Su Ming only planted blood nematodes in two human heads, one is Hongkong big rich & powerful Zeng Tianqi, and the other is Wu Qiu, the original owner of this blood worm.

Last time Wu Qiu wanted to set Li Yuanshuang to death, so that Su Ming couldn’t help but anger, and used the blood worm backlash to plant several blood worms in Wu Qiu’s head.

Although Wu Qiu’s life was not required, it was equivalent to controlling Wu Qiu’s Life and Death. Only Su Ming single thought was needed, and Wu Qiu would scream.

The old man with a black cloak in front of him, the person in his mouth is no doubt Wu Qiu, because Su Ming had heard of it before, he is the grandson of Miao Region Gu King.

Because this thing came to the door, and the smell of the body was so strange, Su Ming realized almost instantly that the seemingly inconspicuous old man in front of his eyes turned out to be Miao Region Gu King.

“You are… Miao Region Gu King?” Su Ming asked after a moment of squatting.

“hmph 哼”

The black cloak old man once again sent a weird smile, and then said in a hazy voice: “The loss of your kid is a bit of eyesight.”

After hearing this sentence, Su Ming’s face suddenly changed, and he no longer hesitated. He directly opened the powerful Force of Void provided by Malzahar’s Ability, looked away to the Poisonous Insect flying in front of him, and shouted loudly: ” Break for me! !”

At the moment of Su Mingbow barely fell, this pile of Poisonous Insect turned out to be like an invisible barrier in midair. It was impossible to move even a little bit, so it was fixed in midair. Going up is even more weird.

“How can this be?”

If someone can pass through the dark veil, they can see that Miao Region Gu King’s face suddenly changed dramatically. He didn’t even think that his spiritual strength would match Su Ming.

The strength of the sergeant depends on two aspects. On the one hand, the strength of the Poisonous Insect, like the Miao Region Gu King, the Poisonous Insect in his hand is almost innumerable.

On the other hand, the more important aspect is the mental strength, because the manipulation of Poisonous Insect is done through mental power.

However, this kind of mental power must be meditation all day long and then slowly cultivated. Miao Region Gu King did not expect that he would lose to a younger boy in the spiritual competition.

Miao Region Gu King has been in the Miao Region for decades, and has never met an opponent in Gu Technique, but today it was called by Su Ming.


Su Ming was loudly shouted at this time, and then his eyes slammed, and a lot of Poisonous Insect in front of him was controlled by Su Ming.


The sergeant has a life-long Poisonous Insect, and Su Ming is a wonderful thing. It doesn’t need Poisonous Insect at all, and the light is crushing others with great mental power.

Before Wu Qiu’s life-long Poisonous Insect was a blood worm, after being cut off by Su Ming, Wu Qiu was as wilted as the whole person.

Miao Region Gu King is also similar. Although the Poisonous Insect is much more than Wu Qiu, but the connection with the Poisonous Insect is broken, the Miao Region Gu King is more backlash, and she can’t hold back, a Mouthful of blood sprayed directly.

At this time, Miao Region Gu King seemed to be a little old and instantly, and his face was full of incredible expression. He never thought that Gu Technique, who thought he was the only one in the world, lost to a young man and lost. thorough.


Miao Region Gu King suddenly laughed a few times, then took off the black cloak on his head, loudly said: “I didn’t expect my Uro Region to live in Miao Region for a lifetime, and I will lose so thoroughly.”

After Su Ming saw the true face of Gu King, the pupil of his eyes slammed, and the old man looked a little scary. The right eye turned out to be smashed, and the empty eyes had no eyes, and it looked terrible.

It is no wonder that this old man is going out with a cloak, and with his horrible face, people who are courageous can be scared to faint.

Looking at Gu Wang’s old look and smile on his face, I don’t know why Su Ming didn’t have a sense of accomplishment. Instead, she felt a bit sad because Su Ming heard loneliness from his smile, as if it was the last sorrow of a person.

Su Ming can understand Gu King’s inner feelings at this time. In a field that he is very good at and proficient in his life, he is defeated by a young man. I am afraid that anyone’s mentality will have problems.

And Su Ming can also guess that the old man should be very high in the Miao Region, so Su Ming not at all intends to put him on, and said: “Let’s go, I can do it today. ”

“But you’d better provoke me less in the future. If there is another time, I will be rude to you.” Su Ming finally warned.

This time I’ve let go of this guy, but if I have another time, it’s not just vomiting blood.

“I do not go!”

What Su Ming didn’t expect, however, was that Gu King directly shut down Su Ming.

Su Ming’s face changed a bit, and said that this guy wants to do something, is it hard to fight with himself, or what is the killing in the hands of this old man?


When Su Ming’s heart was in doubt, something even more shocking happened. The old Gu King went straight to Su Ming.

“You…what are you doing?”

Su Ming was shocked by the sudden move of Gu King, and quickly stepped back a few steps, thinking that the old man wanted to put Ultimate.

After Gu King stumbled in front of Su Ming, he looked up and said, “Please expert to save.”

“Save and save?”

Su Ming said in this sentence that somehow it was inexplicable. After a moment of squatting, Su Ming said: “You are just hurting your heart. It will be good to go back and adjust for two days. Let me do it?”

“not me.”

Gu King shook the head on the ground, and then said: “It is my grandson Wu Qiu, he is now in jeopardy, please ask the expert to save.”

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