“I know who he is!”

This sentence is a little bit short, and the Studio staff of the ****** said that he was also excited to shout.

But after shouting, I found that many people were staring at themselves, and the Studio staff found that something was wrong and didn’t dare to speak for a while.

In this whole background, he is a negligible Studio staff. He has no right to speak. If he talks casually, he will be offended. I am afraid he will be gone.

But he just had a loud voice, and he has succeeded in attracting the attention of others. Su Ming is very strange. He said that this guy knows how he knows himself. He didn’t mix in China, he actually knew himself?

And Liang is also more curious, this can hook up Lin Yingzhu, and who is out of the ordinary kid, mainly he does not want to offend a strong opponent.

So Liang always said in a tone of command: “Who is he?”

“He, he is the one who played the teenager Warrior in the movie “Grandmaster” and has a rivalry with Ms. Lin Yingzhu. I specifically forgot what I said.”

The CEOs all spoke, and the Studio staff dared not say it, but they immediately said it, but this time the voice was much lower.

Everyone listened to it and immediately understood that “Generation Grandmaster” is a phenomenal work. Most people have seen it. They didn’t go to the cinema. It should have been seen on the Internet at this time. After all, the release has passed. Long.

No wonder everyone felt a little familiar when they first saw Su Ming. It turned out that he had participated in a generation of Grandmaster.

At that time, the character of Su Ming was very successful, and even a little hot.

It’s just that the entertainment industry is like this. Everyone forgets it very quickly. Many of them look red. They are actually meteors, and they are fleeting.

Su Ming also participated in that piece of work, and at the end did not continue to mix in the entertainment circle, so it is quite normal for them to be forgotten after so long.

This Studio staff is quite good at remembering, and even recognizes Su Ming.

Su Ming finally understood it and said how this guy can know himself. It turned out to be such a thing, and people are speechless.

When Liang always looked at Su Ming’s eyes, he gradually became disdainful. He thought that how big it was, it turned out to be an actor.

It may be a little bit of a background, it is estimated to be a Second Generation Rich, or else it can easily appear as a newcomer in the work of director Wang Zhenyu.

However, Liang always made a judgment quickly, and Su Ming wouldn’t be too awesome, because of the really powerful inflation figure, how could it go to nothing to do the movie.

In the opinion of the ordinary person, it is a very glorious thing to play a movie. In fact, for those in the upper class, the actor is just a play, it is a shameful thing.

This kid is not at all. What is worthy of scruples, he is only able to fight it. This is better for Liang.

It is indeed a problem to be able to play this. However, since he can play the movie “Grandmaster of the First Generation”, it must have been trained. There is a little skill. Liang always feels that he has to find someone to clean him up.

General Liang said: “You can play it, but it’s a coincidence today.”

“My cocktail party tonight, I just invited the Zhonghai Number One Expert to come over, just as I called to call him and see how much you can play.”

While speaking, this beam always calls, he feels that Su Ming is completely dead, playing a few bodyguards, but if you really face the China Digital Number One Expert, it is estimated that it can be hung up.

As a standard Chinese sea person, he naturally understands the terrorist strength of the number One Expert in China Shipping.

Lin Yingzhu quickly said: “Liang Zong, do you want to make things too big? Isn’t that good?”

“hehe, I have never said that I have to make things too big. It is this kid who doesn’t cooperate with himself.” Liang always said.

He is very determined. Su Ming has drawn him today. If he returns ten times, then he is not Liang.

Su Ming gave a slight sigh, and said that the number One Expert in the sea, it sounds a little familiar, is it the one that Ningcheng encountered?

After thinking about it, Su Ming feels that it is probably a person. It happens that the number is Zhonghai Number One Expert. The so-called first is the only meaning. It is impossible to have two tied for the first.

Su Ming couldn’t help but think of the guy who might be, and said that if the goods came over and saw himself, how big is the psychological shadow area?

So Su Ming said: “China Digital Number One Expert, it sounds very ugly.”

How can Liang can not hear the banter in Su Ming’s tone, he said directly: “hmph, it is easier to hit you than to pinch ants anyway.”

“Then call, don’t blame me for not reminding you, he saw me, not necessarily dare to touch me, don’t believe you try.”

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

Mr. Liang said very disdainfully, this is the end of the matter, he must call and call people.

Lin Yingzhu looked at Su Ming with a little bit of worry. Today, I had a hard time seeing Su Ming. Who knows that there are many things that make Lin Yingzhu feel uncomfortable.

Su Ming knows what Lin Yingzhu is thinking, smiles, comforted: “be at ease/reassured, I can get it, for up to half an hour, we can eat.”

This was naturally heard by the neighboring Liang, and Liang Zong called it an anger. He resisted the urge to beat people. He also knew that he could not beat Su Ming.

However, after Waiting for Number One Expert, it is necessary to make Su Ming smashed, and he must pay a heavy price!

Sure enough, after a while, Zhonghai Number One Expert came. Su Ming couldn’t help but see this guy. It was not unexpected. It was the master who was scared by Su Ming in Ningcheng. .

As a number One Expert in China Sea, this is not a bragging, but it can be too far from Su Ming.

“Old Liang, how are you being labeled like this, what’s the matter, isn’t this your site?” After the guy came in, not at all noticed Su Ming.

Liang always said that he was a little bit uncomfortable. After all, he was drawn into this and never encountered it.

He could only smile and immediately said: “Today I have a more capable person who is playing this kid, not long-eyed, killing him!”

Zhonghai Number One Expert looked at the direction of Liang’s fingers. As a result, when I saw Su Ming, the whole person was not very good, and there was a messy feeling.

PS: I am grateful to the “two non-committee” book friends for their 20,000 book coins in the past few days. I am very grateful. Everyone is still reading, I am very grateful.

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