At this point almost everyone’s eyes were on Su Ming’s body, and Su Ming was like the brightest star in the night sky.

But the party Su Ming has a shallow smile on his mouth, and today the items/weapons can almost end.

The main Dong Zhe was very familiar with it, and did not pair with Su Ming, so Su Ming did not need to give him the whole ugly, so Su Ming said: “Oh, go back, don’t let your son come over later. Get into trouble.”

“But we are welcome to spend here, but if you dare to continue looking for things, I will not be so polite to him next time.” Su Ming said that the tone changed suddenly.

Others can’t help but be speechless. The heart said that the goods were so badly hit by you. Are you still polite?

However, after listening to Dong Zhe, the whole person shuddered and said, “Be at ease/reassured, Mr. Su, I must discipline this thing after I go back. I will trouble again next time, no need for Mr. Su. I shot his leg directly.”

“Let’s go back.”

Su Ming said faintly, and did not want to continue to influence the bar business.

The light words in Dong Zhe were relieved, and Dong Zhe immediately left with his son, and the nday bar returned to normal.

After the bar, Dong Minghui’s anger in his heart broke out completely, and yelled at his father directly: “Dad, why did you help that person just now? Do you know how bad I was being beaten by him?”

Dong Zhe looked subconsciously behind him, as if he was afraid that Su Ming would hear it. After confirming that there was no one behind you, Dong Zhe said sole solemnly: “You are too annoyed to quarrel with me, you know what you got today. person?”

“I tell you, the background of the kid is far beyond your imagination. It is already light for him to hit you twice today.”

Dong Zhe continued: “If you really irritate him, your dad will be over.”

After listening to this, Dong Minghui felt like a direct splash of cold water, and the anger in his heart was suddenly extinguished. He knew very well what capital he could keep arrogant today, that is, he had a good deed.

If Dong Zhe is at the end, then his good days after Dong Minghui will come to an end, and finally realize the seriousness of the matter.

So Dong Minghui said: “Dad, I am wrong today, I promise not to come to this bar in the future.”


Dong Zhe suddenly coldly snorted, said: “You still want to go to the bar? You are not allowed to go out in the next month, you give me honestly at home.”

At this time, the nday bar has resumed normal business. Although a little episode has occurred, not at all scares away the guests.

On the contrary, I heard that the nday bar has had such a great thing tonight, and even many people have been attracted. The business is even more popular than usual.

Su Ming was drinking in the box with Yang Xiaowen and Zhang Mao. Yang Xiaowen was in a good mood and took out the good wine that he had collected for a long time.

“Mr. Su, I respect you, this is really thanks to your help.” Yang Xiaowen said to Su Ming with respect to the wine glass.

Today’s event made Yang Xiaowen realize that Su Ming’s background may be more terrifying than he imagined. Yang Xiaowen felt very happy, thanks to his early engagement with Su Ming.

“Chief Yang is very kind.”

Su Ming also picked up the wine glass and said to Yang Xiaowen: “It should be Zhang Mao who has troubled Chief Yang and hopes that Chief Yang will bear more.”

Yang Xiaowen knows that Su Ming is polite with him, and today it is very beneficial to him Yang Xiaowen.

At least after the incident spread out today, if someone wants to find the trouble of the nday bar in the future, they must be able to measure enough that they are not enough.

After a cup of wine, Yang Xiaowen was more determined in his heart, and Su Ming was a friend.

Su Ming’s life is very different. Last night, at the nday bar, the great divine prestige was put up. I got up early in the morning and bought a pancake fruit to go to school.

In our lives, maybe everyone has their own story, but Su Ming is very simple. If you want to summarize Su Ming’s current life, there are only two words “items/weapons”.

In addition to items/weapons or items/weapons, Su Ming found himself having used items/weapons as a habit after winning the League of Legends invincible Raffle System.

After about a week or so, the days were calmer, and as the days progressed, the pressure for learning for the seniors was even heavier.

Only Su Ming is such a wonderful, all day long, not only do not attend classes, but also with School Beauty all day.

The relationship between Su Ming and Mukè is well known in the school. Numerous boys are very envious of Su Ming, but envy is envious, they also have no way to take Su Ming.

For example, Song Zhe, Song Zhe has been going to stop for a while since the last streaking event.

It’s not that Song Zhe didn’t dare to find Su Ming, but Song Zhe couldn’t find a good solution for the time being. Su Ming’s tricky level is far beyond his imagination.

Therefore, Song Zhe is temporarily forbearing, even lower than before. The level of attention in school is far less than that of Su Ming.

After completing the class on this day, the class teacher Xia Qingchan said to everyone: “There is a lot of pressure after entering the third year of high school, so I have such an idea.”

“It’s just two days before the weekend. In order to relieve stress, I want to take my classmates out for a relaxing autumn trip.”

Xia Qingchan hasn’t finished talking yet. The class immediately rang the tsunami-like cheers. For the hard-working high-ranking party, it was impossible to go out and play. This is unimaginable.

“Everyone is a little quiet!”

Xia Qingchan said: “This is just my personal thought. Where to go, we have to discuss it, and the students are better off going home and discussing with their parents.”

In fact, this is not an activity arranged by the school. It is purely a personal decision of Xia Qingchan. It is mainly because she sees that everyone is too tired to learn. It is not bad to go out and play decompression.

Because Xia Qingchan is still a younger Teacher, she is more able to understand the students. If it is some old teachers, how can I take you out to play, as long as I can’t learn, I will die.

Song Zhe heard the words suddenly shined, and after so long, Song Zhe seems to have finally found a chance of items/weapons.

So Song Zhe took the initiative to stand up and said: “Teacher Xia, if you have this idea, you can consult me, because I usually like to go out and play, and I am familiar with the places near Ningcheng.”

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