Legend Forever

Chapter 1025: Death so close

Black light shrinks,

But it did not disappear completely, but on the armor of Shalai, the black flames that had turned into burning kept jumping.

In the black flame, you can clearly see a few green emeralds flashing in it.

The unknown plant took root on Shalai’s armor, and then emerged a tender bud, split into two petals, and then continued to grow taller and bigger.

After the black flames burned, these plants turned into ashes and disappeared, but then more plants emerged from them, no matter how they were burned.

These plants originally belonged to Chalai, his energy, blood, skin...

However, under the erosion of super-dimensional information, all of these were distorted into plant seeds, and he succumbed to nutrient growth on his body.

Charlie's breath became weak for a while in internal and external resistance.

Dong, dong, dong,

In the just shock, the rock had the strongest defensive power, so it was hard to carry the impact without delaying too much.

At this time, he rushed directly behind Shalai and crossed his arms under Shalai's arm, lifting it up firmly and locking it.

"Hurry up!"

Ixunyu's words also naturally heard the rock, plus the secret technique on him is about to disappear, only to seek to solve the battle as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when the secret technique disappears, perhaps he will not be able to withstand Shalai's attack and the battle will collapse.


Shalai scolded, kicking in the air, and his body began to twist.

Ming Shalai also has a height of one meter nine, but it seems like a child under the rock lock technique.

However, under the erosion of Xinglian's super-dimensional information, Shalai was still in a weak stage of confrontation with herself. In the face of the rocky lock, she could not break free for a while.

"...And continue to attack with strength."

After glancing at Muse's hand, Yi Xunyu said a word and pulled out a residual image to rush towards Shalai.

Muse's hand is still white and delicate, but the sword handle is full of blood stains that have not dried up, and the circle and the road have left different marks on the sword handle.

That was caused by the continuous cracking of the tiger mouth holding the sword.

In addition, the sword in Muse's hand does not have the function of self-healing, and one side has already collapsed and curled.

Even if it is a magic soldier, there is also a saying about durability.


With a sigh, the muse's figure slowly dissipated in place.

But without any hesitation, he attacked again.

This is not the time for hypocrisy.


The black light detonated again, shrouding Shalai and Rock together.

But at the moment when Yi Xunyu was approaching, Shalai sulked ~ hum, the black light exploded actually appeared a pause of energy.


On the other side, Mengta covered her eyes and sighed with cold air. Several eye columns in his hands were corroded into embers silently and began to dissipate.

"Study of illusion is really not promising." Some dreams swayed unsteadily, Meng Tower said with emotion.


Before seeing the black light exploding, Shalai suddenly raised the phantom of Hydra, and nine heads coiled forward to bite.

The blue-golden thunder rushed at the top of Cangxing Frost, and facing the black snake that was biting head-on, the pale new star behind Yixunyu suddenly opened several pairs of silver-red metal horns.

The whole body is made of metal, and the surface becomes a scarlet color due to overload heat, and a misty red flame is emitted outward.

The shipboard pendant that has been installed but has never been necessary, and the core module of alienating the undead bird. Even Yi Xunyu didn't think about it. The first time it was used, it turned out to be super power activation.

The flames on the metal horns spiraled around Ixunyu, and they continued to move forward with the blue light beam spitting backwards,

The flame and the black snake passed by, and the flame exploded, and the metal thorns collapsed. They were wiped out by the black gas into the embers and disappeared.

And Yi Xunyu, after all, rushed to Shalai in front of this opportunity, and struck a blow around the blue-golden thunderbolt.

On Shalai's chest, the hole caught by the silver hand did not directly reveal the clothes behind, but a black snake scale blocked it.

If you don't look closely, you might really think that it is one with Shalai.

But under the watch of the ice blue eyes, the surging thunder and lightning were all right on the snake's most vulnerable point.

After a short obstruction, Cangxing Ningshuang pierced hard, and then poked ~ into Shalai's chest.

Muse followed, staggering short after breaking through the black snake's obstruction, striding away after seeing the distance, holding a long sword in his hand, and sucking a petal in the palm of his other hand, supporting the hilt from the bottom to the top Out.

The blurry red shadow flashed, clinging to Yi Xunyu's edge of the trace, piercing through the opening, further expanding the mouth on the snake scale, and also piercing Shalai's chest.

Mu Tian was a little slower because he inexplicably got more attention from Shalai. Four of the nine snake heads were bitten towards him.

Because of the direction problem, Mu Tian couldn't reach the gap, and could only raise his sword again to condense the flame devil's claws, aiming at Shale's unarmored neck gap and pushing it out horizontally.

And Anne, knowing that the quality of the weapon in her hand is average, after grabbing the head of the black snake condensed by the power of the Styx, she jumped to the top of Shalai's head. Several black ropes wrapped around Shalai's head and pulled hard, concussion At the same time, he also tried to pull out his helmet.

At a certain moment, Yi Xunyu felt like he felt the bone blade cut through the flesh, cut the ribs, and broke through the skin of Shalai again under the flow of blood, and then was held up by the armor behind Shalai.

The blue-golden thunder was rushing, and there was a hot wave...

At this moment, Yi Xunyu felt his perception was really clear.

Everyone's nerves couldn't help but relax at this moment.

Did you make it?

At the next moment, the divine power that was more terrifying than before spread out, and all of Sarai's eyes suddenly turned into dark golden vertical pupils, the snake scales on the neck climbed up, and the snake hissed.

The mist filled with silence oozed out of Sala’s skin, and his face became gray.

Shalai, who was fixed by the rock, twisted strangely~ His body, his feet coiled backwards, I don't know what action he made, and all the weapons nailed into his body slipped out of the body.


The helmet was pulled out as expected, and Annie fell back staggeringly.


There was a soft sound, and when everyone had no time to react, Shalai appeared behind the rock, pierced the rock's chest with one hand, and held a golden red heart in his hand.


Pan Shi's eyes widened, but his mouth widened but he couldn't make a sound. The color of the armor gradually faded, and the golden light in the blood began to converge.

The time of mystery is over.

Without the blessing of the **** blood, he could not control the ghost image of the dwarf king's armor.


Shalai pulled out with one hand, and looked at the surprised and silent crowd with a strange smile of satisfaction.

"Ha ha."

With a sneer, Shalai opened his mouth and thrust the entire heart of the rock into his mouth.



The petrified gray spread on the rock's chest, and the earth's yellow light eroded continuously, but it could not resist the spread of the gray stone skin, but it continued to weaken.

Yi Xunyu's head was silent, and the black shark's head behind him opened his mouth from the ripples, spitting out the devastating lightning.

Thor's roar, 60 power

Shalai, who was about to lift her foot, kicked her hands and feet suddenly and jumped backwards. Her body swam in the air, and then she touched the ground with her hands, her body lowered and hersed.

Mu Tian hurried forward, UU reading www.uukanshu.com flashed the golden light in his hand, and raised the power of divinity to the rock.

However, it is useless.

The gray stone skin still spread, and did not stop because of Mu Tian's efforts.

This kind of attack could have become a killing trick for Shalai to everyone, and it was okay to leave it alone for a while, so that anyone who loses his arm or hands or feet can be okay.

Unexpectedly, he stayed until now.


In the end, the rock was completely petrified.


Before Mu Tian lowered his hand, there was a crisp sound inside the stone statue, and then the whole stone statue cracked from the inside and exploded into a gravel.

Above, the last breath of life slowly dissipated.


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