After about half an hour, Li Ziyao really came, and was driven by Secretary Wang.

After knowing that Su Ming’s restaurant opened today, Li Ziyao said that he would come over. For Su Ming, Li Ziyao felt unfathomable, and it was not harmful to make such a person.

The movement from Li Ziyao is relatively small. There is no firecracker or flower basket like everyone else. It is Li Ziyao’s identity. He can come to Su Ming as the biggest face.

And as Li Ziyao, it does cause too much movement and is not good, and may even cause unnecessary trouble.

“Secretary Li, Secretary Wang, hurry in and sit down.” Su Ming didn’t say anything. After greeting Li Ziyao, they walked into the box with them, and almost no one noticed the arrival of Li Ziyao.

Even if you didn’t see it inadvertently, no one believed that the identity of Li Ziyao came back to congratulate the opening of a restaurant. Even if the restaurant is relatively high-end, it is impossible.

Compared with the lively situation of Su Ming restaurant, the mountain hotel of Chen Lei seems to be a lot of coldness, and the sound of firecrackers can be heard almost everywhere.

“Chief Chen, it’s so lively, when are we going to shoot?” Chen Lei’s man asked, and it was obvious that he couldn’t sit still.

Chen Lei actually couldn’t sit still, but he glanced at his acceptance, shouted: “What are you worried about, Director Dong hasn’t come yet, and the others have come to work, or what do we do to get started?”

“And it will be just a meal, when we eat, we used to do things, so that those customers can’t eat, those people must be angry, how can they go to his restaurant in the future.” Chen Lei said My own opinion.

“Wow, Chief Chen, you are so smart, even this point can be pushed against the plot.” Chen Lei’s men immediately took a flattering.

At this time, Chen Lei’s waiting person finally arrived. Chen Lei immediately overjoyed and quickly got up and greeted him. He said, “Old classmate, you are finally here.”

“Let’s hurry and don’t waste time.”

Dong Zhe said a little more anxiously when he came over, because he will wait for something to do in the afternoon, and he can’t waste too much time here.

This is exactly what Chen Lei means. He can’t wait to start, so he quickly said, “Then come with me, the restaurant is not far from me.”

“The Farmhouse Courtyard ?”

Dong Zhe came to the door of Su Ming Restaurant and glanced at the sign with a slight contempt, and then said, “This is not a small battle.”

Today, together, a total of hundreds of fruit baskets have been sent, and they are everywhere and they are endless. It really looks like a strong battle.

“We go in”

Dong Zhe became imposing in an instant. He was not alone today. He was carrying a number of uniformed Health Department Studio staff behind him.

“Welcome, how many of you?”

The trained waiters said with a smile, even though they have realized that these uniformed people are not good.

“You give me away, don’t block the road.” Chen Lei’s man who likes to flatter, immediately pushed the waiter.

Suddenly caused some riots, other waiters also came around to see what happened.

Dong Zhe frowned. It was obvious that there was nothing to say to these people. He said directly: “Call out your Boss.”

“We Boss is in the kitchen, what do you have?” At this time, the manager of the restaurant came over. It seems that the manager is obviously experienced and speaks a lot.

Dong Zhe behind him, a guy in white uniform, immediately pulled out a document and said: “The Health Department is going to check, please don’t stop it, or you will be at your own risk.”

The store manager recognized the Health Department’s documents at a glance, and suddenly his face changed. Their various documents are complete. Why did the Health Department come to the door on the first day of opening?

The incident was so strange that the store manager apparently realized that something was wrong, but it was obvious that Dong Zhe did not give him a chance to respond and rushed into the kitchen.

“Give me a stop and the Health Department routinely checks.”

After a group of people rushed into the kitchen, they immediately loudly shouted.

No matter what kind of restaurant kitchen is generally not for outsiders, let alone this high-end restaurant, the result of Dong Zhe, the intrusion of this group of people, instantly let the busy restaurant freeze.

Feng Yezheng, who was busy at the moment, immediately came over and his face was very uncomfortable. He asked, “Who asked you to come in without permission?”

“Hey, I am still able to withstand it, right?”

Dong Zhe immediately sneered on his face, and then loudly said: “Give me a good look, there is no place for sanitation.”

I saw a bunch of people in white uniforms rushing around, like a bandit coming into the city, looking over here to see the whole mess in the kitchen.

If a person wants to find something wrong, it is too easy. Picking bones in the egg this year is something that many people like.

“Director Dong, I don’t see this dish fresh.”

“And this meat has deteriorated. How can such a thing be eaten for the guests?”

“These kitchen utensils did not meet the national standards for disinfection.”

In a flash, the group of people looking for things shouted, as if everyone could find out what happened, and whatever the person said was enough for Dong Zhe to close the restaurant.

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

When Feng Yezheng saw that the finest steaks that had been marinated by the group were thrown on the ground by the group, they couldn’t help it when they said that they were spoiled. Loudly said: “All the ingredients in our restaurant are strictly selected. And there is also a health permit, you don’t want to smother.”

“Who is squirting your blood, I said that if you fail, you are not qualified.”

Dong Zhe suddenly said with a strong domineering that he was originally looking for something, who would tell you the truth.

Looking for what I have already found, Dong Zhe said directly: “Now we have found that the restaurant is not up to standard, please suspend business immediately, otherwise we will take enforcement measures.”

On the side of Chen Lei, after hearing this sentence, I couldn’t help but smile and open the flower. I said that you are awesome. What about Three Stars Michelin Chef? It is not yet to close the door.

Feng Yezheng This time, Chen Lei, who saw the crowd, instantly understood what was going on, and there was a flame of anger in his eyes. He said, “It turned out that you made a ghost!”

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