“You wait a little, I will go to the background to find you.” Su Ming said, he hanged up the phone.

Lin Yingzhu is working with these advertisers. Although she doesn’t want to go, she certainly doesn’t want to say too much. It is easy to offend people, and it may also lead to a bad reputation in the circle.

However, Su Ming did not have this concern. Whoever acted recklessly, Su Ming went to deal with him.

After a short while, Su Ming quickly found the backstage here. It was a security guard who stopped Su Ming. He only listened to the security guard and said, “Mr., here is the background, it is forbidden.”


Did not say a word, Su Ming did not want to explain too much to him, go up is a hand knife, causing the security directly fainted.

Su Ming went up to help him, let him lean on the door, the security guard is also performing his duties, so Su Ming will not give him what.

After I entered, I immediately heard it, and the background was quite noisy.

“Lin Young Lady, after the end of today’s performance, let’s have a meal together. This is also a bit of ours as a organizer. It’s impossible to face this. You don’t give it?” A man’s voice sounded up. .

Lin Yingzhu didn’t talk, Lin Yingzhu’s assistant was talking: “Liang is really embarrassed, we Yingzhu really have something tonight, so it’s not very interesting.”

“What can happen in the evening, what is the matter, etc. After eating the meal and then processing it.” Liang Zong, who spoke again, sounded very persistent.

Su Ming glanced at the guy who spoke. The length was relatively flat, but the eyes looked like Mimi. It would be impossible to say that he forced Lin Yingzhu to stay for dinner.

It is estimated that Lin Yingzhu is regarded as a general female Celebrity. I feel that I can easily walk in the dinner, and why is it that the entertainment circle is chaotic?

Coupled with the temperament and appearance of Lin Yingzhu, there are too many people who have her idea. This Liang is estimated to be overwhelmed and not good to think about.

Lin Yingzhu Since the debut, there has been no scandal, no one dares to harass her casually. This is why, naturally, it is not just the reason for her own high.

Many female Celebrity are indeed pure when they debut, but for various reasons, sometimes some big sisters are watching you, and you can’t refuse at all.

“Yingzhu !”

Su Ming came to Lin Yingzhu and spoke to Lin Yingzhu.

Lin Yingzhu was very surprised when she heard the sound. Sugan, I saw Su Ming and said happily: “Su Ming, you are here.”

The arrival of Su Ming seems to have become a different kind of scene at the moment. Everyone does not understand who this kid is.

Several people think that Su Ming seems a bit familiar, but it can’t be said for a while.

“Go, go.”

Su Ming glanced at it and found that Lin Yingzhu’s clothes had been changed. He was wearing ordinary clothes, not the costumes.

So Su Ming said calmly, not at all, what the boss of the boss, in front of Su Ming, these have no meaning.

Liang Zong, who was still trying to leave Lin Yingzhu, was forced to do so. He found that his words had not been finished yet. Lin Yingzhu was about to leave.

So Liang always hurried up and stopped Lin Yingzhu, insisting: “Ms. Lin, today many of the influential figures of Zhonghai City, may come over, you go to have a meal, this is good for everyone.”

Lin Yingzhu’s brow was slightly lifted. What she hated most was that others talked to themselves so that she seemed to have to be low and let others appreciate her.

Just listen to Lin Yingzhu and say: “That is your business. Before I came, I had already told the person in charge clearly that I would not participate in that kind of banquet.”

“And you also saw it, my friend has come, I have already made an appointment with my friend at night, it is really something.” Lin Yingzhu said.

The attitude is very determined, but the tone is still good, at least explained, did not tear the face.

But this Liang is really uncomfortable at this time. Lin Yingzhu is so determined that he feels that he has no face.

The quality of these people is not high. If the quality is high, he will not go to the entanglement of Lin Yingzhu.

After the fire came up, this guy also said directly: “I thought you were more high, and it was an appointment at night to accompany the men.”

“Let’s say, how much money he gave you one night, I will give you double.” The guy said deliberately.

After such an ugly statement, everyone was shocked. It was obvious that the goods were in front of people, and they said such vulgar words, which made people unexpected.

Lin Yingzhu’s assistant, the first one can’t stand it, just listen to her and say: “Liang always, please apologize for your words and deeds, otherwise we may terminate cooperation with you at any time.”

“hehe, why are you so excited? Can you tell me what to do? You don’t have a good bird. She is responsible for selling. You are responsible for pulling her.” This is always on the top.

“courting death !”

Su Ming can’t hear it anymore. It is a clean and slap, and the beam is always pumped out, so that Liang can only scream for a while.

There are still a lot of people in the background, there are some Studio staff, and the organizers of the organizers today, everyone’s eyes are all focused on this guy, I did not expect this person to be so embarrassed, even Liang always dare to fight.

Liang is always an inflation figure, at least on the China Sea side, is the first few influential figures, otherwise he can not be so to get rich.

As a result, this kid went straight to the ball and gave it to the general manager. This is not obvious in the courting death. Even if Lin Yingzhu offended Liang, it is estimated that he could not eat in the sea, let alone his unknown name. Kid.

Liang always trembled from the ground and looked very uncomfortable. Half of his face had been swollen and swollen. It was obvious that Su Ming had just been awkward.

“I dare to beat me, very good, give it to me, kill him to me!” Liang always shouted aloud.

Suddenly, a few big-sized big men came in, all wearing black suits. It is obvious that these people are the bodyguards of Liang Zong, and they are outside.

Under the command of Liang, these people were directly dispatched, but they did not insist on two times, and they were directly put down by Su Ming.

It was very quiet for a time, and it was obviously scared by Su Ming’s skill. I didn’t expect this kid to look very thin, but he was so strong.

Suddenly at this time, someone shouted: “I know who he is!”

(End of this chapter)

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