Real estate, in the process of buying and selling, you have to say that there is nothing tricky, it is absolutely impossible.

But you have some private behaviors, you can’t say that everyone doesn’t know, but you don’t have a default. When people look at the house, they suddenly come over and intercept the house halfway.

Whoever has encountered this kind of thing, it is estimated that the mood will not be too good, this is normal.

Su Ming is not happy, but his reaction is not as big as Lin Yue’s reaction. Lin Yue is not aware of these doorways in the world.

As for the forced use of violence, this is still a bad thing. In the world, unlike Guwu World, violence can solve problems, but not everything is spoken with fists.

Playing this guy stopped, there is not much use, at most it is deflation, not at all what substantial help, but the house can not buy more.

“Sir, there is another villa, are you going to look at it?” Young Lady sold this time, apologetically said.

She also knows that Su Ming, this time, was pitted, but there is no way. She is an ordinary employee and has no right to speak.

So she can only say so, so that Su Ming is better in their hearts.

However, after she said this, Lin Yue immediately shook his head, and this is not a joke.

The big villas are all fancy, and the result is so embarrassing, let them buy small, let alone the small conditions in all aspects are worse.

Even if they are suitable, they are not likely to buy it. Is this not burying people? It is too much.

Su Ming also knows that this has nothing to do with the sale of Young Lady, because it is not her responsibility, so Su Ming said: “If this is the case, then forget it, I will go to other places to see it.”

Speaking of which If you want to be the sales manager, his ant-like a nobody, Su Ming, can move his finger slightly and let him kneel down.

In Ningcheng, I know that many of the big sisters, just make a phone call, it is estimated that he can scare him like a ghost.

However, Su Ming didn’t want to do that. After all, this time I bought a house, I just wanted to keep a low profile. There is no need to be so exaggerated. If I can’t do it here, I will go to the next one.

Ningcheng There are still a lot of places to sell houses. Relatively speaking, there is no pressure. If you have money, you can buy them everywhere, but you have to change a real estate, which is a little more troublesome.

Selling Young Lady at this time, can only be regretted, the manager did this, and she made a lot of achievements in her hand, but there is no way, she can only endure.

It’s better to lose a little more than just to give up Studio.

The sale of Young Lady is still a smile, she said: “Well, I am really embarrassed today.”

“Young Master Su, you haven’t left yet, I know, I can run into you.”

However, just when Su Ming was ready to leave, Yang Xiaowen, the guy, had come in and just saw Su Ming.

After seeing Su Ming, he immediately came to say hello. It is obvious that Su Ming’s appearance is going to go, but he is coming in time.

It is estimated that if it is a little late, Su Ming will leave. Then, today, he is not alone, but the time is almost the same, which proves that he is lucky today.

“Chief Yang, how come you are here?”

Su Ming saw Yang Xiaowen and couldn’t help but stunned. I didn’t expect to meet Yang Xiaowen.

When I bought the house myself, I always seemed to be able to meet Yang Xiaowen’s appearance. It was too fake, and listening to the tone of his speech, he seemed to know that he was here.

Yang Xiaowen smiled and said, “This property was developed by me. Can’t I come over?”

Because I also lived with Su Ming, everyone is an acquaintance, so when Yang Xiaowen spoke, it was also a joke.

This time Su Ming is understandable, and the heart said that it took a long time, it turned out to be such a thing, I did not expect to buy Yang Xiaowen’s real estate.

“How, the house is almost finished, I will give you two tricks, where the house is better.” Yang Xiaowen said deliberately and easily.

Looking at Su Ming’s appearance, I don’t know if I have shot it. I always feel that he doesn’t seem to sign a contract.

Su Ming At this time, I feel interesting. Since Yang Xiaowen is here, it is still his real estate, then Su Ming may not be so.

People are coming, there is no trouble, no trouble, Su Ming will definitely not let go of this manager.

So Su Ming said deliberately: “I was originally interested in an Appartment/Suite, but Chief Yang, your water here is a bit deep.”

“what happened?”

Yang Xiaowen’s brow, this time directly wrinkled, Su Ming said this, is not a good word, he must be able to hear it, it seems that there is still some dissatisfaction.

This time Yang Xiaowen The pain in the egg hurts, and the heart says no, it’s hard to be a guy who doesn’t have long eyes, and provokes Su Ming’s god.

I saw Yang Xiaowen look serious, he said: “What happened to you told me which employee has any problems, I will never let go!”

When talking, this Yang Xiaowen can say that he is murderous.

This time is good, the manager’s calf at this time, the expression on his face, obviously changing rapidly, this time, he can still see no problem.

Chief Yang actually came over, this is the boss of their real estate company. What I didn’t expect was that he actually knew this kid. If this is the case, the problem will be bigger.

Just how he looked at Su Ming, Su Ming, how could he let him go, that is to say, it may really be an accident.

Su Ming will definitely not let him go. It used to be just a hassle. I feel that the main thing today is to buy a house and not want to waste time with those who are not important.

This time has Yang Xiaowen, Boss, he is also polite, he said directly: “As for your manager, you can be very resistant.”

“The house I was looking at, he brought a guest in the middle of the road, forcibly intercepted it, and said that it was already booked in advance. Isn’t this a pit person?” Su Ming spoke.

I didn’t say it was too serious, let’s talk about the actual situation.

Even like this, Yang Xiaowen is already very angry.

He squinted at the manager and said, “Is there such a thing?”

The manager was frightened. He still said calmly: “Chief Yang, you… you listen to me, it’s not like this.”

(End of this chapter)

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