playing.

I have to say that Chen Jun's slash was very strong, and under the huge earthquake, the bricks and bricks almost couldn't catch the dagger, but he was also a flexible person, and he didn't carry the force hard, but the whole person simply fell down with the force.

When the brick was about to touch the ground, he stretched out his hand to support it, and then the whole person rolled out, and immediately distanced himself from Chen Junlai.

Don't look at the bricks falling homeopathically, in fact, the whole process contains mystery, after all, the force that Chen Jun cut is very large, and he has to bear a lot of power even if he is homeopathic, but in the process, he took advantage of that slip to unload a lot of power.

Otherwise, the moment your hand supports the ground, your hand will break.

Chen Jun saw that Ban Brick was successfully dodging, and nodded directly, "It's very good, it's very flexible, but you lack some strength, otherwise, your fighting skills can reach the ultimate realm." With that

, he flashed forward and rushed towards the bricks, and at great speed.

Squatting on the ground, when he saw Chen Jun rushing towards him, his face changed greatly, and he was about to stand up and dodge, but unfortunately, there was not enough time, and he was approached by Chen Jun before he could take a step.


Chen Jun suddenly pushed his knees upside down, directly in his chest, and in the next second, the whole person flew out upside down.

Later, Chen Jun kicked the ground hard and immediately followed quickly.

At the moment when the bricks fell, a knife handle had smashed into his chest.

Seeing this scene, the black-faced god nodded directly, "The brick has lost." On

the side, Lan Ying nodded directly, "Chen Jun, this kid, is really good, speed and strength, as well as body skills, plus grasp the right time, he is already at the peak, even if it is me, I can't last ten rounds." "

The so-called layman looks at the liveliness, and the insider looks at the doorway.

From Chen Jun's few attack moves, Lan Ying had already seen Chen Jun's true strength.

In exchange for him to fight against Chen Jun, he really only dared to say ten moves.

At this time, the black-faced god said coldly: "You have three rounds at most, and I can barely achieve ten rounds, but there is one person whose skills can be compared to him." Hearing

the chief instructor say that he could only be ten rounds, Lan Ying was shocked, but what shocked him the most was the person the chief instructor said.

Someone can actually compare with Chen Jun?

Lan Ying asked directly without thinking: "Who is it, are you talking about that mysterious agent?"

The black-faced god nodded, "It's a pity, he wants to avenge his sister, he hasn't come back for three years abroad, I received a call from him, he is almost complete the task, if he is here, the chief instructor of this competition, it is him and not me."

Lan Ying looked solemn and nodded, "That person is indeed already a god-like existence, and he has made too many contributions, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the god of war."

While the black-faced god and the blue shadow were talking, Ban Brick was directly knocked down by Chen Jun's knee, just as they expected, and then fainted as well.

Seeing this scene, all the contestants froze, their eyes full of incredulity.

Especially the people who fight the wolf, the shock in their hearts is incomprehensible.

Born in a family of brick fighting, in Wolf Warrior, he said second in fighting, no one dared to say first, even Leng Feng's grumpy guy was not his opponent.

Now, he lost to Chen Jun like this

? Is it so terrifying that he only made a move, and he lost?

Is Chen Jun really a newcomer? Suddenly

, the wolf warrior looked at Chen Jun, and his eyes showed an unprecedentedly complicated look, some shocked, some questioning...

At that moment, they couldn't help but glance at Chen Jun.

Chen Jun was the first to put down Leng Feng, if it was an accident, it was possible, but this time, Ban Brick was a prepared person, no matter how he said it, there would be no accident.

That guy is really so powerful?

It turns out that he has strength, no wonder he dares to stand up and challenge.

Strength is confidence.

At this time, Chen Jun glanced at everyone and asked loudly, "Is there anyone else?"

As soon as the words fell, the scene was deadly silent, and all the special forces just looked at each other and did not speak, even those who had rolled up their sleeves and were ready to work, they were silent.


guy is so ruthless, who would dare to take his tricks.

No one at the scene planned to take Chen Jun's move, there was no way, Leng Feng and the bricks were already a lesson from the past.

These two people are known for their fighting strength, but they can't hold on for a minute, how long can they last like this?

They are all special forces, and they still want face, but they can't beat it, and of course they won't be embarrassed.

This is the awe of the strong, knowing that they can't be beaten, they simply choose not to fight, so there is no shame.

Seeing that those contestants didn't speak, Chen Jun asked again, but as a result, no one agreed.

Seeing this scene, the black-faced god and the blue shadow were shocked in their eyes.

Lan Ying sighed: "What's the matter, Chen Jun suppressed the audience alone, he has the demeanor of the god of war back then, this guy is really a miracle." The

black-faced god nodded, "I didn't expect that after the God of War appeared, it took so long to produce such a talent, and the ghost was not called in vain, it was indeed outstanding." "

It's no wonder that he can become a squadron leader directly under the military region, the first in history, and he really came by strength.

Lan Ying nodded, "Yes, excellent people, no matter where they go, they will shine, and the first place of this session seems to be about to be born."

Chen Jun was still looking at everyone, he waited for a long time, but he still didn't wait for someone to stand up, for a moment, he showed an indifferent smile, what he wanted was such an effect.

It doesn't matter whether you win these games or not, the important thing is to make everyone in awe of the hacker commando and leave a prestige.

Just as the black-faced god was about to stand up and announce the result, a figure suddenly stood up.

"I'm coming!".

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