Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 146: Percussion

"Brother!" Seeing the wind coming out, Feng Yao put down his hand and gently hugged his arm. "Brother, why didn't you come out for lunch at noon? There is no way to contact you in the game."

Feng Yao’s small mouth slammed slightly and was very dissatisfied with his behavior of not eating lunch. Although he can be called out of the game compartment, she is worried that he is doing dangerous tasks and affecting him.

The popular scalp was numb. If you still use the same method to deal with the gold bosses behind, it will take more than an hour, and as the number increases, the time will only get longer and longer, and you can't go offline in battle. If you go on like this... ...

I may not be able to go offline anymore.

And as the monster continues to be strong, the guerrilla method will still apply... especially the magical monster.

"And oh, my brother, you didn't treat Xiruo's sister today." Feng Yao didn't notice the change in his face, and whispered. In order to prevent the eve of the legs from shrinking, the wind will give her a chaotic gas every day.

The wind was so confusing that he gently pinched the fascinating face of Feng Yao, and he smiled and walked into the room of Xi Ruo.

Feng Yao finally got a look of impotence and couldn't help but worry.

What bad things did your brother encounter?

Do you want to give up this task? As long as you are killed, this task will fail, and you can get rid of the nightmare of that time...

No! The wind quickly vetoed his own idea, whether it was the temptation of Shennong Ding or his own arrogance, he was not allowed to do so.

The unconsciously chewed the food in his mouth, without knowing it.

"Brother... What's wrong with you?" Feng Yao's eyes kept looking at his changes in his expression, and he was more certain of his own ideas.

The wind smashed down the chopsticks and said what happened to Shennong Ding. Although he couldn't bear to worry Yao Yao, he couldn't bear to deceive her.

After eating dinner, the wind slammed his teeth and drilled into the game compartment again. Fengyao, who had been silent, watched him for a while and entered the game.

Brother, I am going to start school, I really want you to spend more time with me.

I was so eager to see the seven identical golden giant wolves in front of me, and I didn’t even have any interest in reading their information.

The huge experience of the six gold bosses directly increased the experience of the 35th level by 5o%, and the white has also reached the 29th level of 9o%, but the wind is unconsciously excited.

As soon as the shadow disappeared, the white shadow flashed to the mountain devil wolf.

Feng Yao is very upset and very anxious.

"Soft sister, is there really no way?"

The soft, soft face shook his head palely, and she didn't see the young master for two days. Her heart was messy.

"I asked the princess and Zhang Tianshi, even if the most powerful space props in the palace could not enter the confined space, they could only be transferred to the designated location. Yaoer sister... The young master really takes a long time to come out? ”

Looking at her little face that was anxious to cry, Feng Yao's soft heart hurts, and comforted her not to worry.

I am going to help my brother... I must, so my brother may be able to come out earlier.

But... what should I do!

Feng Yao silently shouted the name of the wind, desperately thinking about how to get to him.

The water softly screamed and screamed: "Ah... Yao's sister, you see your chest... in the light!"

A beautiful blue light shone brightly on Feng Yao's chest. Feng Yaomei condensed and gently stroked the blue light.

The blue light shrouded the whole body of Feng Yao, and her figure slowly faded until it disappeared completely.

The water was so soft and surprised that Zhang had a lovely eye and was at a loss.

The devil's wind blade is like a knife that continually strokes through the popular body, bringing a continuous red number. The wind once again cast a shadow, separated from the attack range of several mountain devil wolves, sprinted into an empty place, and slowly returned to life.

The seven mountain demon wolves, all of which are the fastest-winding magic wolves boss, have no guerrilla strategy.

"It seems that you can only use Xuanyuan Shengyan and the time domain to fight hard!" Feng Yan will never allow himself to delay too much time, his eyes become sharp, looking for a way to bring together seven wolves.

Suddenly, a kind of incitement from the mind came from consciousness, and his chest began to glow with a soft blue light.

"Good feeling of warmth, this is..."


A delightful and charming voice came from behind and made him look like a dream. The wind and the wind can not believe the turn of the body, the sky is full of joy and joy.

"Yaoer...you...how did you come in." Feng Yan took Feng Yao to the white back and hugged her from behind.

"I don't know, I just want to be able to come to you, then I will come over." Feng Yao enjoys the arms of his brother happily, and the wolves that are slowly approaching in the distance seem to be in her eyes.

The blue light of the water... Is it... the heart of the ocean?

The seven mountain devil wolves soon came to the front, and the shadow of the shadows had not disappeared. They flashed to the other side of the space, and they were far away again, but their hearts were even more tense.

Never let Yao children be hurt.

"Brother, put me down, as long as my brother attracts their attention, they will not attack me." Feng Yao's soft voice with calm, let the wind glimpse.

Looking at the confusing eyes, Feng Yao smiled and said: "Brother, this is a piano sound I just learned recently, you see..."

The sound of the sound and the sky: Fuxi Qin skills. When playing, the soul of the enemy is deeply resonated with a clear and elegant sound, which makes the enemy subconsciously unable to bear the attack. Effect: Repel the enemy. It consumes 1oo per second when playing.

The ultimate in the sound of the sound, the sky can be turned into a real sound, with a continuous stream of music around itself, offset all attacks.


The wind is once again surprised by the power of Fu Xiqin. If the effect of defeating the enemy is still normal, then this ultimate "invincible" state is no suspense.

As long as the sound of the piano is not stopped, there will be no harm. Is there a place where the whole Tianlong Big 6 can't go?

The wind smacked on the lips of Yao's lips, only to push Xiaobai to the center of the space, gently let go of Feng Yao, made a rest assured gesture, and greeted the seven wolves directly.

The soothing sound of the piano sounded gracefully, and all the land demon wolves had a pause. But the golden boss is gold bosses after all, not to mention the 40th level, they quickly recovered from the piano sound, and the five continued to attack the wind, and two of them rushed to Feng Yao.

The movements of Feng Yao’s fingers changed slightly, and the sounds of the sounds became soft and pleasing to the ear. Listening to all the mountain demon wolves, they made them feel very comfortable, and the mind also slightly undulated, looking at Feng Yao’s eyes. Become kind and good.

A little bit of uninterrupted notes wander around the body of Feng Yao, giving people a dreamy aesthetic. The footsteps of the two land demon wolves stopped outside the windy Yao ten meters. After the green eyes flashed for a while, they quickly changed direction and chased the wind.

The heart of the wind finally came down. Feng Yao happy gave him a peace of mind, while the gesture changed again, the perfection turned into a fairy sound.

Although it is the fastest wind demon wolf, but still can not compare with the wind, under the interference of the music, their degree is getting slower and slower, the body is getting softer and softer, finally, one minute After that, the seven mountain devil wolves all fell into a state of "deep sleep", without exception.

The wind smashed through the heavy kisses of Feng Yao, only to summon the stars and the small ones, and the smashing of these seven wolves in the legend.

It’s less than a minute. These unsuccessful demon wolves can’t die anymore. Before they die, they don’t forget to contribute their equipment and items to their enemies.

Fu Xiqin, no suspense, has the strongest auxiliary effect. Whether it is popular or Fengyao, if a person faces this group of powerful demon wolves, they will be helpless, can only barely protect themselves, or even protect themselves. But once Xuanyuan's storm and Fuxi's assistance are combined, the demon wolf will never have any threat, from the powerful gold boss to the lamb to be slaughtered.

"It is also a set of 4o-level demon wolf mage suits. When is gold equipment so worthless?" Each of these golden bosses explodes at least two pieces of gold equipment, and from time to time also contributes one or two pieces of spirit.

Seeing that the threats were all lifted, Feng Yao stopped to sing the piano. Yingying’s came over. Hearing his brother’s words, he couldn’t help but smile lightly: “Brother, these golden boss ordinary people may not see one in a month, here. It’s the appearance of a group, plus the luck of my brother... Hey? Brother, is that black brand...”

"Building an ambassador! Oh, you have money to make it." Indeed, those big gangs are desperately sending people out every day to find gold bosses to build help tokens. It is estimated that dreaming can not think of someone brushing gold bosses is a pile of brushes.

The 3o-level white evolution was completed and the body grew a little longer.

"Hey, your mount 'Nether Cloud Wing Tiger' successfully evolved into an eight-level mount, with a mobility of +1o, a free-flying ability, and a comprehension skill 'Zi Lei's Air Strike', 'Cloud Wing', 'Zi Lei' thorn'."

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