If Zeng Tianqi remembers correctly, the game rule that Su Ming said before is that if he guessed it wrong, he would throw it away.

And he guessed Su Ming and said that he had guessed wrong. As he guessed, Su Ming deliberately wanted to throw him down, so… Zeng Tianqi scared the urine.

This time is not an exaggeration, but Zeng Tianqi was really scared. I saw Zeng Tianqi’s legs trembled abruptly, and saw a light yellow liquid saying that some pants would flow down.

Su Ming suddenly smelled a sultry scent, and then saw Zeng Tianqi’s pants wet, and realized what was going on.


Su Ming, who was very speechless, immediately slammed Zeng Tianqi and threw Zeng Tianqi on the smooth marble floor of the office.

After looking at Zeng Tianqi, who has been scared of the six gods, Su Ming said: “It’s really boring, it’s not telling you that I can’t throw you away. What are you afraid of?”


Wu Qiu and Zeng Tianqi’s assistant suddenly looked at Su Ming very silently, and said that you just had the momentum, who is not afraid?

This game is just Su Ming scaring Zeng Tianqi. He really didn’t dare to throw Zeng Tianqi down. If he dropped it directly, I am afraid that Su Ming and Soraka’s Ability could not save this person.

As a famous rich & powerful, Zeng Tianqi was suddenly thrown downstairs in the mainland, and it can be imagined how much vibration will be caused. Su Ming does not want to cause trouble.

After knowing this guy’s thoughts on Li Yuanshuang’s viciousness, Su Ming did move the idea of ​​killing him, but then Su Ming changed his mind, perhaps letting him leave a psychological shadow forever.

Zeng Tianqi is still six gods at this time. Just a few minutes ago, it was definitely the darkest minute in life. After listening to Su Ming, he suddenly said in his heart sai- ill-humoredly: “Do you know how scary you are? Have the ability to try it. Yeah.”

Of course, these words Zeng Tianqi are absolutely impossible to say, only to save a life, he does not want the main action to die.

Su Ming said to Wu Qiu: “Take me a nematode that you raise.”

Wu Qiu changed his face as soon as he heard this. He did not expect Su Ming to stare at himself. It is very difficult to know that this blood worm is raised. Wu Qiu has raised dozens of articles for so many years.

As a result, Su Ming killed a few today, and a few of them were in their own bodies, which was equivalent to a loss of ten articles, which made Wu Qiu feel painful. Su Ming even had to.

Although I didn’t want to give it, I couldn’t help but give it to me. Fortunately, Su Ming only needed one. Wu Qiu directly pulled out a thin wireworm.

Su Ming also reached out to catch the blood worm, and then manipulated the blood worm to fly into Zeng Tianqi’s head. Wu Qiu looked towards Zeng Tianqi’s eyes with a sympathy. He understood that Zeng Tianqi was like himself. I can’t control my Life and Death in the future.

Wu Qiu and Su Ming’s move seemed too strange. It felt like they were pointing at the air and couldn’t figure out Zeng Tianqi and his assistant.

“Do you want to know what I just did?” Su Ming took a look at Dumbstruck’s Zeng Tianqi and said

Zeng Tianqi At this time, there is still an unpleasant smell of urine, very cute and nodded.

As a result, Su Ming’s next sentence made him complexion changed: “Congratulations, you have been given me by me.”

“Tell you, now, as long as I want to, you will die silently, believing or not?” Su Ming said with great interest.

Zeng Tianqi The whole person was stunned, as if he had been smashed by the blue sky, and then he had a life, and this is life-threatening again?

“I have already finished, if you don’t listen to Li Yuanshuang, I promise you will die very badly.” Su Ming spoke with chill.

This time, he really only scared Zeng Tianqi. If this guy dared to die, Su Ming would not leave him a life.

After that, Su Ming immediately turned away and flew away, as if he was not willing to wait for a second, in fact, because… Zeng Tianqi’s urine smell is too bad.

“Zeng always, are you okay?”

After seeing Su Ming, the assistant at the side dared to speak and rushed to Zeng Tianqi to ask.

“You waste me to go.”

Zeng Tianqi finally got the boss’s style after Su Ming left. I didn’t even look at the assistant. Looked towards Wu Qiu and asked: “Master Wu. What is going on today?”

Speaking of this Wu Qiu’s face is also very dim, slowly said: “Kicked to the iron plate, the guy Gu Technique is higher than me, I am not his opponent.”

“And then you sold me?” Zeng Tianqi said.


Wu Qiu said that this is nothing to be embarrassed, more frank, when his life was threatened, it is normal to sell Zeng Tianqi.

If it is not Zeng Tianqi, he Wu Qiu will not be so bad luck.

Zeng Tianqi can’t wait to tear Wu Qiu’s bastard, but he really didn’t dare to move Wu Qiu. He could only hold back the anger in his heart and said: “That kid said to me, is it true?”

“It’s true.” Wu Qiu said straightforwardly: “If he wants you to die, you can’t live for three minutes.”

For his own hand-held blood worm, Wu Qiu knows its formidable power better than anyone else.

Zeng Tianqi suddenly turned pale with fright. I didn’t expect it to be so serious. Some trembling said: “So Master Wu, can you help me with this?”

At this time, Zeng Tianqi looked towards Wu Qiu’s eyes with a hint of hope, because Wu Qiu is also a teacher. Since Su Ming can solve the problem of Li Yuanshuang, Wu Qiu should also be able to help himself Insect Solving.

When Wu Qiu heard this, his face suddenly showed a bitter smile. If he could solve it, he would not be so worried. He could only tell the truth: “I am the same as you, I can’t solve it.”

There is another sentence Wu Qiu held back and said, if you tell Zeng Tianqi that Poisonous Insect is still his own hands, I don’t know what Zeng Tianqi will have.

Zeng Tianqi suddenly felt black in front of him, and there was a feeling of falling into the sky.

Wu Qiu said everything, got up and said: “I have to go first, but I have promised that although I have not done it, I have tried my best.”

“Master Wu stays.”

Zeng Tianqi immediately stopped Wu Qiu and asked without hesitation: “Is there really no way?”

“There is no way to unlock it, at least I can’t do it.” Wu Qiu said: “But your situation is better than me. There is an insect in your head. As long as you don’t provoke him, he can control the insect to enter the dormant status. You have any influence on you, you can do it yourself.”

After that, Wu Qiu turned and left.

Zeng Tianqi is sitting on the ground and his eyes are dull. From today, his life has been controlled by others.

Ps: Today’s eighth, there are seven chapters, the author continues to go to the code word, brothers remember more support, thank you.

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