The sales manager seems to be soaked behind, and it is obvious that he himself has realized that this is a stall, and things seem to be not small.

However, his reaction was also very fast, and he quickly figured it out in his heart. He certainly could not directly admit it. He must find a reason for himself.

He immediately said: “Chief Yang, things are not what you think, this Appartment/Suite child, has really been booked by Chief Li, he has already booked.”

“Just because of the Studio mistakes of the sale of Young Lady, so several guests have misunderstood, I feel very embarrassed, maybe I did not coordinate when I was in coordination.” This guy continues to talk nonsense.

Yang Xiaowen showed a sneer. He looked at the guy and said, “Do you really think I am stupid?”

How to say that Yang Xiaowen is also a boss, he is too clear about these doorways in private, but he can’t control it, and there are indeed many people looking for a relationship to buy a house.

You said that if a person with a certain status has found you, can you not leave him a good house? People don’t give money. If you tear your face, how embarrassing it is.

Even Yang Xiaowen can’t be excused from himself, so there is no way for this. The sales manager is not a big mistake, but his biggest mistake is to offend Su Ming.

Su Ming, even if it is Yang Xiaowen, I have to go to the knot to die. What do you think of it, dare to blacken the house that Su Ming is looking at?

The sales manager this time seems to feel that Yang Xiaowen is more deceiving than he imagined. For a time he was thinking about what he could do.

However, the mouth of the dead duck is still hard, and continues: “Chief Yang, that’s what it looks like, I don’t lie.”

In fact, everyone can see that he is very guilty at this time. Don’t look at his psychological quality as a person. In fact, in front of Su Ming, their reaction is obviously not enough.

Yang Xiaowen said: “Well, you said that you booked it in advance, then there must be a formality and contract. I don’t care what form you are. Give me a certificate and let me see it. Don’t tell me verbally.”


The manager, this time, was really flustered. He didn’t realize that Yang Xiaowen would care about these details. In fact, this villa is to temporarily look at the house. He recommended this Chief Li.

I didn’t think of Su Ming as a thing, thinking about cutting the house to Chief Li, and turning back to the relationship with Chief Li.

As a result, who could have imagined that his idea had caused such a huge trouble that he had no idea what to do.

The two people did verbally say two words to buy, but what is verbally, there is no legal benefit, if he dares to say this, he may have to be given by Yang Xiaowen.

At this time, Chief Li is also a savvy person. He has not yet died, dare to confront Yang Xiaowen.

His status level has not yet reached the point of knowing Su Ming, it is a general rich & powerful, buy a villa to be reserved for his own care, who knows this kind of thing.

But Yang Xiaowen, he knows how much, although not at all, he also knows that Yang Xiaowen can’t afford to offend.

As for the young man, even Yang Xiaowen is so cautiously tied, can he be a normal person? Just think about it with your toes and understand that you can afford to offend.

This house certainly can’t buy it today, because he doesn’t have that strength, but he gets it in the end. He himself has to be bad luck, but it is better to get out.

Anyway, if there is that money, where to buy a house, there is no other villa.

Chief Li immediately said: “This is a misunderstanding today. I don’t know that there will be such a thing. Since the house is seen, I will not mix it.”

“Chief Li walks slowly.”

Yang Xiaowen said politely, after all, this matter has nothing to do with this Chief Li. He simply bought a house and everything was made by the manager.

After watching Chief Li leave, the sales manager felt that his only behind-the-scenes supporters were gone, and now Alone had to face the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

I can imagine the mood of this guy, when both legs are almost soft, and they are constantly shaking, just like sifting.


Suddenly at this time, he suddenly slammed down and said: “I am sorry for Chief Yang. This is my fault. I am also thinking about the company and thinking about creating more profits.”

“I have worked hard for so many years in the company, and I have no credit and hard work. I also hope that Chief Yang can give another chance.”

This guy started, and when he felt that he couldn’t go round and there was no way to go, he started this kind of bitterness, and it was a set of no merits and hard work.

It seems that he is very pitiful with a nose and tears, but no one in the presence of the people sympathizes with him.

Poor people must have hateful things. This sentence is pretty good. The kind of behavior he just made is also to let everyone understand what he is.

Yang Xiaowen is even more disgusted. He is thinking about his company. Why is it always such a thing? Is it really good to clean it?

Yang Xiaowen also does not eat what he has done without merit and hard work. His position, even if he does not have him, just put it on personally, it is almost the same effect.

And he is a manager, and he doesn’t know how much benefit he has. Otherwise, if the position is not good, he will not have already gone out.

“Go to the finances and give this month’s salary. Then there is nothing for you. If you want to find another job, I will only say this.”

After that, Yang Xiaowen gave a look to the security guard next to him.

The security guard called it an excitement. He knew that his chances of performance were coming. He grabbed it and rushed up. He directly dragged the manager who was still on the ground and dragged it away.

After dragging away, Yang Xiaowen said: “Young Master Su, I was really embarrassed, I used people improperly.”

“Okay, don’t come with me, this is the big thing for your company. How can it be managed by the sales department? This is normal.”

Su Ming thinks this is normal, not looking down on sales, they are also very hard, but there are some sales, the quality is really bad, and when the people are in the pit, the eyes are not stunned.

“Hey, people are still there.”

At this time, Wang Wei pushed the door in.

(End of this chapter)

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