Speaking of this Feng Guangchou Su Ming, I just remembered that this goods had bet with myself, saying that if Jadeite could be opened, he would directly give 10 million, and the reason is that the goods owe 10 million.

However, Suning did not intend to immediately ask him, just 10 million, even if Feng Guangchou can not afford to give himself to so many people, it will not make him feel more painful.

Su Ming now has a better plan that will definitely make Feng Guangchou vomiting blood.

Su Ming was going to leave, and the result was because System suddenly came to the Mission, Su Ming had to stop, deliberately loudly said: “As far as I am today, I think I can continue to open Jadeite.”

If the average person dares to say this, I am afraid that it has long been ruthlessly despised, but Su Ming said that no one dared to question him.

You know that this person can open the Internet even if Imperial Green can do it. What else can’t you do? Everyone agrees that Su Ming’s character today seems to be a bit of a disaster.

So many people began to pay attention to Su Ming’s movements. I wanted to see if Su Ming had any skills in picking the wool. Some people even wondered if this kid has been playing the pig to eat the tiger.

Black and thin Boss can’t wait for Su Ming to stay and pick up the wool, knowing that because of the existence of Su Ming, the business of black and thin Boss has suddenly improved several times.

So the black and thin Boss said: “If you don’t want to sell a few pieces, try your luck. Young man, you are so lucky today, maybe you can open Jadeite.”

Black and thin Boss said that half of this is a good word that wants to let Su Ming stay, so deliberately said, and half of it is the feeling of black and thin Boss. He feels that Su Ming may be able to open another Jadeite.

Su Ming deliberately pretended to be a eager attempt, and said: “In this case, I will try my luck again. Now I have money. Boss, take me to see you the most expensive wool.”

“Your wool is a half-gambling wool, young man, do you want to see it?” said the black thin Boss.

“Gambling stones are divided into half-gambling and full-gambling. The so-called half-gambling means that the wool has been cut and cut, revealing the green inside, and there is a chance of Jadeite.” Long Yu stood up and whispered to explain to Su Ming. .

Don’t look at Su Ming. Today is the biggest man in the audience, but Long Yu knows very well that he, like Jiang Xiaojun, doesn’t understand jade stone at all.

Su Ming realized that the original gambling stone is also different. It is more common that he just gambled.

The risk of half-gambling is much smaller. Basically, through the cut opening, it is possible to judge whether there is Jadeite in it, but the corresponding half-gambling wool price is many times more expensive.

“Take me a look at the half-gambling wool, let me see if there are any good goods.” Su Ming said confidently.

“This is also wool?” Su Ming walked a few steps forward with the black and thin Boss, and was immediately scared by a large stone in front of him.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a “big stone”. It is a full height of ten centimeters and looks incomparable gigantic, which is quite different from the many wools seen before.

Su Ming even has a vague feeling that there might be a Malphite out there.

Black and thin Boss introduced: “This is the most expensive piece of wool I have here. After many experts have identified it, there is a high probability of Top Quality Jadeite.”

After Su Ming heard the words “the most expensive”, suddenly eyes shined and took a closer look at the huge wool.

As a result, Su Ming unexpectedly discovered that this huge stone does contain Spiritual Qi, but the surface of the rays of light is very dim, which means that there is nothing good in it.

Su Ming asked quietly: “How much is this wool?”

“30 million!” Black and thin Boss said cleanly, this is a price that has already been set.

Su Ming heard the price and immediately took a sigh of relief, the wool can be so expensive, Su Ming feels that it is faster than stealing money.

However, this price is obviously expected by everyone. The half-gambling wool is expensive, and the wool is so big. If Jadeite can be made, it will definitely make a profit. The price of 30 million is the market price.

Su Ming’s face is a bit weird at this time, because he can see the true and false of the wool, there is nothing to do inside, if anyone spends 30 million to buy this wool, it is estimated that it really jumped.

So Su Ming decided to use this piece of wool to hang Feng Guangchou. I saw that Su Ming showed a very daring look. He knelt down and even picked up the magnifying glass next to him and looked at it carefully.

In fact, Su Ming can’t understand anything, he is just in the items/weapons.

But in other people’s eyes, this is not the case. Just when Su Ming saw the wool, it was completely a glimpse of it. It has never been seen like this.

“This piece of wool has a play!”

Suddenly many people have come up with such an idea. Su Ming’s miraculous performance has attracted a lot of attention, so many people subconsciously believe that this huge face is definitely in stock.

Feng Guangchou is undoubtedly attracted. He has a hunch that Su Ming is actually playing the pig to eat the tiger. After seeing this Top Quality wool, he couldn’t help it.

Su Ming pretended to look around inadvertently and found that Feng Guangchou really looked at this side again, thinking that the goods were supposed to be heart-warming, so he said: “Boss, this piece of wool I want.”

When everyone listened to this, the heart beganled, and the heart said that it was difficult to open what Top Quality Jadeite came out?

Feng Guangchou really felt, and after being stimulated twice by Su Ming, Feng Guangchou couldn’t sit still, and those Top Quality Jadeite made him drool.

Just as the black and thin Boss was excited to think that the business was coming, Feng Guangchou immediately said, “Wait a minute, I want to see this wool.”

Feng Guangchou Although the heart is moving, but he is not at all rashly attacking, but let the experts who come with him to go and see.

Jewelers like them, usually come to this occasion, will bring some professional people.

I saw an old man next to Feng Guangchou walked over and looked at it carefully for a while. He whispered to Feng Guangchou: “The seal, this piece of wool has exposed green everywhere, there must be Jadeite inside, it should not be bought. deficit.”

In the words of Feng Guangchou, Feng Guangchou said in his heart, “Boss, I want this wool, I am 40 million.”

Su Ming’s heart was filled with joy, but his face showed an angry expression, pointing to Feng Guangchou and saying, “What do you mean, this is obviously my first look.”

“What is the use of your fancy, have you bought it? Since you haven’t bought it yet, then we will compete fairly and see who is going to pay a high price.” Feng Guangchou resumed his arrogance again.

“Idiot !”

Su Ming suddenly smiled and opened the flower, as if I had seen the picture of Idiot being dying.

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