“The trough!”

When I heard that I had won the Purgatory Yalong, Su Mu was shocked by the whole person. Obviously, I did not expect this kind of thing.

This is what everyone calls the Fire Dragon. There are several elemental dragons, such as the dragon, the water dragon and the like, but there is no doubt that this Fire Dragon is the most powerful and the most fierce.

This is probably the most powerful of all the wild monsters except the big dragon. Generally speaking, it is also a battle for the military. As long as it is not too backward, who will not be willing to let go of this Fire Dragon. .

But this stuff is in the same role as in-game, it must be different.

After the in-game kills this thing, it provides a permanent attack and a spell bonus.

In reality, it is definitely not the same. Su Ming estimates that this thing should be the same as Gromp and can help fight.

However, this purgatory Yalong and Gromp are certainly not a level, and the combat power must be much stronger.

Su Ming glanced at his System Storage, and suddenly he saw a purgatory Yalong, but what makes Su Ming more painful is why this thing is so small?

It seems that it is only a little bigger than the palm of a person. Just like this kind of thing, what is it called a dragon?

Su Ming, who does not believe in evil, also deliberately took this thing out to summon and looked at it. After the summon came out, I found out that this little thing is too mini.

The shape is similar to in-game, similar to the dragon of the western legendary, with two wings, but because it is too small, it looks awkward, but it is similar to a small lizard. It looks too funny. It is.

And this guy has been in the sleep status, his eyes are closed, it seems to be a world-like look.

Su Ming, how do you think about this thing, how do you feel the egg hurts? This is totally different from what you think. Come and be funny.

Su Yan couldn’t help it. Su Ming asked directly: “Little Na, what the hell is going on, is this stuff funny?”

“Host you don’t worry, Purgatory Yalong is still in the sleep state, and when it wakes up, it can return to normal size.” Little Na quickly explained.

I heard that it was such a thing, Su Ming’s heart, this is a little better, if it is really a hole in the goods, then I am not happy, and also wasted two hundred Integral Points.

There is still one problem left. I don’t know how long it will take, and this thing can wake up in the status of sleep.

Because Su Ming is still more eager to look at, what is the power of this purgatory Yalong, if it is a bit more aggressive, for Su Ming, it will be a very powerful help.

What Su Ming lacks is the help of some masters. It is obviously not enough to have a Master. Because the enemies facing them are obviously more and more powerful.

But this thing is a bit boring, and when it comes out, it immediately falls asleep, and I don’t know when it will be able to wake up.

In the evening, Su Ming went to Qin Shiyin’s home and cooked for Qin Shiyin.

When I was eating, two people chatted casually. Now the communication and communication between the two people is more and more casual, and even very tacit.

After seeing Qin Shiyin eating, Su Ming packed things up, let her rest early, and then she left.

Out of the villa of Qin Shiyin, Su Ming did not drive, and he walked so casually. Anyway, he didn’t have time to hurry. It was quite interesting to walk so slowly.

When a person walked on the road, it took a little while, and Su Ming suddenly felt a strong temperament.

This is the atmosphere of Ancient Warrior, and it is very powerful. For Su Ming, the Ancient Warrior, it is almost a sudden feeling.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and even encountered Ancient Warrior, now the Ancient Warrior, is it so worthless, you can meet it casually.

And this aura is in front, look at the location near this, Su Ming is probably clear, it is estimated to be waiting for himself.

Su Many who is offended by Su Ming, who is looking for him, this Su Ming is really quite quite clear, it seems that anyone can find him trouble.

There is no feeling of fear, Su Ming is also rushing forward, want to see, who is waiting for himself.

“Stop it, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Sure enough, I still hadn’t walked for two minutes, and this voice suddenly came in midair, and then two silhouettes, from the air, directly drifted down.

Su Ming was a little glanced, not quite the same as he thought, and there were two people waiting for him.

At the same time, Su Ming glanced at the two guys and found that it looked quite chic, and the white robe was probably understood. These two people are probably the Tiansheng Shrine.

Basically, every person who has an ancient sect will have the same uniform, so it is better to distinguish between people who used to work with Tiansheng Shrine, so Su Ming is also clearer.

I am afraid that it is Tiansheng Shrine, and I have come to revenge again.

Su Ming’s mind flashed the silhouette of saintess Murong Qianye.

Will it be that woman, after going back, she found that she was charmed by herself, and she was angry and angry, so she sent two people directly, and wanted to kill herself. I thought it was quite high.

Not at all Seeing the silhouette of Murong Qianye, this is good news for Su Ming, if it is Murong Qianye coming in person.

With the horror strength of her 8th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm, Su Ming is afraid that there will be no chance to struggle at all, and she can’t run because the power gap is too big.

The charm of the kind of thing, luck has been successful once, but to succeed for the second time, obviously is unlikely.

Fortunately, the other disciplines of the two Tiansheng Shrine gave Su Ming a chance.

But when Su Ming looked at the two men’s Realm, he was not very good.

One is 5th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm, and the other is 6th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm. After watching it, Su Ming is directly forced.

I didn’t expect to have two such masters. If these two people come out casually, Su Ming can still deal with it, but when these two people are added together, it is very scary.

Su Ming knows his strength and can’t beat the two people together. There is no chance of winning.

Not to mention that when it is so urgent, you can’t contact the Easy Master at all, and Su Ming can’t communicate with him.

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