Su Ming heard the sound and immediately smiled. When he thought about whether to stop the guy or stop it, Li Ziyao appeared just right.

And Dong Zhe obviously did not hear who it was, and the expression on his face suddenly became uncomfortable. He said that some people dared to talk to him in such a tone,regardless of the law and of natural morality.

So Dong Zhe didn’t look directly at the loudly said: “I said, what happened? Do you have any opinions?”

When talking, Dong Zhe just looked back and saw who was talking. The result was not to be seen. When I saw Li Ziyao, the expression on Dong Zhe’s face instantly froze. If you blurt out, you can’t say it in half.

Others don’t know who Li Ziyao is, but he is the one who works at the section. How can he not know who Li Ziyao is? This is the biggest boss in Ningcheng City.

Dong Zhe was cold in the back, and a chill hit the bottom of the head. He just spoke to Li Ziyao, and Dong Zhe suddenly had a cold heart.

“Li, Secretary Li, you…what are you here?” After a while, Dong Zhe insisted on calmly speaking.

However, it can be seen from his stuttering appearance. Obviously, his heart is still very flustered at this time.

“Secretary Li?”

The noisy restaurant was quiet and silent, as if a needle fell on the ground and could be heard. At this time, everyone was looking at Li Ziyao to understand who this person was.

It’s no wonder that Li Ziyao is a bit familiar. It turned out to be the number one character Li Ziyao who often appeared on Ningcheng local TV stations and newspapers.

For a time, everyone was completely surprised. How did Li Ziyao’s identity appear on this occasion? Is this too strange?

Li Ziyao was very calm in the eyes of everyone, and said directly: “My friend’s restaurant is open, can I come to eat and eat?”


Li Ziyao After this sentence was slowly spoken, everyone couldn’t calm down, and took a breath.

At the same time, many people look toward towards Su Ming’s eyes are different, he turned out to be Li Ziyao’s friend, this background … a bit terrifying.

And Dong Zhe was so scared that his legs were trembled, and he had already greeted all his female students, Chen Lei, all the women, not to say that the restaurant’s Boss had no background.

Influential figure like Li Ziyao is a friend, is this a no-brainer?

“Li, Secretary Li, I didn’t know it, so, so…” Dong Zhe’s tongue has trembled and trembled.

“I don’t know if you can stop me from eating, who gives you this right?” Li Ziyao continued to say casually.

Don’t look at Li Ziyao’s voice is not very big, but there is a strong pressure in the words, so that people can clearly feel, let alone the party Dong Zhe.

Dong Zhe’s forehead is all cold sweat, and the central air conditioner in the restaurant seems to have no effect on him. Li Ziyao is going to get angry.

Dong Zhe immediately bit his teeth and said, “Secretary Li, this is indeed something wrong with me. I didn’t figure it out and brought someone to come and raided. After the restaurant was inspected, the hygiene situation was very good. There are no problems.”

When I said this, other people called Dong Zhe a contempt. I said that you just said that you just said this. It’s really a matter of saying people and talking about ghosts.

Li Ziyao didn’t want to get things done too much here. After all, there are so many people. When Dong Zhe took the initiative to admit mistakes, Li Ziyao said, “Take your people away, don’t bother guests. “”


When Dong Zhe heard this, he suddenly felt a little relaxed, and his heart relaxed a little. He immediately turned to Li Ziyao nodded and took his men out.

After Dong Zhe left, the farce of the restaurant came to an end. Su Ming immediately said, “Okay, please come back to the seat, and you have caused inconvenience to everyone. Please also bear with me. ”

After that, Su Ming took Li Ziyao and Li Yuanshuang to the box, and did not stay too much outside.

Speaking of which is really thanks to Li Ziyao. It’s also a lot easier to get out of it. If you let Su Ming do it yourself, it’s definitely all stopped and thrown out, but that’s it. The means are too violent and will definitely have a bad influence.

Don’t look at Li Ziyao, it only took about five minutes, but it did a great job and became the focus of the entire restaurant today.

“What is Boss in this restaurant? It’s so young to be a friend of Li Ziyao.”

“As far as I am concerned, it is definitely a descendant of a big family. I didn’t see Li Ziyao being very polite to him.”

“It’s really right today. I didn’t expect this restaurant to be so powerful. I’ll be able to go out in the future.”

“No, I have to call and call my friend to experience it. After that, the restaurant is expected to have a reservation.”

If there is such a farce in the general restaurant, even if the matter is solved, I am afraid that the interest of the guests will be greatly affected. It is possible to leave directly.

But the appearance of Li Ziyao changed everything, and the guests felt that it was a great honor to see the scene just now.

Today, this incident has even ignited the topic of the upper social circle of Ningcheng City. Everyone knows that there is such a savvy restaurant and they have to try everything.

Feng Yezheng not at all What a big problem, just being pushed a bit, after going back to the kitchen, things were solved so easily, and Feng Yezheng even felt a little unbelievable.

“What is the character of the Secret Li?” Feng Yezheng asked the little Chef who was cutting the dish next to him.

The little Chef was surprised and said: “Dr. Feng, you won’t even know him?”

But I immediately thought that Feng Yezheng was not coming back from abroad, so Xiao Chef said: “He is the most useful person to speak in Ningcheng City.”

When he spoke, Little Chef raised his finger in the face with awe. He said that Feng Yezheng understood that he was more admired by Su Ming. It was a great young man.

“Old classmate, why are you doing this so fast?” Chen Lei caught up with Dong Zhe after coming out of Su Ming’s restaurant.

Dong Zhe didn’t feel the pressure on his body until he left the restaurant. The pressure on Li Ziyao was too horrible.

After hearing Chen Lei’s words, Dong Zhe suddenly did not hit a place, and said: “You are still very embarrassed to talk, you almost killed me, not that the kid has no background?”


Before Chen Lei spoke, Dong Zhe was coldly snorted and said: “Don’t say that I am your classmate, don’t come to me again!”

After that, Dong Zhe took the person away, leaving Chen Lei with a stunned face.

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