Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 195: Beastmaster Summon Suzaku

"How can this be!"

"The poor road is not willing to believe, but it is true. This telegram is the only God-level paper that has been handed down from my door, and it is all the holy beasts, beasts, and beasts on the Tianlong 6 The air of the fairy beasts is connected and there will be no mistakes."

"And...and there is no trace of the birth of a new sacred beast on the celestial symbol, so... Suzaku is completely dying, and it is no longer possible." Zhang Tianshi’s face was full of fear.

The Moon Queen is unable to sit down. In the extraordinary period when the Big 6 is about to face the catastrophe, the loss of a guardian holy beast means that she knows better than anyone else.

This is a big 6 that no one can accept and can't afford the loss.

In her heart, she felt that this matter was related to the spirit of her frustration, because he was looking for Suzaku.

"Is it that he killed Suzaku... No, it is impossible! Is it related to him, if so, what did he do?"

At the moment when Zhang Tianshi recovered the telegram, the gray flame of death suddenly flashed a few sparks that were not noticeable.

Yan Emperor clearly felt that the temperature is falling, and the degree of decline is astonishing, and the color of the death volcano is constantly dimming. The uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense. He finally gritted his teeth and took out a space transfer scroll that was passed down from ancient times. With this scroll, he could cast a medium-level curse of the space system: any space door!

At the risk of being killed by the murder, he crushed the reel and teleported to the center of the death volcano.

The facts made his heart mention the eyes of the blind, because the temperature here has actually fallen within his tolerance.

Here, there are only two people, one is the spirit of holding Xuanyuan, and the other is a woman he has not seen.

"Suzaku Holy God!?"

Yan Emperor didn't bother to say hello to him, and he didn't have the heart to appreciate the beautiful fairy. His voice was full of trembling and coldness.

Looking at the sudden emergence of Emperor Yan, the wind sighed: "Dead!"

Although it has been vaguely guessed that this incredible and terrible result, but in the real face he still feels the bones of fear and powerlessness, heavy blows make him almost standing unsteady.

When Suzaku died, the faith of all the people in the capital of Vulcan was completely collapsed. What kind of chaos and consequences would be introduced, he could not imagine, nor dare to imagine.

"It's you~~~"

Yan Di’s eyes completely turned into red fire, watching him like a snake, and the amazing murderousness came out of him. Now he changed the emperor's calmness and gentleness, such as the lion who was violent to the extreme.

Although he can't believe that the wind soul has this ability, but here he and the white woman, he can't think of other explanations if he is completely confused.

"It is indeed because of me."

If it wasn’t for himself and Yao’s arrival, Suzaku would never sacrifice the fire of its soul, at least she would not die within a million years.

Although his original intention was to take the hope of a line of hope to take the fire of her soul.

The blue flame swept over him, and the angry empire did not wait for what he was saying. A shot is a very strong "tornado flame", and it is necessary to kill him completely.

"Brother!" Feel the power of the flame, Feng Yao exclaimed, panic want to block in front of him, but he was gently opened.


In the explosion of the flame, a huge green number appeared on the wind, and he stood there without injury. At the same time, a soft, awe-inspiring voice screamed.


The wind is full of shock, looking for the source of the sound, because the master of this voice is clearly the body and soul have completely disappeared in the fire of the soul - Suzaku!

Ten meters above the sky, a huge red shadow slowly becomes clear, high-spirited phoenix, flame-like body, flying phoenix tail...


After a few seconds of Yandi’s stay, he trembled and crouched on the ground. “The **** of Vulcan, the Emperor of Fire, meets the great Suzaku, and disturbs your cleanliness. It is a sin to die.”

Their admiration for Suzaku is beyond the understanding of outsiders. Even if he is an emperor, he willingly pay homage to the most humble posture in front of Suzaku.

"Get up, I am dead, you don't have to give me this gift." Suzaku's voice is still gentle, her figure is floating in the air.

"What?" Yan Emperor looked up, and the surprises that had just arrived were all turned into fear.

Suzaku, is it still dead?

"What is going on! Have you burned your body and soul? Why?" The wind blew his eyes wide. Feng Yao also looked at the Suzaku in the air, and suddenly her eyes flashed a little.

"I didn't expect that after Pangu, there was another person with chaotic body in the world. What I didn't expect was that there was a legendary five-line holy unicorn hidden in your body."

"So, have you been resurrected?" The wind was moving, his chaotic body, and the miracles created were too many. This time, did you actually resurrect the Holy Beast?

"Brother, you see her body... it seems to be transparent." Feng Yao said softly in his ear.

"Transparent?" The wind sighed and looked at it. Through the figure of Suzaku, he saw the broken clouds floating in the sky.

"Because of the existence of the blood of chaos, the part of my soul that has been integrated into your body with the flame is reborn. Because of the existence of the Holy Unicorn, the weak five-color lining makes the part of my reborn life reluctant to have the ability to transform. Resurrection is absolutely impossible." Suzaku said softly. Her look at the wind is completely different from before.

"And, if I didn't guess wrong, the white tiger you are driving is the legendary great..."

Suzaku’s body suddenly flashed, and the red began to show signs of lightening.

"My **** is about to dissipate, and the future of Tianlong 6 is pinned on you... the great beastmaster, accept my strength..." Suzaku's voice slowly became illusory.

"Suzaku Holy God, you are gone, what do we do in the people of the South." Looking at the Suzaku, which is about to disappear completely, Yan Di’s face is full of panic and helplessness.

"There will be phoenix gods to guard me..."

The red light slowly drifted to the windy body until it completely fell into his body.

Suddenly, his heart sounded Suzaku's shocked voice: "This is the power of the star source, the magic star dragon! There is a legendary magic star dragon... So, just sleep in this body, my The soul will not dissipate... After the awakening of the five-color lining and the power of the star, my body and soul may have the possibility of being completely reborn..."

The sound was extremely weak, and then disappeared completely, but the surprise that brought the wind was undoubtedly huge, and the cockroach in the heart finally faded. At the same time, his ear sounded a pleasant system sound.

"Hey, your mount ‘紫瞳云翼虎’ has won the beastmaster’s summoning skills: Suzaku is coming.”

Suzaku is coming: Beastmaster's exclusive holy summoning technique consumes 2% of life and magic, summons Suzaku to help fight for 1 minute, and can be used three times for life. Callable times: 3/3.

Summon... Holy Beast! ?

This also makes people not live, the powerful Suzaku out, where it is not invincible.

It can only be used three times in total, and it seems that it can only be used very often.

Just... the title of the little white beastmaster, what it means!

"Feng Shen?" Yan Emperor repeated these two words, his eyes are full of confusion. "The legendary Phoenix God...but where is the Phoenix God, where is it!"

When the wind eyebrows picked up, he turned and said to Feng Yao: "Yao, call out your little phoenix."

"Well! Xiaofeng, come out soon." Feng Yao gently agreed to call out her Golden Wing Phoenix.

A golden light came out of her, shot into the sky, turned into a golden phoenix, accompanied by a bright phoenix.

"Oh, the original Yaoer named it Xiaofeng?" Looking at the phoenix flying in the air, the wind finally put down a heart. All along, he wants to help Feng Yao catch an aggressive pet. Now, with this first summer animal pet in China, combined with her powerful Fuxi Qin technique and the cure of the light system, no one can threaten her safety.

The god-level dragon and the tears of the dragon, the god-level golden wing phoenix, even if she does not use Fuxiqin, her comprehensive strength has already greatly exceeded herself.

What else can I worry about?

"Gold... Golden Wing Phoenix!"

Yan Di screamed, his eyes, flashing the excitement and excitement of the wind.

Yan Di's eyes looked at him for a long time, his face flickered and sorrow, and then he fell back to Fengyao.

"Seeing the great phoenix god, I will accept the most severe punishment for my stupidity."

The wind and the wind are opposite each other.

Looking at their confused faces, Yandi immediately reverently explained: "... In the prophecy that was passed down tens of thousands of years ago in the capital of Vulcan, the great Golden Wing Phoenix will one day replace Suzaku for their safety and life. The owner of the Golden Wing Phoenix will be a distinguished Phoenix god..."

"Ah? I?" Feng Yao was overwhelmed and looked at his brother like a help.

The windy eyebrows bounced several times, and the doubts that were deeply hidden in his heart seemed to be much deeper.

"Please also invite the distinguished Fengshen adults and the great Golden Wing Phoenix to the Vulcan capital to appear once, otherwise the change of the death volcano will surely cause the people of the Vulcan capital to fall into complete chaos." Yan Di's eyes are full of Pleading.

"Let's go, Yaoer, let's go to the capital of Vulcan." The powerful gimmick throws away the seemingly ridiculous conjecture and pulls her hand.

"Hey, your friend ‘The Universe is invincible, baby’ is on the line!”

The wind licked his mouth and smiled slightly. He and Feng Yao flew from the edge of the death volcano to the center for seven hours. At this time, the time has come to the night, it is the baby's sleep time, she must be secretly carrying her mother.

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