Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 147: Flying dragon cloud hand (on)

Chikong: Free to fly at a height of no more than 3o meters, flight degree = mobility, no change in the owner's full attributes during flight.

Purple Thunder blows air: consumes 3oo life, 1oo magic, summons nine days of Xuan Lei bombardment all enemies in the ground and high altitude within 10 meters, the attack distance is less than 2o meters, the base damage is magic attack x2oo%, and the attack is accompanied by 1o% paralysis effect. There is no need to sing when performing, and the skill cools down for 1o seconds.

Cloud Wing Sprint: The skill of the mount and the owner's skill, sprinting from the air, and greatly increasing the attack power of the master's skill with impact. Effect: Attack damage bonus 5o%. Dynamic conditions: above ten meters high; consume magic 3o, no skill to cool down.

Purple Thunder Broken Shadow: The skill of the mount and the owner, the power of the thunder that gathers the whole body rushes to the front, and smashes all the enemies in a straight line with the owner's weapon during the sprint. Effect: Straight through attack, attack power is equal to three times the normal attack of the owner, with 2oo lightning damage, 1oo% flying effect and 3o% paralysis effect, sprint distance 1o meters, sprint time o.1 seconds, The storage time is o.5 seconds. Consume magic 7o, skill cooldown 3o seconds.

"Good skills!"

In particular, the purple thunder breaks the shadow thorn, the teleport enhances the skill of the big attack, and the wind believes that even the fairy mount does not necessarily have such a strong skill, but Xiaobai has it, and it is only a 3o level skill.

What is this little white? The wind has not known how many times such doubts have arisen, even if he is a fool, he should have seen the extraordinary white.

The wind has been calculated, the same level of the same level of white, the comprehensive attributes far from the small and stars with the potential of the sacred beast.

Is it really the white tiger of one of the four holy beasts in the legend?

The wind quickly rejected this idea - the white tiger passed down as the most powerful guardian sacred beast among the five sacred beasts, but it has one of the biggest weaknesses is that it can't fly. Otherwise, it is definitely the five holy beasts. And Xiaobai has obvious wings.

What is the origin? If you follow this model, will it change into a holy beast one day?

"Brother, what are you thinking about?" Looking at his slightly sluggish expression, with a look of pride and satisfaction, Feng Yao softly asked, quietly standing there, Tingting Tingting.

"Thinking about this little white thing." Feng Yan looked at Feng Yao gently: "Yao, just now you are here, otherwise I can hardly deal with it alone."

Feng Yao smiled shallowly, and his heart was filled with familiar happiness.

A door slowly formed around, and the wind was just about to enter. Suddenly, the heart moved, and the evil smiled. Stretched out and grabbed it, and it was lightning fast.

Feng Yao looked strangely at his brother's movements, only to see that his right hand was only slightly shaken, and there was already a white gauze jade in his hand.

"Hey? Brother, this dress is... good-looking." Feng Yao said curiously, suddenly seeing the windy eyes looking straight at her chest, as if to swallow her.

Feng Yao’s doubts looked at his chest on the wind, and there were two crystal clear gels that were twitching and exposed to the air, with their own movements swaying milk waves, two A very tender red bud is delicate and faint, shaking slightly.

Feng Yao’s brain banged, and after a long while, he screamed “ah” and threw himself into the arms of the wind, subconsciously covering his naked body.

"Brother, how can this be like this..." Feng Yao is confused, how can he not understand how his clothes will suddenly come to his brother.

"Yes...a skill." The wind was also somewhat unprepared. He didn't expect the effect of "Flying Dragons" to be so good. He directly stole the white gauze of Wind Yao and the satin underwear inside, and let her Nothing.

"Brother... I will return the clothes to me." Feng Yao was too shy to lift her head. The beautiful body was unconsciously twisted. She never exposed her in front of her brother in the daytime.

The soft scent of the scent suddenly makes him feel awkward, and the friction caused by the constant twisting makes his desire to reach the apex moment instantly. Out, grabbed the little white trousers in his hand and exposed her pink body without any blockage.

"Yao, I want it again, and play the game last night."

Waiting for Feng Yao to respond, the wind has already used his mind to take back all his equipment, and the two big hands on her fragrant hips are quickly transferred to both sides, pulling her long legs on his firm waist. Then I used the fiery ** to rub the delicateness between her powder.

"Ah... brother... don't... it's so uncomfortable..." The strange excitement brought about by mutual friction made her whole body tremble, her face burned like a fire, and a smooth liquid was gradually secreted between the stocks.

She smiled and played with her **, licking her head and holding the petite and cute, tender and pointed, sucking and biting hard, the wet liquid will melt the almost transparent 蓓The buds are red and hard, and they stand tall.

There was a faint breath in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the wind slammed a little, saying: "Hey, it’s not good to peek."

"Who... who peeks, wind brother, you are a big bad guy, big satyr! Ignore you, hehe!" Xuanyuan said with some anger, no longer willing to make a sound.

"Ah... brother... don't, we are off the assembly line... how can my brother..." Feng Yao's slenderness tightly wrapped around the windy waist, and the slutty smack made him face red.

"Yaoer, I said it myself!" The windy and unrestrained put down the jade body of Fengyao, and the hands of nostalgia raged in her legs for a while, and they took the lead and even returned the clothes to Fengyao. .

Feng Yao's color is red and bloody. He resists the emptiness of the body and the feeling of powerlessness. When he just came out of the game cabin, he was picked up by the wind and hugged into his room.

Under the faint moonlight, the naked and unconstrained Feng Yao was so shy in front of the wind, rubbing his ** with her strong and full **.

"Yao, you can choose not only this method!" The soft and soft voice rang above her, the fingers of the wind licked her delicate lips like flowers, and it was difficult to hang over it again and again. Sketch the outline. The deep and dark black pupils are gradually replaced by evil eyes, and a hot universe full of ** is on the verge.

I was flustered and looked at the winds and deep eyes. The radiance of the eyes was getting more and more radiant. There was also a slap in the mouth. It was unconsciously sticking out the pink tongue and tempting little mouth, but I didn’t know myself. This action makes the wind burst.

"Ah..." Feng Yao hasn't reacted yet, and the hot burning is deeply poured into the mouth of the sand. When a strong male body is filled with the mouth, Feng Yao's small head is banging...

Preview ==: The first human in the history of Tianlong that merged with the seven elements of water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, light and darkness appeared, and the door to space and time is about to open...

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