“Okay, play well, kill this shameless thing.”

“I used to know that Song Zhe was shameless, but I didn’t expect him to shameless to this point, using this inferior means.”

“I really can’t stand it anymore, I have to fight this guy and let me kick it.”


For a time, the students cheered on Su Ming’s beating on Song Zhe, and even many people were gearing up and ready to go up and down, Song Zhe stopped.

Su Ming caught Song Zhe after the stopped beating, Song Zhe’s nose and face swollen and swayed out of the room, the whole person is like a stray dog.

Tonight, Song Zhe can be described as trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off. Not only did he fail to succeed Su Ming, but he completely stung his reputation. More importantly, he was beaten consecutively one night. Three times, how can it be a tragic word.

Of course, thanks to Su Ming’s Teemo Passive Ability after Level Up, it can be invisible. Otherwise, the person who is bad luck today is Su Ming, and the relationship with Mukè may be affected.

“Okay, don’t let this person lower oneself to somebody’s level, everyone will go back to sleep, it’s hard to come and play, don’t affect the rest.” Su Ming said at this time.

“I am going to go, Young Master Song. What’s wrong with you? Did you accidentally fall off the stairs?” Song Zhe met Li Dalei after going out and then shocked Li Dalei.

Song Zhe took a glance at Li Dalei and said, “When you go down the stairs, try to see if you can fall into this.”

“Then what are you?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, our plan failed.” Song Zhe glanced at Li Dalei and said, “Hurry up and pack up, let’s go back.”

“Go back now?” Li Dalei The whole person was a little worried, and said that this special night rushed back in the middle of the night, what is it?

Song Zhe said: “Things have already been revealed. If you stay here, how can we face everyone tomorrow?”

Li Dalei realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly went back to the room with Song Zhe to pack things up. Then he called a taxi with a mobile phone taxi and left the water resort overnight.

Today, Song Zhe is working with Su Ming almost all day, and Su Ming with no difficulty has completely smashed Song Zhe in three hundred sixty degrees, so, easy.

After one night passed, because of the bad events that happened last night, although Song Zhe had left early, everyone’s mood was still affected.

Originally the next morning, Su Ming, they had plans to go to the nearby wilderness in the mountains, so they were temporarily canceled. Su Ming, their entire group, returned to the city center after eating breakfast.

The two-day weekend soon passed. To say that there is something to gain in these two days, Su Ming’s prestige among the classmates has been promoted a lot. Now, Song Zhe and Su Ming are completely incomparable in everyone’s mind.

Song Zhe and Li Dalei did not go to school directly, and the two were obviously preparing to take time off to avoid the limelight.

After school, Su Ming was separated from Mukè when he left school. He was going to bus to Qin Shiyin. He didn’t go to Qin Shiyin to cook for her for two days on weekends.


As a result, Su Ming walked a few steps and then noticed that something was wrong, and even felt a sense of restlessness in his heart.

Su Ming’s current sense of perception is much stronger than before. The feeling of restlessness in my heart, Su Ming has never felt before, Su Ming realized that someone might follow him behind.

So Su Ming didn’t say that Caitlyn’s Passive Ability was turned on. This Ability Su Ming has used it once since he was looking for you, or he helped Luo Xiaoxiao catch the thief on the bus.

In fact, Su Ming later discovered through research that the Ability is not as ugly as it seems.

After opening this Ability, you can incarnation into a master of the case, and the detective master relies on what to solve the case, naturally it is powerful observation, detection and perception.

So after opening Caitlyn’s Passive Ability, Su Ming’s observations have risen several times, and immediately perceive that there are people who are tracking themselves.

However, this tracking guy is indeed very difficult to deal with, even though Su Ming’s observation is already very strong, but there is no way to get this person out.

Su Ming just beating somebody at their own game, immediately changed her direction, ready to lead this person out, Su Ming hates the feeling of being stared behind, such as kneeling in the throat.

At this time, Su Ming walked along a small road not far from the school for about ten minutes and came to an abandoned alley. The hutong was abandoned for many years and was blocked.

According to legend, there were some bad crimes happening in the evening, so basically no one dared to come over at night.

It is reasonable to say that you should run as far as possible to a crowded place. Running inside a dead end is a purely dead act, but Su Ming dares to do this, no way, no confidence!

“Come out”

After walking to the hutong’s dead end, Su Ming turned directly and said coldly to the air in front of him.

Su Ming’s voice even had some echoes in this small dead end, but the more awkward things happened. Su Ming’s words were finished, and the result was nothing.

This is not the same as the TV series. The TV series is not all the main characters with disdain and very tips/weapons shouting, and then all kinds of black clothed villains rushed out with swords?

Su Ming believes that his feelings are definitely not wrong, so he continues to say: “Since you have already been here, why not see you?”


Just then, a hazy voice passed into Su Ming’s ear, and then a guy wearing a black cloak cloaked into the alley.

Su Ming couldn’t help but laugh when I saw this guy. What is this suspicion of dressing up? Is it fun to play cosplay?

“The young man really has two sons, and he can find my tracking.” The guy in the black cloak said.

Su Ming snorted after listening to the sound, and then heard the voice of the voice and realized that it was an Old Codger.

This is even more intolerable, an old man is still so non-mainstream.

The cloak old man continued to say: “No wonder I can clean up my grandson with no difficulty.”

“Your grandson?” Su Ming was a little confused.

“It is the one who has a blood-worm in your head.”

“you are………”

Su Ming heard this words stared wide-eyed, and some looked at the old man in front of him with disbelief. If the last Wu Qiu was his grandson, does it mean that this person is… Miao Region Gu King?

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