“Well, I will go back to the leader above and report to them about it. If you can get it, let them discuss it.”

Long Shen said: “But you are at ease/reassured, I am still quite useful when talking. It is not a problem to set up a team to defend this.”

“It’s not good to find an ordinary person. You should find some excellent Fengshui Master, because most people don’t understand this thing,” Su Ming said.

Long Shen stunned and said: “Well, I will send someone to find some excellent Fengshui Master, but now it is no more difficult than ever to find Fengshui Master.”

“That is not the country that has always said that this thing is feudal superstition, and there is no way. So far, no one has believed these things.” Su Ming said.

It is true that if you look at Fengshui on the mainland side, I am afraid that no one has believed it, and even I cannot support myself.

On the other hand, at Hongkong, Fengshui Master still has a certain market. Many rich people believe in this thing, including Li Chaoren, Asia’s richest man.

People who are rich are smart. If you believe in this thing, it means that there is definitely a certain doorway. It is impossible to use it at all.

Long Shen is said solemnly: “Su Ming, you don’t know this, in fact, this thing is not so simple, it is estimated that there is a certain relationship with the Dragon.”

“The above people must have noticed the preciousness of China’s last vein. If something goes wrong, the people above are not very good.”

“The only thing that can affect the dragon vein is the powerful Fengshui Master, so…”

Upon hearing this, Su Ming suddenly understood that things were not that simple.

No wonder that Fengshui Master has been suppressed all the time. It turned out to be such a reason, but this is not a good reason. It is very easy to go wrong. Is this not a problem?

If Su Ming did not find it in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

For what reason, Su Ming doesn’t want to worry about that many. After all, he is now an Ancient Warrior. It is not suitable for those things, and it is easy to cause controversy.

“I will tell you this specifically. How to get it, it is your business, I will not participate in it, I have more things recently.” Su Ming came.

Long Shen glanced at Su Ming and said: “I still don’t know your kid, everything is fine, too lazy.”

“Right, I have one more thing to tell you, it is the news from Europe.”

Long Shen looked at Su Ming and said: “Your front section time should be to go to Europe and kill an organization called max?”

Su Ming was a little surprised. I didn’t expect Long Shen to know about it.

But think a little, Su Ming is not too strange, with the ability of Dragon Soul Organisation to collect information from Europe, it is not too big a problem, this is one of their Studio.

And this has happened for a while, and I am afraid that people who know the news should know it.

“Yes, this organization has provoked a family of friends of mine, you should know, so I was killed by it.” Su Ming said calmly.

Long Shen’s mouth twitched a bit, and said that this kid is really casual, the max organization is notoriously difficult, and he has also dealt with them before, Dragon Soul Organisation is not an opponent.

Who knows that Su Ming’s mouth has become so easy to kill, it is really speechless.

Long Shen said: “Tell this to you, it is to make you a little more careful, you should not know, this max organization is loyal to Europe War God?”

“War God, this is what the hell?”

After hearing the name, let Su Ming squint a little, and said that the name of the second two is generally not only the kind of Long Aotian novels.

Long Shen’s face looks extremely serious and directly says: “Su Mu, this Europe War God, you can’t underestimate him. This person is called Golden God.”

“Golden God ……”

Su Ming’s heart is constantly twitching, can still be two more, how to feel like watching Saint Seiya as a child.

There is nothing in the cold night, Huaguang rely on the face to eat the author, I am afraid I can not get the name of this two, in the end how to think.

“You don’t underestimate this person. He may be the strongest man in the whole Europe. At the same time, there are a lot of strong people under his arm. It is also a huge threat to our China.”

Long Shen said: “You have already provoked him to get rid of the max organization. It has caught his attention. Did you have an organization called Blood of Killers last time and also assassinated you?”

As soon as I heard this Su Ming stunned, he remembered it. It seems that there is such a thing. It was indeed the last time he was assassinated.

It’s just that the Blood of Killers organization has long been the definition of Su Ming, and there is no threat to Su Ming at all.

At that time, Su Ming charmed the killer sent by the Blood of Killers organization, but the killer himself did not know who the person behind him was. When he did not ask it, Su Ming also forgot about it.

Anyway, the Blood of Killers organization is not afraid, and Su Ming has a lot of things. In addition, this time, a long time has passed, and Su Ming can remember this.

“What do you mean by that, the Blood of Killers organization, has something to do with this Golden God?” Su Ming asked with uncertainty.


Long Shen said: “According to the news we got, this is indeed the case. It should be to find this Blood of Killers organization to test you.”

“It’s just that I didn’t know why. It’s because Golden God had quarreled with his wife, and temporarily delayed this and didn’t deal with you.”


Su Ming has a feeling of being a dog. He said that he can’t be so casual. How can he get into the fight with his wife? It feels like playing with trouble.

Long Shen continued: “So you still have to be careful, who knows if he will take the time to find your trouble.”

“Many thanks to me for this news, I will be careful.” Su Ming said the opening.

But in the mind of Su Ming, I didn’t take this too much. If there is a strong person in Europe, it should not be too strong. After all, their cultivation is too worthless compared with China. As a mention, China is the birthplace of Ancient Warrior.

“You little boy, how can you have no sincerity? Since you want to thank me, you must come up with something like it, and quickly get me some good wine.”


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