Three days later, it was the opening of the restaurant between Su Ming and Feng Yezheng. According to Feng Yezheng, today is the day that Old Huang has been looking for, just on weekends, making Su Ming more convenient.

Early in the morning, Su Ming got up and dressed up. It was a big day today, so Su Ming deliberately wore a more formal dress and went to the restaurant.

The name of the restaurant is more chic, called “The Farmhouse Courtyard”, the name of speaking of which is still Su Ming casually said, and Feng Yezheng is used.

Because Feng Yezheng’s speaks correctly was prepared to make the restaurant special, because the usual restaurant you get taller and less attractive, the market of Ningcheng City high-end restaurant is close to saturation.

So the two people negotiated this way and decided to come out with a Chinese-Western combination restaurant. The name sounded very earthy and looked like a strong local flavor from the outside.

But when you walked in, you found that you don’t go through the winter. The water pavilions and the palaces are drizzling. It looks very Chinese-style. Every building is designed by the designer.

And if you eat Western food in such an environment, it will undoubtedly give people a kind of enjoyment that they have never had before.

Nowadays, rich people are more interesting, and ordinary things are difficult to satisfy them. On the contrary, this relatively new thing is easy to attract rich people.

“Mr. Su, it looks very spiritual today.” After Su Ming came to the restaurant, Feng Yezheng immediately joely said.

With Feng Yezheng, the two people are already familiar with it. Feng Yezheng is also a cheerful person. He often likes to joke with Su Ming. It can be seen that Feng Yezheng is in a good mood today.

“Boss Feng looks like a good mood.” Su Ming immediately pitched with a smile to Feng Yezheng.

After making a joke with each other, Su Ming asked: “Everything is ready.”

“Be at ease/reassured, everyone is ready to go, just waiting for the guests to come. I used to say that many Old Gu guests would come over to join us.” Feng Yezheng said with confidence to Su Ming.

At this point, Feng Yezheng has been replaced by the Chef, because he wants Head Chef for a while, unlike Su Ming, it is just a shopkeeper.

Su Ming nodded, knowing that Feng Yezheng, as a Three Stars Michelin Chef, must have accumulated a lot of customers, so he said: “With some of my friends, today should be more lively.”

No matter what store is open when it is opened, it will launch various promotions and find friends to join in. If the opening is particularly deserted, what should the business do then?

“pa ta, 啪嗒”

At about ten o’clock in the morning, someone came to the door. The person who came here should be Feng Guzheng’s Old Gu. When he entered the door, he said, “Feng chef, after waiting for so long, your restaurant has finally opened, since you left Tianlan. After Revolving Restaurant, I have not eaten your food.”

Feng Yezheng is also a smile on his face. He said: “Be at ease/reassured, I will give you a hand today.”

Then, some people came to the door one after another. Many people were very polite. After they went to the door, they took the initiative to set off firecrackers, and they sent flowers baskets. It was very lively.

The Studio staff in the entire restaurant seemed to be wound up, and the waiter was busy, the waiters were busy with the guests, and the Chefs went to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients.

Most of the guests who can come today are a bit of capital. If you are not rich, you must be entertained. In the future, these are frequent visitors to the restaurant.

On the contrary, as the big Boss of the restaurant, Su Ming was a bit boring. He didn’t want to go there because there was no plan to cook, and he was standing bored at the door.

“Su Ming, opening a business”

At about 11 o’clock in the afternoon, Qin Shiyin rushed over, and after seeing Su Ming on the frosty face, he also showed a faint smile.

Su Ming once mentioned to Qin Shiyin that he opened a restaurant, so Qin Shiyin remembered it and took time at noon today.

Together with Qin Shiyin, her assistant Bai Xiaoen, Bai Xiaoen took a few flower baskets from the car and also congratulated Su Ming.

Then Li Yuanshuang came, and the arrival of Li Yuanshuang attracted a lot of attention.

Because Su Ming saved his life last time, this time Su Ming’s restaurant opened, Li Yuanshuang must come over to join, and Li Yuanshuang not only came, but also brought a lot of people.

More than a dozen cars slowly came over, and the people above took down the baskets one after another. About one or two hundred flower baskets, almost single ten meters, looked very exaggerated.

“Sister Yuan, you are here, why are you doing such a big battle?” Su Ming said immediately.

Although I said this on the mouth, Su Ming is still very happy, so that Su Ming is full of face and the whole restaurant has a face.

I can see that many people are taking pictures. It is obvious that they have to send friends. These people are rich people. The people in the circle of friends are naturally not much better. It is definitely a good publicity.

“Your restaurant has opened, and of course I have to come and enjoy it. What are you polite with me?” Li Yuanshuang deliberately showed an unpleasant look.

At the same time, there is also Professor Li. Today, Professor Li is still quite casual, but full of energy, after seeing Su Ming, smiled and said: “Little Friend Su, congratulations, this restaurant will definitely be booming in the future. “”

“thanks, thanks”

Su Ming said with politeness that it was very happy for Li Yuanshuang’s father and daughter to come to the show.

I don’t know if it’s a good deal. Li Yuanshuang’s forefoot has just arrived. Zhang Mao came with a group of brothers. A group of gangsters are squatting on the flower baskets. It looks very imposing.

“big brother, I wish you all the best.” When the man hadn’t arrived, Zhang Mao shouted with a scorpion.

“Zhang Mao, you have nothing to do to buy so many baskets, a little money do not know how to squat?” Su Ming suddenly stunned Zhang Mao.

Li Yuanshuang sent so many flower baskets nothing, for her one hair from nine oxen only, but Zhang Mao where the money, this is not a swollen face filled fatty.

Zhang Mao chuckled, said: “big brother, this is my Boss money, Chief Yang, he has something in the field, can’t come back, let me say sorry to you.”

Su Ming heard that was the case. If Yang Xiaowen is in Ningcheng, he will definitely come over.

“Oh, don’t stand at the door, hurry in and find a seat to sit down and order.” Su Ming enthusiastically shouted.

When entering the restaurant, Li Yuanshuang deliberately slowed down and said: “When I will wait for my brother, I will come over with you in advance.”

“Secretary Li is coming too?” Su Ming suddenly stopped, and apparently did not expect Li Ziyao, who is special, to come.

Li Yuanshuang smiled and said: “My brother heard that it was necessary to come over and stop it.”

Su Ming showed a smile, and it can be seen that this Li Ziyao still gives himself a face.

Ps: The eleventh is coming, the author is still going on, please support the brothers a lot, subscribe to a reward.

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