To be honest, Su Ming is a bit flustered. It doesn’t have much to do with mental quality. When you find out that one person has to face two great experts, it is definitely a bit flustered.

The key can’t be beaten. If you can play it, then Su Ming doesn’t need any panic.

After calming down, Su Mu feels that the best way to do it now is to hurry.

It’s definitely not a hit. At first glance, these two people are so arrogant. Su Ming doesn’t even have the idea of ​​struggling. It’s still a bad idea. It’s definitely a killer in the end, without any suspense.

Su Ming thought about it carefully. How to run the road is still a bit exquisite. It is completely impossible to forcefully run at his own speed.

Everyone is Ancient Warrior, and the Realm of these two people is still so high, higher than Su Ming’s Realm. Su Ming is faster than the two of them. Even if Quinn’s Ultimate is opened, it is impossible to open the distance. .

Not to mention that there are still two people in the family. When the two people chase and intercept, Su Ming can’t run away. It is a direct opportunity to run. I am afraid there is no chance.

This kind of stupid way, Su Ming certainly won’t use it, I still have to think of a way.

After thinking about it, Su Ming thought of a good idea. He planned to try Teemo’s Passive. The thing was caught in the stealth status. Maybe they couldn’t find themselves. Then it was sneaked out.

Just do it, Su Ming quickly opened his own Teemo Passive Ability and went directly to the invisible status.


After looking at the strange expressions on the faces of the two Tiansheng Shrine strongmen, Su Ming understood that he must have entered the stealth status. The two guys didn’t see themselves, so they would look like this.

Su Ming thought that he had succeeded, and he ran fast, and did not run too fast. He was walking slowly, making sure that his voice would not be sent out, and that he was behind these two guys.

“This kid is behind, call me!”

Who knows this time, one of the strong strong people of Tiansheng Shrine, but suddenly said a word, then immediately raised his hand, a Vigor flew over.

Su Ming’s heart is deeply shouted, and his heart is still found.

And the location of this guy’s attack can be said to be very accurate, indicating that he knows where Su Ming is in stealth.

This fact makes Su Ming very helpless. It seems that he still has some mistakes in his thoughts. Things are not the same as what he thinks. Ancient Warrior is not an ordinary person.

When you are invisible, people still exist in this world, but in a special way, let yourself disappear.

But the perception of Ancient Warrior is very terrifying, and they naturally feel where people are.

In desperation, Su Ming can only block it. After the result is blocked, he naturally has an original size appear.

“The insignificant ability of this area is actually too good to use.” Tiansheng Shrine is strong, ruthless taunted.

Su Ming couldn’t help but want to marry her, thinking that she was very smart and used a trick. Who knows that not only did it succeed, but it was also despised by others. It was simply uncomfortable.

There is no way to do this. I can only fight it. Even if I can’t beat it, I have to resist at least.

The most embarrassing thing is that Su Ming doesn’t have any help at the moment. Easy Master can’t find it. What kind of Gromp and so on, shout it out. In this level of combat, it doesn’t help, but instead he will get in.

As for the purgatory Yalong who wins, this is the most boring, and it’s hard to make a whole thing, but the result is not used, and I don’t know when I can wake up.

Su Ming said nothing about it. He directly smashed his own red medicine and forced his Realm to improve again. He came to 5th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

Even if 5th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm is already available, it is still difficult for people facing Tiansheng Shrine. After all, there are two people, but fortunately, Su Ming now has a battle.

Forced to promote a Realm, Su Ming’s help is still relatively large, after all, 5th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm and 4th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm, that is not the same thing.

The two Tiansheng Shrine strong, their eyes changed a bit. In the face of both of them, they forced the Realm to be promoted, and they could not see it.

It may also be realized that Su Ming is not very ordinary. Before that, some of the strongest people of Tiansheng Shrine were also in the hands of this kid, so don’t care about it. The two people looked at each other and even shot at the same time. .

Su Ming also did not give in, this simply could not hide, can only meet the difficulties.

The battle is in the midst of intense progress. The match between Heavenly Tribulation Realm masters is imaginable. It is estimated that the vicinity has already shaken.

Su Ming has already made up all of his own solutions, and basically the tricks that he can use are used.

The two powerful Tiansheng Shrines also paid a very heavy price. Fortunately, this time they are prepared. If they are not prepared, I am afraid that they will be planted in the hands of this kid.

The final defeated person was Su Ming. After he had exhausted his own Ability, there was no Vigor at all. It was a serious injury.

If you continue to fight, Su Ming will have no means, and you will lose it. Now it is like the fish on the chopping board. You can kill anyone and you have no chance to fight back.

Very helpless, but there is no way, the strong of these two Tiansheng Shrine, is not weak, plus they are quite prepared this time, the body of the magic weapon is numerous, after all, Su Ming still did not beat them.

If Su Ming’s strength is stronger, there will be one or two more combat abilities, or a helper. Today, Su Ming is the winner.

Unfortunately, none of these things happened. Su Ming eventually lost. The price of losing is very serious, and the life is gone.

“Kid, can force us both to be like this, you are really difficult to deal with, finally understand why sect over there, you must kill you, you kid, it is too horrible, kill you earlier Yeah.”

When Tiansheng Shrine speaks strongly, who knows that suddenly in the sky, another person is falling, and there is no sound at all.

Su Ming looked up and looked a little stunned. It was obvious that Tiansheng Shrine saintess Murong Qianye came over.

I thought she didn’t come along with it before. I didn’t expect her to come.

At this time, the appearance of Murong Qianye made Su Ming even more desperate. The two men could not beat it. Now there is another saintess, and Su Ming has no chance.

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