Su Ming can naturally see that Qin Old Lord looked towards what his eyes meant at this time. His face was full of calm expression and he was worshipped for a long time. Su Ming is very used to it.

After Qin Old Lord had cleaned his chest with black blood, then the person said directly: “Young people, what should I call?”

Just now Qin Old Lord didn’t ask Su Ming’s name. Now he asked Su Ming’s name to prove that Qin Old Lord has begun to face Su Ming in his heart.

Su Ming said directly: “My name is Su Ming.”

“Su Ming ”

Qin Old Lord repeated it in the mouth and said: “Su Ming, why am I poisoned, and I don’t feel at all during this time.”

Qin Old Lord Although he already believes in Su Ming, he still wonders why he is not clear after poisoning for so long.

“I don’t know how you are poisoned, but you have to know that there are too many toxins in the world, and not just the kind of poison that you think will be immediately killed.”

Su Ming said at this time: “There are also many chronic toxins. After the initial poisoning, there is no feeling at all. Toxins will accumulate in the body for a long time.”

“Then the body went from bad to worse, and finally the poison was dead, and others couldn’t see anything wrong.” Su Ming went on to say: “The poison in you is a chronic poison that is not easy to be discovered. I guess you are People have been poisoning for at least a month.”

Hearing the old eyes of Qin Old Lord, a glimpse of the eyes, a faint glimmer of light, slowly said: “You mean, someone wants to kill me?”

Su Ming smiled a bit, not at all and went on. This kind of thing, Qin Old Lord, understands it. It is not necessary to say too much.

Qin Old Lord was silent for a long time and said: “But when I was two years old, I almost never went out. Why was it poisoned?”

Su Ming almost didn’t hold back, so he reminded him: “The outside people can’t poison, but you Qin Family can do it yourself.”

This incident is undoubtedly done by the Qin Family. It has been poisoned for more than a month. It must be said that other people can do it. Su Ming is not believed to be killed.

Qin Old Lord’s face changed abruptly. It clearly understood what Su Ming meant. Sometimes he thought about it. Qin Old Lord felt the colder in his heart.

It may be that I still feel a little unbelievable in my heart. I continue to say: “But my usual diet is separate from other people. They should have no chance of poisoning.”

“Other people have no chance, but the Steward around you has a chance.” Su Ming reminded Qin Old Lord.

Su Ming felt that the tavern of Steve was a little bit wrong, so he deliberately tried to open him. After knowing that Qin Old Lord was actually poisoned, Su Ming believed that the key problem was there. It is very likely that Qin Old Lord is being overcast by his own steward.

“How is it possible?” Qin Old Lord clearly couldn’t believe it. He said: “The old beam has been with me for more than ten years. How could it be done to harm my life?”

“Then I don’t know. It’s your Qin Family’s own business. Anyway, I will say it here, believing or not by you,” Su Ming said.

Qin Old Lord is a wise man who can lay down the foundation of Qin Family. He proves that he is not a person who relies solely on feelings. He thought a little bit about it. Qin Old Lord’s inner Scorpio leaned toward Su Ming. .


Qin Old Lord said: “I am not dead yet. After I die, it is estimated that Qin Family will be finished.”

Su Ming certainly knows what it means to be finished in the mouth of Qin Old Lord. It is called the boss falls from power, his lackeys disperse, and now Qin Old Lord is here.

If Qin Old Lord really died, it is estimated that Qin Family will make a big change when it comes to time. Some people deliberately harm Qin Old Lord, which is also the industry of Qin Family.

And Su Ming sees Qin Family’s current quality and conservation, and estimates their ability is not good, especially the Qin Zhanpeng. If Qin Family is handed over to him, Su Ming feels that Qin Family is not far from the end. .

“Qin Old Lord”

Su Ming couldn’t help but say at the moment: “If you want Qin Family to have a better development in the future or hold on to the big family business, you should let Qin Shiyin come back. Her ability should be clear.”

“Do you know why Shiyin broke with Qin Family at the time?” After Qin Old Lord paused, he continued: “Because her ability is too strong.”

“My eldest son is called Qin Zhendong, which is the father of Shiyin and Little Ke. It is also the Patriarch of Qin Family, but Zhendong’s character is too weak and the ability is mediocre.”

Qin Old Lord continued: “The second son is Qin Zhennan, which is the father of Qin Zhanpeng. Zhennan is better than Zhendong from a small ability. Patriarch gave the vibration. I know that he has been very unconvinced.”

“Silyin, Shiyin has revealed a more enchanting innate talent since childhood. Some people have praised me at the time. Qin Family has this woman and can keep it for decades.”

“That is because Shiyin’s innate talent was too strong at the time, so it was forced by Qinnan and Qin Family to force Qin Family. He wanted to pave the way for his son Qin Zhanpeng, and the threat of Shiyin’s presence on Qin Zhanpeng. too big.”

When it comes to these past events in the home, Qin Old Lord’s face seems to be a little old for a moment, and continues: “I have seen these things in my eyes, but I can’t use tough means. In that case, I’m afraid Qin Family will Scattered.”

“And when they forced Shiyin, I was under strong pressure, not at all to be able to keep her.” Qin Old Lord’s tone is full of desolate, and then the influential figure, when you are old, there will be power a feeling of.

Su Ming this time finally understands the things that happen in Qin Family. I don’t think Qin Shiyin will always have a relationship with Qin Family. There is still such a thing in the middle.

As for the Qin Zhanpeng goods, if you compete with Qin Shiyin, I am afraid that Qin Shiyin will not be left with the second slag, but it is no wonder that Qin Shiyin second uncle will use various means for Qin Shiyin.

And Su Ming can also see the current Qin Family, seemingly Qin Shiyin’s father Qin Zhendong or Patriarch, but the home is relatively large is Qin Zhennan, from the attitude of everyone to Qin Shiyin.

Su Ming thought about it. I didn’t want to take care of Qin Family at first, but I thought of Qin Shiyin’s treatment in Qin Family. Su Ming felt that she had to help Qin Shiyin return to Qin Family.

So Su Ming said: “Old Lord, Qin Family is not something that can’t be solved now. I have a method here.”

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