After leaving Long Shen, I left a can of Hundred Fruits Spirit Wine.

In fact, Su Ming is used to it, Long Shen is so good, Su Ming’s Hundred Fruits Spirit Wine is more, naturally nothing.

Instead, with Long Shen, the old bastard, two people have been rushing to the pit, which is also quite interesting.

People just can’t live too seriously, otherwise they will be quite tired.

After bidding farewell to Long Shen, Su Ming also looked at things and looked at Old Ling and Old Liu.

The two old people can say that they are quite good for Su Ming. Since they have all come to Capital City, they must look at them. Otherwise, it is rude.

I had a meal together at night, and went out to find Ling Yi. Their group of brothers drank wine and stayed at Ling Family in the evening.

There was nothing wrong with this. Su Ming naturally wouldn’t wait in Capital City, and refused to let Old Ling let him stay in the invitation for a few days. Su Ming went back directly to Ningcheng.

When I went back, Su Ming didn’t fly on her own long distance, and she sat down on the plane.

Although I was flying faster than the plane, it was too much effort, and I had to keep controlling the direction. I was afraid that I was flying wrong. I didn’t have the sound of the plane at all. It was almost lying in the seat.

After returning to Ningcheng, Su Ming went home to rest, Lin Yue and Su Qishan were not at home, Little Loli must have gone to school, no one at home.

Su Ming went for a shower, then lay down on the bed and observed his Integral Points. This time, after the Mission to Capital City got it, he rewarded 200Integral Points. The current balance of Integral Points is 350.

Raffle is no big problem, it’s enough Raffle.

“Master, is there a nervous and exciting Raffle?” Little Na said.

With her understanding of Su Ming, after Integral Points is enough, it will definitely be directly Raffle.

Who knows that Su Ming suddenly became uncharacteristically, and he said, “Wait a minute, don’t let Raffle, I have to think about it.”

Su Ming has to think about how to use this Integral Points, because Syndra’s Ultimate is gradually becoming a chicken.

The use of the fight is not very big, after all, now, the worst, it must be a master of Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

With the Dark Sphere’s formidable power, the Heavenly Tribulation Realm master has not formed any threat, at most it is similar to tickling.

An Ambassador gradually became a chicken rib, making Su Ming a little bit sad.

The main Su Ming used to see the power of this Dark Sphere. Basically, when fighting, not to mention three Dark Spheres directly threw away, Su Ming may have won half.

Today’s Dark Sphere makes Su Ming really a pain.

If it is abandoned, Su Ming is not too reconciled, so he thought, can you upgrade this Ability, and the level of upid may be different after the Level Up.

So Su Ming asked: “Level Up, my Syndra Ultimate, how many Integral Points do you need?”

“The Ability is Ultimate, Level Up requires the highest Integral Points and requires 200Integral Points.”

Su Ming listened, Integral Points is enough, equivalent to a Raffle, it seems to be a loss.

However, Su Ming feels that there is no loss or loss. After all, it is not clear what it will become after Level Up. Maybe it will become stronger after Level Up.

What Su Ming urgently needs to do now is to improve his combat effectiveness at all costs. This is definitely the most important thing.

Raffle’s words don’t really make anything. If what Su Ming doesn’t want, Level Up Ability is the safest.

Anyway, according to the mechanism of this System, Level Up will definitely become stronger afterwards.

Su Ming said: “Well, you give me the Syndra Ultimate, give Level Up.”

“This Level Up will cost the host 200Integral Points, does the host confirm Level Up?” System asked again.

“Confirm Level Up!”

However, in a few seconds, Little Na said: “Master, Ability has been Level Up successfully, please check with the owner.”

Ability Introduction : After Level Up, the host can simultaneously condense seven Dark Spheres while using Syndra Ultimate, and each Vigor’s formidable power will be doubled.

The method used is the same as before, and the host needs to be condensed in advance, and after Level Up, the Vigor is consumed more.

After Su Ming looked at it, his eyes glowed and realized that his 200Integral Points flower was definitely worth it, and he could only describe it with one stroke.

In the past, there were three Dark Spheres at the same time. Now it’s better. Now, Level Up has become seven, and now it’s seven stars.

Every Dark Sphere has a strong destructive power, plus a formidable power is naturally a big layer.

What’s more, each of the formidable power is twice as large as the previously promoted. This time is better. It is estimated that the formidable power is more than twice as high as before.

If you deal with the Heavenly Tribulation Realm master, it will definitely have an effect. I am afraid that they will peel off the skin if they don’t die. At the very least, they want to block the seven stars. It takes a little effort to talk less.

The final actual formidable power, this is really not ok, you have to finally test it in actual combat.

It also has a powerful combat Ability, which means that Su Ming’s strength has been improved, naturally it is a happy thing.

“For Little Na, give me a big red medicine.” Su Ming suddenly thought about it.

When the red medicine was in battle, it was already smashed by Su Ming.

It’s really very easy to use, it’s a real thing to raise a Realm, and there are no side effects. It can only be described as a magic.

If this kind of thing is thrown into the ancient Wu World, the influential figure of the arrogant, I am afraid to break the head snapped up, after all, this kind of thing, the more powerful the person, the greater the role.

System opened the shop interface, and Su Ming looked at it. It was really embarrassing. There were two goods in it, red medicine and blue medicine, and the following was written that Integral Points was the price of 100Integral Points.

Su Ming exchanged a big red medicine and spent 100Integral Points. It doesn’t look much, but when it comes out, Su Ming still has a lot of pain.

After all, Su Ming is now on 50 Integral Points. The Integral Points is too hard to earn. Su Ming also secretly decided that this big red drug will not be used at a critical moment.

“dīng líng líng ”

Suddenly a phone call rang and Su Ming woke up from his thoughts. When he saw the phone, it was actually called by Xia Qingchan.

Su Ming immediately connected the phone and said, “What happened to Qingchan.”

(End of this chapter)

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