Legend Forever

Chapter 1026: Martyrdom


If the most hated Shalai is in this battle,

Not the highest output Mu Tian. Not every blow made his back cold, and Muse had to do his best. It is not that various strange methods are emerging one after another, and it can even be said that it caused him to be seriously injured.

It's not the same source of Stygian, so it's Anne who makes it difficult for him to work. It is not a side-to-side assistance, adding buffs to everyone and a dream tower for him to perform painless and itchy illusion attacks.

The people he hated the most were rock from beginning to end.

If it is not Rock's defense, then among the people on the scene, except the three of Ixunyu Anne Mutian who can stop his attack at the cost of a fatal injury recovery, the rest of the dream Tamus can be said to be super crispy .

Punch one and solve it effortlessly.

For the rest, Shalai can even beat them into a meat paste, and then consume all the energy like a hammered meat filling.

The low attack power is only relatively speaking. Shalai’s fist can still occupy the highest position at the lord level.

But the addition of Panshi changed many things.

On the one hand, Shalai tickled the rock and hated the tooth, and wanted to trample it under his foot and grind it twice more.

On the other hand, his combat experience and reason are still reminding him that giving priority to attacking tanks in combat is a very irrational behavior, because it will look like a stupid boss who is easily pulled in hatred.

Under this suffocation, if Shalai is given a chance to solve one of the people at will,

So, whether it is logical thinking or personal feelings, Shalai will choose to solve the rock.


Mu Tian looked at the gravel on the ground and clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and his face was calm again.

"carry on."

The words are spoken between the teeth.

While speaking, Mu Tian asked Yi Xunyu: "Enough?"

"Enough is enough to help me contain this guy."

Yi Xunyu narrowed his eyes and looked at Shari who was somewhat distorted. "Be careful, now this guy has been completely occupied by the Hydra. I don't know what weird abilities are."

"Ah, is this seen?"

Shalai covered his hands on his face and laughed exaggeratedly: "Since I know that I am the god, I kneel down quickly!"

The voice snarled out at the end, and the cold dignity rushed out from behind Shalai and overwhelmed everyone.

"You count that green onion!"

Annie clasped her hands forward, and the desolate black and white world behind him tore the space of the semi-god realm, and the rich ghostly spirit rushed towards Shalai.

Stopping the attack, Annie chopped off her foot unevenly: "Damn, it's almost."

The crowd rushed towards Shalai once again, but without the rock top in front, it seemed as if the moth was putting out the fire.

"Without that guy, I want to see how you can resist my attack."

Shalai sneered. With a wave of his finger, the black mist spread between his fingers, turning into a cold claw.

"It's just a reptile in the Styx."

Annie flickered to Shalai's side, the power of Stygian intertwined with ghost spirit, avoiding Shalai's claw strikes, twinkling around her hands and feet,

Annie pulled the other end, even leaning back and pulling back.

Behind Mu Tian, ​​Yan Mo's phantom escaped from his body, bypassing Shalai's back, and his flaming arms strangled Shalai's neck.

"Hurry up!"


Before leaving, Yi Xunyu put on a tone for everyone.

I didn't say much, but simply simplified the words of the **** body in my own hands and conveyed them.

‘As long as Shalai can be injured and bleed, then the body of God can let Shalai explode from the inside. Even if he does not die, his strength will be greatly reduced. ’

After that, Rock asked Yi Xunyu if the sentence was true, and asked the authenticity of this statement.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to use the secret technique, in order to create opportunities for everyone, an opportunity for Shalai to bleed.

In the end, Rock succeeded, but Yi Xunyu's reaction was not faster than that of the Hydra Demigod.


The other party broke free from this **** first, and even took the rock away while everyone was relaxed because of the spirit of ‘Shara’.

The battle is always unable to proceed as expected, and the place is full of accidents and unexpected events.

And often, this kind of historical data will not give you time to react.

There is,

Yi Xunyu didn't like the feeling of putting all her hopes on it, because once it fell through, it was a total loss.

But at this time, in order to seek a turnaround, she had to do so.

Thoughts were turning, Yi Xunyu's movement rushed to Shalai without any hesitation, looking at the sneering face, and the power of Styx gathered in Shalai's chest. Don't even think about Shalai, no, it's controlling Shalai The body's Hydra is thinking of something.

But she was too lazy to think about it, just stopped in front of Shalai, her hands deep in her heart and grasped the ice coffin, and slammed towards Shalai's face.

The ice coffin gleamed with white luster in the air. As she approached Shalai's face, Athena's eyes in the ice coffin opened instantly.

The golden-red light glowed in both eyes, and at the next moment, Athena's skin also turned into a bright golden-red.

The sun-like heat was radiated on Athena's body, evaporating the layer of mysterious ice outside in an instant.

Faced with a burst of violent violence from the body, Shari broke free from the chain and the flame demon, Athena just watched Shalai's eyes slowly approaching,

The star-like eyes seemed to pass through the pair of vertical pupils and saw the depth of Shalai's heart.

"I'll accompany you."

With a murmur, Athena hugged Chalet with her hands and closed her eyes, revealing a smile of relief.


In the bright golden light, the sun came.

With one hand in front of him, Yi Xunyu stared at the center of the golden light through the shadow of his arm,

Enduring the urge to shed tears in her eyes, she could clearly see Shalai’s body as if placed in a furnace,

A white flame ignited on the hair, and the skin exposed outside the armor began to scorch, and then the flesh after exposing the skin was melted, and then the blood quickly evaporated in the flame.

For some reason, Shalai's mouth hung with a smile.

The armor worn on Shalai also began to tremble, the flow of black and white light was generally fluctuating, and UU began to peel off.

Behind, not the skin, but the dark ink inner armor.

This inner armor only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared under the lick of the flame, revealing the scarred skin behind Shalai.

The roasting continued, and gradually, I could see the internal organs behind Sala’s skin,

One of the most eye-catching is the imaginary heart of the dark golden snake.

Seeing that heart, Yi Xunyu's eyes shrank suddenly.


There is no time for Yi Xunyu,

The sound of a heavy heartbeat slammed, and the black mist rushed out of Shalai's heart, colliding with the golden and red flames, as if a pair of enemies that could never be resolved, made the worst attack on each other.

The incandescent light illuminates in the next moment.

Yi Xunyu couldn't help closing her eyes and dared not look at it again.

ps: Tomorrow to fight the college entrance examination

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