Before the assistant got up and opened the door, Wu Qiu had already pushed the office door away.

Zeng Tianqi didn’t notice Wu Qiu’s face was very pale. Instead, he asked with a happy face: “Master Wu, what happened, are you ready to tell me a good news?”

Hearing this sentence Wu Qiu’s face was a bit weird at the moment, not at all responding to Zeng Tianqi.

Then I saw Su Ming walked in behind Wu Qiu and saw Su Ming suddenly appearing. Suddenly Zeng Tianqi changed his face and said to Su Ming: “Who are you?”

“who am I?”

Su Ming gave a slight look at Zeng Tianqi in front of him. This famous rich & powerful doesn’t look very conspicuous, his body is not tall and he is slightly fat.

I saw Su Ming smiled, and then changed his tone and said: “I am the one who takes your life.”

“courting death”

Zeng Tianqi was angry when he heard this, and the assistant on the side rushed straight up. Obviously, I would like to give Su Ming a lesson.


However, Su Ming didn’t look at the assistant. He directly slaped the slap, and the assistant who was near 1.8 m was screaming on the ground by Su Ming and slap. I don’t know that Su Ming has already started Malphite’s eAbility.

Wu Qiu’s eyes were slightly stagnation. It turned out that this man was not only powerful, but he seemed to realize that he had provoked a monster.

Su Ming said to Wu Qiu: “Go and close the door of the office.”

When Zeng Tianqi saw that Wu Qiu really listened to Su Ming and closed the door, it realized that something was wrong, and there was a feeling that he was jumped to the partner fairy.

“Bodyguard, bodyguard, hurry to save me”

Zeng Tianqi responded quickly and shouted, how can he not have two private bodyguards like his big billion rich & powerful?

However, Su Ming has a calm face and a smile on his face. Zeng Tianqi, a casual Zeng Tianqi shouted.

Wu Qiu, who did not say a word when he entered the office, finally spoke up: “Zeng Zong, I advise you to save some strength, and it is useless to call a bodyguard.”

As soon as I heard Wu Qiu, Zeng Tianqi really stopped, because he understood that Wu Qiu was not lying.

Su Ming saw Zeng Tianqi not shouting, and said that he was still acquainted with the truth, and asked: “Why do you want to murder Li Yuanshuang’s life?”

When I heard this, Zeng Tianqi’s eyes turned around for a few laps. How could his brain think about it? It is estimated that 80% is Wu Qiu.

Zeng Tianqi has seen countless big faces, and Su Ming, who is pressing step by step, can still keep calm and say: “The things on the business field can’t be solved positively. Naturally, we must take some special measures.”

“Special means?”

Su Ming whispered a change. At this time, I just glanced at the huge panoramic glass window behind the guy. I suddenly smiled and said: “According to your meaning, can I take some extraordinary measures?”

“What do you mean?”

Zeng Tianqi suddenly looked at the whole person and glanced at Su Ming’s smile. He had a feeling of coolness behind his back.

“What are you doing??” Zeng Tianqi really couldn’t calm down. I saw that Su Ming gave Zeng Tianqi a hand and Zeng Tianqi had a feeling of being controlled.

Su Ming effortlessly gave Zeng Tianqi to the glass window. After opening the glass window, Su Ming single-handedly pressed Zeng Tianqi’s head out of the glass window, and suddenly changed hands, let Zeng Tianqi all from Planted out in the glass window.


Zeng Tianqi screamed, only feeling that the whole person was black, and thought it would fall like this. The result suddenly stopped again. It turned out that Su Ming grabbed Zeng Tianqi’s left foot and prevented him from falling directly. .

This scene gave Wu Qiu and Zeng Tianqi’s assistants a look. I want to know that Zeng Tianqi is slightly fat, about 150 pounds. Su Ming single-handedly grabbed Zeng Tianqi’s whole body. This guy should have How much strength?

Zeng Tianqi opened his eyes and glanced down. The small heart trembled. His office was in the 23 building, and the height was conceivable. From this perspective, the pedestrians on the road were smaller than the ants.

If you fall from here, it goes without saying that Zeng Tianqi knows that I am afraid that I will not even have a whole body.

Zeng Tianqi has never been so scared. No matter how rich or powerful you are, it is incomparably small in front of life. Zeng Tianqi can’t wait to call Su Ming grandfather. He said: “big brother, no, uncle, I know it is wrong. You will spare me.”

At this time, Zeng Tianqi’s life is in the hands of Su Ming. As long as Su Ming gently let go, Zeng Tianqi will gg the whole person.

Su Ming still had a smile on her face, like a kind-hearted Death God, slowly said: “Don’t worry, how about the two of us playing a game?”

“play games?”

Wu Qiu and Zeng Tianqi’s assistants all look at Su Ming by watching monster’s eyes. Hanging people outside the window is to play games? The assistant was even scared of dumbstruck, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

“Don, don’t scare me, I am really wrong.” Zeng Tianqi was so scared that he cried out.

“Do not talk nonsense” Su Ming said with some impatientness: “Is it fun to play? I will throw you away without playing.”


Su Ming said so, this guy dare not play, immediately said: “Play, I play.”

“Play well, don’t be afraid, very interesting.”

The smile on Su Ming’s face became more and more brilliant. He said, “I will tell you about the rules of the game. It’s very simple. You can guess if I dare to throw you down.”

“If I guess wrong, I will throw you away directly.” Su Ming said with a smile.

“What, fight wild, don’t scare me.” Upon hearing the rules of the game, Zeng Tianqi was almost scared.

The assistant on the side was shiver coldly. He found that Su Ming was too terrifying and could not help but sympathize with Zeng Tianqi.

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry to guess!” Su Ming said.

Zeng Tianqi this time The heart is really stumped. I have never played such a perverted game. There is no standard answer. No matter what I answer, if he wants to throw his own words, he can directly say that he has answered the wrong question.

So Zeng Tianqi said pitifully: “I really don’t know how to guess.”

“You don’t know how to guess the two answers?” Su Ming said: “Give you three seconds, if you don’t guess, throw it straight away.”

“Guess, I guess!”

Zeng Tianqi heard this and immediately said, “I guess you dare to throw me down.”

“Congratulations, guess wrong!” Su Ming said slowly to Zeng Tianqi: “In fact, I dare not throw you down.”

Zeng Tianqi heard this, and suddenly a heart sank into the bottom.

Ps: The seventh is coming, don’t worry, it will be more than fifteen chapters, everyone subscribes to enjoy a wave.

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