If Su Ming is willing, you can take some time every day and sell this expensive Egg Fried-rice. Don’t look at a hundred copies, but Su Ming will get it in about two or three pots, not half an hour.

From the crazy reaction of this group of people today, Su Ming’s Egg Fried-rice can’t be sold at all, and one hundred copies can be easily sold every day.

A copy of nearly 20,000 yuan, 100 copies of nearly 2 million, a month and 30 days, about 60 million huge sums of money arrived, and all this premise is that Su Ming needs to spend half an hour a day. Time only.

But Su Ming didn’t want to be like that, it was boring to fix something every day, and in that case the restaurant would lose its meaning.

In the face of this easy money-making opportunity, Su Ming did not consider it at all. What is the real items/weapons? This is the real items/weapons.

For the self-willed Su Ming, there is absolutely no way. If you say something ugly, it is estimated that Su Ming will not be fired one day. You can only helplessly say: “That Boss will inform us in time next month.”

“Right, I have to remind you of one thing.” Su Ming seemed to suddenly think of something, and said: “The next time you buy Egg Fried-rice, it’s not that simple.”

“What do you mean?”

For a time, this group of people once again sank into the bottom of the valley, and said that what is this wayward boy?

Su Ming’s face showed a sinister smile that was hard to detect. He said, “The next time you buy Egg Fried-rice, you must have the gold vip card of The Farmhouse – Little Courtyard to be eligible to buy. I hope everyone can handle gold in time. Vip membership card.”

Generally, high-end restaurants will have membership cards. The more important the members of high-end restaurants, the more important they are. This is a good way to win over customers.

The Farmhouse Courtyard has designed its membership card before opening, which is divided into three grades, namely Silver membership card, Gold membership card and Diamond membership card.

In fact, the Silver membership card needs to be stored in 5000 chunks. You can use the membership card for the next time, and the Su Ming gold membership card requires 50,000 yuan to be processed.

As for the top-grade diamond membership card, Su Ming did not say it, because it requires a huge thousand dollars to handle it, so it is not realistic for everyone to handle it.

Feng Yezheng After listening to Su Ming’s words, I couldn’t help but shine. This move is really wonderful. I have to pay for the membership card in the restaurant. Otherwise, isn’t it a waste of money?

So Su Ming this move is equivalent to disguising the restaurant to attract a large number of customer resources, if half of these people have a membership card, it is very bad.

“I thought it was something. It wasn’t just a membership card. Hurry and say how much it cost, give me one.” Someone said in a hurry.

People who have eaten Egg Fried-rice have a long aftertaste, and naturally want to do it, but those who have not eaten are overwhelmed and want to do more. For a time, almost 90% of people rushed to the card.

The hot scene can make Feng Yezheng happy, and the happy mouth can’t close together. He said happily: “Don’t be crowded, please queue up in an orderly manner.”

Chen Lei was anxious to see this picture immediately. These are the guests who pulled him through the fold. If you apply for the membership card of The Farmhouse Courtyard, isn’t that the same as the enemy?

Suddenly anxious Chen Lei quickly loudly shouted: “I said, let’s go back quickly, there are a lot of interesting activities in the hotel, just a discount on meals and accommodation, almost no cost.”

The slogan that Chen Lei played before has indeed attracted a lot of people. Even if the rich people want to come and see it, but the impact of Su Ming’s Egg Fried-rice, everyone suddenly missed Chen Lei’s Villa Hotel. Interested.

Then someone looked at Chen Lei uncomfortably and said, “You still pull it down. What is the use of a fold? You can’t make such a delicious Egg Fried-rice.”

“That said, I guess it’s just that I can’t get the job at The Farmhouse Courtyard, so I’ve got a trick.”

“The Farmhouse Courtyard Egg Fried-rice is so delicious, I don’t think any other dishes are going anywhere. Let’s eat at The Farmhouse Courtyard today.”

“That’s right, I’m going to eat at The Farmhouse Courtyard and spend a little more on it.”

For a time, Chen Lei was dumbfounded and almost cried in the toilet. This was a busy life for a long time. As a result, she gave a wedding dress to Su Ming and Feng Yezheng.

The handling of membership cards is not the same as selling Egg Fried-rice. The membership card needs to be logged into the customer’s information in detail. The procedure is a bit complicated.

Su Ming took a look at this long team. It is estimated that it will not be solved in two hours, but fortunately there is no such thing as Su Ming. After Su Ming said something to Feng Yezheng, he left.

Although Su Ming has already left, the legend left by Su Ming can never be erased. Even Su Ming has become the idol of many Chefs.

At this time, in the private luxury villa of Wang Wei in Ningcheng City, Wang Wei was wearing a white bathrobe with a cigar sitting next to the swimming pool in his villa, holding a white and beautiful enchanting woman in his hand, looking very enjoyable. .

“Brother Wei, something.”

Wang Wei’s men, A’biao, ran in and whispered in the arms of Wang Wei.

“You go out first.” Wang Wei knew that A’biao was sure to have something, so he said to the woman in his arms without any emotion.

After the white-looking woman left, Wang Wei sorted out the messy bathrobe and asked, “Let’s talk, what’s going on.”

“It’s about Su Ming.”

“Su Ming ?!”

Upon hearing the name, Wang Wei couldn’t calm down. He sat up on the recliner and showed a dignified expression on his face. He said, “Hurry up.”

“Su Ming recently got a restaurant and opened it yesterday.”

“Then why don’t you say it earlier, I am going to congratulate you.” Wang Wei said with some dissatisfaction.

A’biao immediately explained: “I heard this news today, and I immediately rushed over to tell Brother Wei.”

“Brother Wei, in addition to this news, there is a message.” A’biao said: “There is a mountain hotel next to Su Ming, their CEO is Chen Lei, who has been looking for Su Ming recently.”

“Looking for Su Ming?”

Wang Wei had a playful smile on his face and asked, “How have I not heard of Chen Lei?”

“Thousands of assets, hotels that only got in the past two years.” A’biao said indifferently.

“Go, go.”

Wang Wei suddenly got up and said.

“Where?” A’biao stunned.

Wang Wei continued: “Go to the mountain hotel in Chen Lei and give him a lesson.”

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