The guys of Mohawk Hairstyle and Hermes Local Tyrant are the ones who dare to eat crabs. They have eaten the price of Egg Fried-rice by Su Ming, and the price of Mohawk Hairstyle is double that of Hermes Local Tyrant.

As a result, after the two men finished eating, the expression on the face was unexpectedly exaggerated, as if it was more refreshing than in bed.

Especially the guy from Hermes Local Tyrant, watching the Mohawk Hairstyle’s full face, also drooling, his face full of longing expression.

The expressions of the two people made it difficult for people around to think about it. It felt very refreshing to look at the expression. For a time, everyone became more curious and looked at Egg Fried-rice, which was placed on the table.

“Man, don’t just look down on it, tell us how it tastes.” At this time, someone finally couldn’t help but ask.

“Don’t worry”

However, the guy of Mohawk Hairstyle still enjoys his face and says, “What are you anxious, let me clean this bowl first.”


“I can’t stand it, I want to see how delicious this Egg Fried-rice is, give me a copy, and swipe the card.” At this time another guy wearing a gold chain stood up and said.

After the guy wearing the golden chain stood up, two other guys also stood up and planned to buy Su Ming’s Egg Fried-rice, and took a look at the mentality of spending some money to see how delicious it was.

People have a herd mentality. From a psychological point of view, there is a consumption habit called a hereditary consumer psychology, especially the rich.

“Come, give me a copy, I can still see the 20,000 yuan.” So some people began to say.

Seeing this lively scene in front of me, everyone could not help but reveal a surprise look. I didn’t expect this Egg Fried-rice to have a lot of people to buy. At the same time, everyone was excited and could not help but admire Su Ming.

Su Ming Just now the items/weapons makes sense. If it weren’t for him, then no one would be willing to spend so much money to eat Egg Fried-rice.

However, Su Ming then did another thing/weapons thing. Seeing more and more people coming over, Su Ming shouted: “Don’t bother, I will line up and stand up, Egg Fried-rice number limited.”

鈥淥nly one hundred copies are sold today, first come first served, please hurry and order in an orderly manner,鈥?Su Ming said.

As a result, this sentence immediately played a catalytic effect. Some people who were still hesitant, when they heard that they were still limited in number, they were not calm at the moment, and they were afraid to grab others, so they immediately lined up.

“Look in the trough, hurry up the queue, or you can’t buy it.”

“I said young man, don’t jump in the team, can you be a little quality?”

“I have to count how many people are here, can you still be my turn?”

For a time, I was stunned by the many Studio staff in the restaurant. I said that the Boss’s items/weapons skill is really peerless in the whole world. I really want to ask him if he is not accepting.

“You counted by the side, reminded me after a hundred copies.” Su Ming said to a young little Chef that he really intended to limit purchases, and one hundred copies were definitely not sold.

So there was a very strange scene. Many rich people rushed in the queue, waving bank cards and banknotes of various colors, waiting to buy the bowl in Su Ming鈥檚 hand. Egg Fried-rice.

I looked at Chen Lei on the side. Even Chen Lei didn’t know what to say. Is it true that this group of people is crazy?

“How did Egg Fried-rice make it, and it was delicious?”

“No wonder the two guys had a look that they couldn鈥檛 stop after eating. It turned out to be really delicious.”

“I was really wrong. I just said who is buying Idiot. I now admit that I am Idiot.”

Many people who have bought rice have already eaten, and all kinds of sighs are intertwined in the crowd. Many people in the whole heart are more itchy, especially those who line up, can’t wait to eat.

“Okay, it just happened to be a hundred copies, and today Egg Fried-rice stopped selling,” Su Ming said, and put down the big spoon in his hand.

“What? This is gone?” The man who was in the 101st was dumbfounded. After waiting for almost half an hour, it was not so good to sell him here. It was too sad to remind some.

Su Ming smiled and said: “Not good means, just one hundred sold out.”

“young man, you can’t do this, we don’t have money.”

“That is to say, the teams that have been in such a long time, you will make an exception to sell one.”

“If I didn’t eat this Egg Fried-rice today, how can I go out and brag?”

“I have three times the price and sell it to me.”

Su Ming, who was behind the scenes, surrounded Su Ming and wanted to make Su Ming extravagant, selling a copy to them, and even those who were not bad money were mad at three times the price.

But even if Su Ming is still unmoved, he said firmly: “If you say one hundred copies is one hundred copies, you will never sell more. Those who have not eaten can only say a word of regret. You can come early next time. “”

For a time, many people showed disappointment on their faces. They also sighed and sighed, and they repented. When they said that no one had eaten it, it would be fine if they bought it in the past.

Looking at the guys who had eaten Egg Fried-rice and enjoyed their expressions, the people who didn鈥檛 buy them for a while became more and more psychologically unbalanced, so they asked, 鈥淏oss, when will you start selling tomorrow, is this time? ?”


Su Ming opened the simple faucet on the cooktop and washed his hand. After hearing this sentence, he snorted. The heart shows how the sky can be. He has to go to class.

So Su Ming immediately said: “Tomorrow will not work, I have no time.”


Everyone has a habit of Su Ming’s attitudes/weapons. If the average person dares to do business, the loss of blood has never been returned, but Su Ming has a good cooking skill, not afraid of no market, you love to eat.

So everyone鈥檚 attitude towards Su Ming has been tolerated, and someone asked: 鈥淲hich day are you free?鈥?/p>

Su Ming probably thought about it. I suddenly fired Egg Fried-rice today, but it was just a rise. I definitely can’t do it all day, after all, I still have to go to school.

But I have attracted these people. If I don鈥檛 do it in the future, there is no doubt that today鈥檚 efforts are in vain. Su Ming said with a sigh of relief: 鈥淚鈥檓 afraid there is no time during this time.鈥?/p>

鈥淓gg Fried-rice in this restaurant is a limited edition. The rice and eggs are all carefully selected and very rare, so you can do it without thinking about it. It will take about one month.鈥?/p>

鈥淥nly once a month?鈥?Many people who want to eat Egg Fried-rice are in a state of collapse.

The studio staff in the restaurant spit in the heart, saying that the rice and eggs are in the restaurant, how to become very rare.

For the self-willed Su Ming, everyone can’t help, can’t stop Su Ming, so someone asked: “When will I sell it next month, we will come over.”

“Why next month?”

Su Ming didn鈥檛 really think about it, so she said, 鈥淟ook at me.鈥?/p>

Everyone: “……………”

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