Chen Lei was very uncomfortable in today’s day. I thought that I could close the restaurant of Su Ming and Feng Yezheng today. The result was not only done, but Dong Zhe turned his face directly.

As for why Dong Zhe turned his face, Chen Lei naturally knew that he had put Dong Zhe in the pit, so it didn鈥檛 feel too strange for Dong Zhe鈥檚 face, Chen Lei. I am afraid that anyone who encounters such a bad luck will get angry. Let’s go.

What makes Chen Lei particularly uncomfortable is that after doing this this morning, it is equivalent to giving an advertisement to Su Ming鈥檚 restaurant for free. Li Ziyao鈥檚 appearance has no doubt cast a layer of mystery on 鈥淭he Farmhouse Courtyard鈥? The color.

Now the entire Ningcheng City is spread all over the world. The Boss behind the restaurant “The Farmhouse Courtyard” is a person with a background, and even people like Li Ziyao have to give a bit of face.

As a result, the business of 鈥淭he Farmhouse Courtyard鈥?was better in the evening, and many people came here because too many people led to the restaurant having to restrict the flow of people.

After a lot of rich people come, there is no place to sit at the root, but people are jealous, the more they don鈥檛 get, the more they want, so those rich people are more itchy, and the heart says that Fcuk/idiot will come over tomorrow. , I have to grab a position.

The rumored “The Farmhouse Courtyard”, the mysterious Boss with a clear background, is lying on the bed while watching the invincible Raffle System of the League of Legends.

“Chief Chen, we have a lot of business today. If you continue this way, I am afraid that we will have no business for a month.” It was already a big night, but Chen Lei was still in the hotel’s own office.

Needless to say, he can also see that there are a lot fewer people in the hotel today. To some extent, Chen Lei’s Villa Hotel is similar to Su Ming’s restaurant. The positioning is high-end and both have farmer characteristics.

Although Chen Lei’s Mountain Hotel has a function of accommodation, but everyone is not a tourist, it is definitely based on eating, so the business of Chen Lei’s mountain hotel will inevitably be affected.

“Chief Chen, what should we do?” Chen Lei’s men saw Chen Lei not talking, and said again.

“Which do I know what to do, I didn’t see what I was thinking about?” Chen Lei, who was in a bad mood, immediately slammed and opened cursed.

Feng Yezheng and Su Ming’s restaurant will have an impact on their hotel, Chen Lei can guess, but he did not expect the impact to be so big.


After thinking for a while, Chen Lei slammed the table and showed a twilight on his face. He said, “No matter, tomorrow, we must come to a sly.”

“Are you here?”

When I saw the expression of Chen Lei, I was shocked. I thought what Chen Lei was going to do. He quickly advised: “Chief Chen, don’t mess around, you don’t know the background of Boss.”

To know that even Li Ziyao has to give face to people, if Chen Lei gets him, I am afraid the entire hotel will follow bad luck.

“I can’t think of what you said?”

The expression on Chen Lei’s face looked a bit complicated, but he quickly said: “I don’t dare to ask him for trouble, but can’t everyone compete fairly?”

鈥淗ow to compete fairly?鈥?/p>

鈥渉mph!鈥?Chen Lei sneered and said: 鈥淚 don鈥檛 want to make money this time, let them go bankrupt. You will tell me my order and I will execute it tomorrow morning.鈥?/p>

The next day, Chen Lei鈥檚 Aoki Villa Hotel had a big move, and it鈥檚 fair to compete. But it鈥檚 actually not the case.

Aoki Villa Hotel began a discount bargain, not 20& off 30% off or 50% off, they even stunned and made a fold.

A total of one week of activity, within this week, all the things that come to the Aoki Villa Hotel, except for the drinks, all the other things.

This is simply a maddening activity. Although the profit of the hotel is not low, even if it is 50% off, it will not lose money, but it will obviously lose money and lose a lot of money.

From this matter, Chen Lei’s determination can be fully seen. This guy is really embarrassed, and the standard loss is earning.

The discount was too big, and it attracted a lot of customers. The Qingmu Villa Hotel, which was very deserted yesterday, was full of people and more and more people.

Although it is the wealthy people who consume this kind of place, it doesn’t seem to care about money, but in the face of strong offers, many people still can’t keep themselves.

You need to know what a concept is, which is equivalent to spending 10,000 yuan. You can get it for a thousand dollars.

Even people who didn’t have the ability to spend it all came to experience it. The Aoki Villa Hotel has never been so lively.

“Chief Chen, don’t say that this trick is really useful, we are afraid that the village is full today.” Chen Lei’s men said flattering.

Now all the Studio staff in the entire hotel are very busy, so they have the time to brag in the office.

“You don’t look at the idea of 鈥嬧€媤ho came up with it.” Chen Lei said a little bit: “There is a chance that they have the same discount for The Farmhouse Courtyard.”

Chen Lei said that when he said this, his face was full of self-confidence. It was all about making a business with a blood loss. He didn’t believe that The Farmhouse Courtyard could have this courage to fight with him. The big deal is to hurt each other. He is afraid of who.

“Right, Chief Chen, you are a genius. After the business of our hotel, why not be a big hit.” The men continued to flatter.

Chen Lei was very useful after listening, but on the mouth or is said: “What are you doing here? Don’t hurry to help me out.”

Su Ming’s The Farmhouse Courtyard is a lot worse than yesterday’s Tianlei business. Feng Yezheng has a look on his face, and the manager on the side can’t help but be comforted: “Don’t worry too much about Feng Chef, maybe we will have more people at night. It is.”

Feng Yezheng shook the head, the expression on his face did not change in the slightest. How can he not know what is going on?

鈥淗ow is nobody today?鈥?Su Ming came over at noon, and found that there were no guests, and she was very surprised.

“You came exactly…” Feng Yezheng, seeing Su Ming, came over and said what happened today.

Su Ming was stunned after listening, and said that Chen Lei is really a guy.

Feng Yezheng sighed, said: “If you want us to wait a few days, it should be better when their activities are over.”

The strength required to make a discount is too great, and The Farmhouse Courtyard is a Western food. The ingredients are more expensive, and the one-off is simply unbearable. If you make a 20% discount, it looks a lot weaker than others. Not pleased.

“How can this be done?”

Su Ming immediately said the head and said: “We can’t be embarrassed when we encounter such a thing. We must do it with him!”

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