Su Ming’s acting is called a good one. Basically, no one knows what the clues are. Even Jiang Xiaojun, who is familiar with Su Ming, doesn’t even see it, let alone other people.

Feng Guangchou didn’t even have a single reaction. So he fell into Su Ming’s good trap and didn’t react at all.

Su Ming secretly confesses that Feng Guangchou is Idiot, but the surface pretends to be a very angry look, shouting loudly: “How is this person so shameless, this piece of wool is clearly my first look.”

“What’s the matter with you, you didn’t pay for it.” Feng Guangchou looked at Su Ming and became so mad, and his heart was still quite cool.

The crowd glanced at Su Ming, and the heart said that it was still too young. Although Feng Guangchou’s behavior had a half-way robbery, there was nothing wrong with it.

Such a Jades & Stones Business Convention is naturally different from what you usually buy in a supermarket. More auctions are available, and people with high bids can naturally get it.

Su Ming has completely transformed into a acting school. In the end, she is as beautiful as the old actors in the entertainment industry. She only sees Su Ming’s flushed face and said with indignation: “I am 50 million!”

In other people’s eyes, Su Ming’s sentence is almost gnashing teeth, and it also shows Su Ming’s desire for this huge wool.

“There is an estimated ten items in this wool stock!” Many onlookers thought at this moment, otherwise Su Ming would not be as aggressive as the crazy.

Su Ming luck is almost against the sky today, even if he just relies on the feeling, maybe there is good goods in this huge wool.

Feng Guangchou The more I saw Su Ming, the more happy I was, and the more determined I must be to take this piece of wool, so Feng Guangchou blinked and continued: “I am 60 million.”

“60 million ………”

Many people’s small hearts are almost trembled. To know that it is just a piece of wool. It is not a concept with Jadeite. As a result, two people have already gone crazy.

The markup is even added to the 10 million 10 million, and the level of madness is evident.

Black and thin Boss At this point, the whole person almost suffocated and suffocated. This huge piece of wool was originally left unattended here. The main reason is that the price is too high.

30 million The risk is too great. Black and thin Boss is not going to sell it. I want to put it here to attract attention. As a result, who knows that the price has doubled.

And look at this posture, it is estimated that the final transaction price will continue to rise above.

Sure enough, Su Ming saw the 60 million price, and his face showed a “difficult” expression. It seemed to be a long time, then slammed his teeth and said: “70 million!”

“Oh my God.”

Many people have already felt that some breathing is difficult. In a blink of an eye, they have been carried to 70 million. It seems that everyone has never seen such expensive wool.

No matter what price the wool is sold at the end, it will undoubtedly create history.

Feng Guangchou was surprised. Su Ming continued to raise the price with him, but he could judge it a little with Su Ming’s expression. I am afraid that Su Ming is about to reach the limit, so I continue to say: “80 million.”

It’s so quietly adding 10 million, whether it’s installed or not, anyway, Feng Guangchou’s markup seems to be much lighter.

” Will you continue to add it?”

Everyone can’t help but look at towards Su Ming at the same time. Obviously, the pressure is on Su Ming at this time.

Jiang Xiaojun stunned Su Ming and whispered, “Su Ming, are you crazy, spend so much money to buy a broken stone, don’t fight with him.”

“Be at ease/reassured, I have a few in my heart!”

Su Ming also whispered that today, the idea has been made to hang this guy, Su Ming feels that 80 million is almost not enough, and must add another fire.

So Su Ming’s eyes were red, almost shouting with a roaring voice: “90 million!”


Suddenly a lot of people took a sigh of relief. It was obvious that Su Ming was already on the head, but no one worried that Su Ming couldn’t afford the money. The value of Imperial Green in his hand had not yet been shot.

I don’t know why, the more I look at Su Ming’s impatience, Feng Guangchou’s heart is so cool, it seems to have found the cockroach that I just took from Su Ming.

“One hundred million!”

Feng Guangchou quietly added 10 million, the price directly mentioned a price of one hundred million, and then said: “There is the ability to continue to add, if you add it, I will let you.”

Su Ming was really worried that Feng Guangchou suddenly gave up, and his 90 million was not in his hands. Fortunately, Feng Guangchou mentioned the price to one hundred million.

The price is almost the same, enough for Feng Guangchou to bleed, Su Ming will naturally not continue to increase the price, only Su Ming looked at Feng Guangchou coldly snorted, and finally had no choice but to give up.

“Congratulations to Boss Feng!”

Black and thin Boss saw Su Ming give up, so he smiled and said to Feng Guangchou, this is the big rich man.

Others are not surprised by the abandonment of Su Ming. After all, the price has already reached 100 million, and it is not a concept to go to hundreds of millions.

So many people came forward to congratulate, “Congratulations to Boss Feng” sounds one after another, and Feng Guangchou also smiled at this time, it seems that the mood looks good.

Feng Guangchou seems to have grabbed any peerless treasures. He likes to pay for the cards. Su Ming is at ease/reassured at the sight of this, and he has pitted him for one hundred million. The Mission has definitely been completed.

“This one hundred million wool is the standard king of this Ningcheng City Jades & Stones Business Convention. Congratulations to Boss Feng.”

The black and thin Boss went on to say: “Don’t say it’s Ningcheng Jades & Stones Business Convention, even in the first half of the China-Myanmar Jades & Stones Business Convention, this piece of wool can be called the king.”

“Boss Feng is really a great ten thousand zhang.”

“It’s the biggest jeweler in Ningcheng City.”

“In the future, Boss Feng will eat meat in front, but don’t forget us. It is best to give soup.”

For a time, many people shot Feng Guangchou, who let Feng Guangchou get bigger at this time, and people do have money.

“Is Boss Feng taking this piece of wool back or cutting it on the spot?” asked the black thin Boss.

Feng Guangchou is definitely not the same as the ordinary person. There must be a cutting machine and the corresponding personnel at home. It is no problem to bring it back and cut.

However, Feng Guangchou had a big head today, and it was obviously ready to continue to sway. By the way, Su Ming, he said, “Come on the spot.”

Black and thin Boss also hopes that Feng Guangchou will be able to cut on the spot. If there is any good goods, it will increase his popularity.

When I heard this, I was overjoyed and said: “Hurry up and give Boss Feng a seat.”

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