If it wasn’t for the time to enter the room, this Steward’s imperceptible eye was noticed by Su Ming, and Su Ming wouldn’t be boring and deliberately set a rule.

Intuition tells Su Ming that this Qin Family thing should not be as simple as one thinks, so Su Ming has a heart-thinking, and he still left himself with Qin Old Lord when he was treating the disease.

But Steward clearly disagreed with Su Ming’s rules, saying that he had to stay away from Qin Old Lord.

Just when the two men were deadlocked, at this time, Qin Old Lord spoke up and said: “You two don’t quarrel, you should go out first, let’s follow the rules of others.”

“But lord, just in case…”

The Steward has not finished yet, Qin Old Lord continues to say: “Be at ease/reassured, Shiyin will not find someone to harm me, you should go out first.”


Steward couldn’t say anything when he heard the command of Qin Old Lord. He had to nodded and then quit the room, but when he left, Steward looked at Su Ming again.

After Steward left and closed the door, Su Ming sat down at the bed of Qin Old Lord and said, “Qin Old Lord, let’s get started.”

“Hands stick out, I will give you the pulse.”


Qin Old Lord stretched out his old arm as soon as he heard this. Su Ming stretched out two fingers and pressed it on the wrist of Qin Old Lord.


Su Ming opened Soraka’s wAbility and closed her eyes to focus on the pulse, but after a minute, Su Ming opened his eyes and felt very strange.

Qin Old Lord’s pulse is relatively stable, although it is much weaker than normal people, but it is not like a sick person.

Su Ming’s medical skills were very high after opening Soraka’s Ability. He didn’t believe that there was any disease in the world that he couldn’t see. In addition to the last lieutenant Li Yuanshuang, the lieutenant was different from the sick.

However, Qin Old Lord is obviously not lieutenant, no lieutenant and no illness, which makes Su Ming have a ghost expression.

“what happened?”

Qin Old Lord has been observing Su Ming’s expression. Seeing Su Ming’s face seems a bit strange, so he asked a word.

Su Ming not at all answered this question, but said: “Open your mouth and show me the tongue.”

Su Ming looked at the tongue of Qin Old Lord, then looked at the eyes of Qin Old Lord. I probably observed it. Su Ming finally understood what happened to Qin Old Lord. It didn’t seem so simple.

Su Ming stopped his movement and said, “Old Lord, when the doctor used to treat you, what is your problem?”

Qin Old Lord immediately replied: “I have seen some experts and said that this is the ageing of the body. When people come to my age, the organs and so on of the body will age.”

After listening to Qin Old Lord’s words, Su Ming’s face suddenly showed a smile, this smile looks a bit strange.

Qin Old Lord could not help but ask strangely: “What is the disease, what disease do I have?”

“You are not sick!” Su Ming said slowly.


The words of Qin Old Lord finally had a change of expression on the old face, obviously he felt Su Ming in the talk nonsense.

At first he agreed to let Su Ming cure, not that he trusted Su Ming, he didn’t know Su Ming at all, and he could talk about trust. Qin Old Lord just wanted to give Qin Shiyin a face.

In fact, he had no hope for Su Ming at all. How could a young kid know how to practice medicine? After listening to Su Ming, Qin Old Lord determined that Su Ming was in talk nonsense.

During this time, his body went from bad to worse, obviously not going to last long. How could he not be sick? Qin Old Lord showed an interesting expression and said, “What do you say about me?”

“Is it like this if I am not sick?”

Su Ming couldn’t guess the thoughts of Qin Old Lord’s heart. He smiled and said, “You are poisoned.”


Qin Old Lord immediately stared wide-eyed, said that for a time to give an invisible sense of oppression, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, Qin Old Lord even if the body is not dangerous.

“I didn’t lie to you, there is no need to lie to you.” Su Ming not at all was scared by the momentum of Qin Old Lord, but said: “If you don’t believe, you can let me try.”

Qin Old Lord naturally did not believe in his heart, but he noticed that Su Ming was not scared by the momentum that he suddenly exhaled.

For a time, Qin Old Lord feels that Su Ming is not simple. The mind of Su Ming has also undergone a good change. So he promised Su Ming: “Well, I will let you try.”

“Let’s lie down”

Su Ming held the Exhaust’s Qin Old Lord and lay down on the bed, then pulled out the silver needle that he had brought in advance, and decisively operated Soraka’s star power and poured it into the silver needle.

When the first silver needle was inserted, Qin Old Lord was stared wide-eyed. At this time, a wonderful feeling came from the chest. Qin Old Lord felt that his originally dangerous body seemed to re-grow the second spring.

“Come, look at it.”

Qin Old Lord closed his eyes, and about half an hour later, Su Ming spoke to Qin Old Lord.

“What is this?” Qin Old Lord slammed his eyes and looked at his chest and was shocked. At this time, the chest was actually a densely packed black blood.

Su Ming said: “These are the toxins that you have in the body. I was forced out by me.”

“You wipe it with a tissue.” Su Ming threw a box of paper towels to Qin Old Lord.

Qin Old Lord immediately got up and wiped some black blood on his body surface. The more he rubbed, the more disgusting he felt. Within the body, there were so many toxins, too terrifying.

“How do I move so much?”

After Qin Old Lord wiped for a long time, he suddenly found himself moving very sensitively. He even stood up directly. He knew that just now, he was even struggling to talk.

Su Ming, who was on the side, said at this time: “With the toxin of the body being forced out, you will certainly be much better. Basically, after a period of time, the body will be able to recover.”

Qin Old Lord was full of shock at the moment, and the iron-clad facts were placed in front of him. He certainly believed Su Ming at this time. He did not expect Su Ming’s medical skills to be so high.

Before Qin Old Lord saw a lot of famous doctors and even top experts, but the method used and the medicine to eat was useless, and Su Ming was solved in about half an hour.

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