Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 194: Suzaku annihilation, Golden Wing Phoenix

Suzaku nostalgicly glanced at the world she was about to leave forever, and the body slowly melted into the flames.

The colorless flame madly burned, and the last sorrow of Suzaku swept over them.

The capital of Vulcan, everyone’s movements have stagnated. Because just in that moment, the air suddenly became hot, so that those who have long been used to the heat, there are some feelings of poor breathing.

The Royal Palace, a strong sting from the head, awakened the meditation of Emperor Yan, he hurriedly untied the Vulcan beam on his head, the image of the Suzaku on the horror is slowly dimming, and the next second, the Vulcan beam Turned into a flame, burning into ashes in his hands.

This...does...does it...

Yan Di’s heart trembled. He did not hesitate to move to the death volcano.

It was too hot to describe the incomprehensible air waves and completely scatter the two men and one phoenix. The colorless flame enveloped the surrounding 30 meters and drowned them.

"Brother..." The clothes on Feng Yao instantly dissipated, but she did not suffer the slightest damage. The black of the waterfall fluttered in the flameless flame, as if it was the wind, not the fire!

She looked for her brother with a glimpse of luxury, and she did not want to believe that he was completely steamed at that second.

She really found out, his body, surrounded by a group of more transparent light than the flame of a transparent soul.

The little phoenix screams in the flames, seemingly mourning the stagnation of the Suzaku. Its body grows in flames with amazing degrees.

The wind is in a very wonderful realm. At the moment when the hot and unimaginable heat waves are coming, he blocks the Xuanyuan sword in his body to receive baptism. I thought I would be steamed for a while, but... the power of chaos in the body suddenly went crazy.

"Hey, you successfully unlocked the fourth seal of Xuanyuanjian..."

The vague voice heard the system prompt, his heart finally completely put down, began to feel the feeling of the fire element invading the body.

Stronger than the fire of the soul, it is impossible to escape the fusion ability of the power of chaos.

As soon as it hits the transparent light that surrounds his body, the intensive elements of the fire are instantly absorbed into his body. The elements of the fire that have been transformed and compressed by the power of chaos have not given his body a burning sensation, but have made him more and more comfortable.

"I actually withstood the fire of the sun!"

"Hey! You successfully accepted the baptism of the fire of the soul, the fire resistance is +1oo%, the heat resistance is +1oo%, and the burning resistance is +1oo%."

As the system sounds, the transparent flame that covers the 30-meter range is extinguished at the same time, and the surrounding temperature drops by an alarming degree.

Suzaku annihilated, without the support of strong fire energy, the death volcano began to gradually fade the color of fire.

Looking at the huge green numbers that are constantly floating on my head, I don’t know how to express my current mood.

Xuanyuanjian's fourth seal was unleashed, and his fire and heat resistance also broke through the limits that humans could not break through, which meant that he would no longer have to fear the fire magic and the heat.

It’s just a price, but it’s the sacrifice of Suzaku.

Is this really worth it?

Suzaku, the sacred beast guarding the south, its power, has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of every dragon, and no one has ever doubted it. It takes a lot of power to form a death volcano that has been devastated by countless creatures.

The Queen of the Water Moon said that she can ** destroy a country, not to exaggerate.

Nowadays, the belief in the hearts of the people of the South, the supreme guardian of the beast, has simply disappeared so far, leaving no trace. The unicorn sacred beast and the four guardian sacred beasts of Tianlongda 6 are now only the unicorns and the guardians of the East, West and North.

Suzaku, will it disappear forever and ever?

The wind slammed the hoe, and he suddenly felt that he was very dissatisfied with the result.

and many more……

I just subconsciously picked up the power of chaos! How is this going! This is clearly the game world!

With a trace of shock, he concentrated his spirits and worked hard to make chaos. As a result, he hoped and had some doubts at the same time, because he failed and there was no sign of chaos.

Is it an illusion?


Feng Yao rushed over and hugged him, his face full of joy and pride. It is worthy of being my favorite and most powerful brother. There is nothing at all.

But why, there is nothing for yourself? Is it because of the little phoenix?


The sound is long and screaming. At this time, the golden phoenix has grown as half as a Suzaku, the golden body is more than five meters long, and the golden phoenix tail is more than ten meters long. Every piece of feather on it is dazzling gold, and the golden light of the earth is sacred and beautiful.

"God... brother, this is the phoenix, the real phoenix! So beautiful..."

Hearing the praise of Feng Yao, Xiao Feng was excited and long, and the huge body hovered cheerfully on her head.

Golden Wing Phoenix: The beast, level: o, master: love Feng Yao dream. Life 5ooo, magic 5ooo, attack 2ooo, magic attack 3ooo, defense 2ooo. One of the six great beasts of Tianlong is the race of the phoenix who is closest to Suzaku. The golden wings symbolize nobleness, emperor and power. The specific origin is unknown. Five thousand years ago, with his own source of power, he saved the succulent Suzaku and degenerated to its original state. It was only 50,000 years ago that the life of Suzaku's divine power was instilled. After the baptism of the fire of the soul, I finally recovered some of my abilities.

Talent: The body of the phoenix: absorb all fire attribute attacks, all the fire magic below the curse, and have 6o% resistance to other magical creatures outside the water system.

Skills: Phoenix anger, Phoenix flame, extraterrestrial meteor fire, red lotus illusion, phoenix nirvana.

Golden Wing Phoenix! Sure enough, it is the Golden Wing Phoenix, one of the six great beasts of Tianlong. And, it's so powerful!

"Yaoer, Xiaofeng recognizes you as the main?" Fengyao has already put on his clothes at this time, so that his wretched thoughts of spring are completely gone.

"Well! When it falls on me, it recognizes me as the main... And, I have a curious connection with it. When I hug it, I feel good peace, as if looking for Back to the most precious things lost.” Feng Yao looked at him and looked at the little phoenix in the sky. His eyes were full of doubts and joy.

The same doubts, entrenched in the wind. As the child said, the fire of the soul can burn everything in the world, even enough to make the holy beast fly away, why can't you hurt Yaoer... Why!

The wind nodded, no longer asked, and re-equiped equipment from the backpack. The mystery of everything, only rely on time to give the answer.

The surrounding environment changes from white to purple, from purple to blue, then to red. Each change of a color means that the power of the flame drops by one level. Looking far away, the sky is no longer as red as before.

Tianlong Palace, Zhang Tianshi’s thin body standing in front of the Queen of the Water Moon suddenly trembled, his face was shocked and unbelievable.

"What's wrong?" The Queen of the Water Moon noticed his anomaly and raised her head and asked.

"How is this possible! How is this possible!" Zhang Tianshi did not seem to hear the question of the Queen of the Water Moon. He shook his hands and pulled out a piece of paper - suddenly his expression was completely frozen.

He even wondered if he was dreaming.

"What happened?" Shuiyue Queen's exquisite brow slightly twitched. She has never seen the vast amount of supernatural Zhang Tianshi revealing such a panicked expression.

Zhang Tianshi still did not completely return to God. He slowly raised his hands and showed the paper in front of her.

On the paper, the glaciers, flames, thunder and yellow sand are painted up and down, the glaciers seem to be moving, the lightning seems to be smashing, the yellow sand seems to be flowing, only the flame, completely turned into a dead gray, without any burning trace.

"What does this mean?" The Queen of the Water Moon suddenly felt an unknown feeling.

"Suzaku... dead!"

"What!" Water Moon stood up fiercely.

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