Dong Zhe, after receiving the call, he aggressively drove the secret car over.

Although his son, Dong Zhe’s son, has to be arrogant in his usual style of work, he can’t even learn from others. Only his father, Zong, can teach himself. This is a famous short-term protection.

Therefore, Dong Zhe must not be able to watch his son being beaten and continue. In the past, Dong Zhe did not do the same thing for Dong Minghui to wipe buttocks.

However, in Ningcheng’s entertainment venues, it is necessary to give Dong Zhe a face anyway. Otherwise, I don’t really want to open the door. The Health Department wants to seal you up. It’s too simple.

“Director Dong is good!”

Dong Zhe was very fast, about twenty minutes later. After coming to the Mnay bar, the group of uniformed guys behind Dong Minghui immediately shouted in respect of Dong Zhe.

For a time, the audience was quiet and silent. Many people looked at Dong Zhe. They said that this guy is who it looks. It seems that it is quite arrogant. Some people even recognize Dong Zhe’s identity.

“It turned out to be him, this time Mnay bar may really have an accident.”

“What do you mean? Who is this guy, is it so arrogant?”

“The second-in-command of the Ningcheng City Health Department, you said that it is not good?”

“Deputy Bureau Chief? No wonder the kid was just clamoring to seal the Mnay bar. It wasn’t a joke at all.”

“Don’t talk, let’s take a look at the situation and see what the Boss at the Mnay Bar should do.”

“Dad, you can count it.”

Dong Minghui, how pitiful it seems to be pitiful, and immediately rushed to the front of Dong Zhe, crying with a snot in tears.

Dong Zhe saw a lot of blood on his son’s face, and his face was swollen, and his mouth was also punched with a gap, and the whole person was angry.

“Fcuk/idiot, who has made me like this? Give me out!” Dong Zhe suddenly screamed with a sigh of relief and shouted: “Who is this bar’s Boss? Come out.”

“Don’t look for it, people are me.” Su Ming came out very calmly at this time, and the tone of the conversation was very relaxed, and it seemed that there was no pressure.

“Why do you want to die…”

Dong Zhe immediately angered and screamed directly. The result was only halfway. After seeing Su Ming’s appearance, Dong Zhe couldn’t say anything immediately. When he came to the side of the scorpion, he was swallowed back by forcibly.

“It turned out to be him!”

Dong Zhe naturally knows Su Ming, Boss of “The Farmhouse Courtyard”, even Li Ziyao has to give face to the characters, Dong Zhe did not expect to meet Su Ming today.

The key to seeing this scene is that his son was offended by Su Ming. For a time, Dong Zhe could not keep calm.

“Su, Mr. Su, I think this must be a misunderstanding today.” Dong Zhe had a dry smile on his face and spoke to Su Ming.

Dong Zhe’s brain is also very clever. I can see that today’s event must be recognized and I can’t make things big.

“Mr. Su?”

For a time, many people stared wide-eyed, wondering if their ears were wrong. In the name of Dong Zhe, is it necessary to be so polite to Su Ming?

Su Ming didn’t bother to look at this Dong Zhe and said directly: “I tell you, then you shut me up, don’t say a word, or don’t blame me for being impolite.”

Dong Zhe consciously asked what to ask, but thought of Su Ming, letting him not talk, and immediately resisted it. For a time, he really couldn’t say a word.


Then I saw Su Ming walked over to Dong Minghui, and a slap smashed at the horrible face of Dong Minghui.

This slap is not light, and Dong Minghui, who is a little imaginary, is directly pulled down to the ground.

After Dong Minghui fell to the ground, Su Ming looked straight at Dong Minghui and said, “I said that when your dad came, I will hit you again and talk!”

Su Ming’s action shocked everyone, and Yang Xiaowen couldn’t help but feel a sense of horror.

It was purely a dead act to beat his son in front of the Health Department Deputy Bureau Chief.


Dong Minghui this time is really angry and angry, you can see that the eyes of this goods are directly red, stood up and said: “Dad, he hit me again, you quickly pack me up.”

Dong Zhe looked at his son with helplessness at this time, but he didn’t dare to speak. Because Su Ming told him not to talk, he really didn’t dare to violate Su Ming.

“Dad, why don’t you talk, hurry to clean up.” Dong Minghui was in a hurry.

What is amazing is that Dong Zhe still doesn’t talk, but it just rushes to Dong Minghui shook the head, and the picture looks a bit funny.

“How, I just said, even if you hit you directly in front of your father’s face, he wouldn’t dare to put one, now believe it?” Su Ming asked coldly.

This time everyone understands it, it turned out to be the case, and the heart was shocked.

At first, no one believed Su Ming’s sentence, and now it was discovered that Su Ming was not bragging, and Dong Zhe was really afraid of the fart he was afraid of.

Dong Minghui is about to cry, looking at the father who loves her very much, and shouted: “Dad, why don’t you talk?”

Dong Zhe also has a feeling of crying. He said his son, not that Dad doesn’t want to talk, but he really can’t say it.

Looking at the lessons that gave Dong Minghui a lesson, I deliberately looked at Dong Zhe, who was on the side, and said, “I am calling your son in public. Do you have any opinions?”

After that, Su Ming added another sentence: “You can talk now.”

Dong Zhe was like a big man, and he said, “No, how can there be opinions?”

“My son lacked discipline since he was a child. His mother loved him too much. He always likes to make trouble. Many thanks Mr. Su today is the son of my sect.” When Dong Zhe spoke, his face was full of a flattering smile.

After that, Dong Zhe also looked at his son, and immediately changed his tone and severely shouted: “What are you doing, so don’t hurry up and thank Mr. Su.”


Dong Minghui The whole person was so forced, he was beaten so badly, and he still had to thank him. Is there any reason?

Dong Zhe See Dong Minghui standing still, no longer moving, “Come on me, believing or not, I will smoke you.”

Dong Minghui this time finally sounded wrong, his father almost did not use this tone to talk to him, so Dong Minghui had to put it. Shouting his head and saying to Su Ming: “Thanks to Mr. Su.”

For a time, everyone was shocked again. They were even more thankful when they were beaten. Dong Zhe was forced to this point. What is this kid?

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