“dīng líng líng ”

Just when Su Ming was shackled with his hands, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

At this time, the two plainclothes policemen were smashing Zhang Mao, their group of people, the two people were a little busy, and gave Su Ming a chance to answer the phone.

When I took out my mobile phone and saw that it was a strange number, Su Ming said that this special thing should not be a fraudulent sales call. After connecting the phone, Su Ming said: “Hey, who are you?”

Luo Xiaoxiao The whole person stunned and said, “You don’t know who I am?”

Su Ming called an egg hurt and said, “Why should I know who you are?”

“I don’t know who my number is, then how did you call me yesterday?” Ming Ming wanted to ask Su Ming to have a meal. After saying two words with Su Ming, Luo Xiaoxiao felt that this person was owed. Pumping.

“cough cough”

Su Ming, who responded to the call, was a Beauty Police. It was a bit embarrassing. Su Ming made a call yesterday and didn’t have a number at all, so I didn’t recognize who it was.

“Not good means, I don’t have a number, so I didn’t think of it at first. Are you looking for me?” Su Ming is now dealing with the police, and then picks up a police call. It feels like today is very close to the police. Have a fate.

Listening to Su Ming’s initiative to admit mistakes Xiao Xiaoxiao is not so angry in his heart, said: “I thank you for the important information provided to me last night, I want to ask you to have a meal, thank you.”

“Eat a meal of wool”

Su Ming almost cried, and said that she was about to be taken away. Where did she eat, so she replied decisively: “No time!”


Luo Xiaoxiao The whole person was shocked. For the first time in her life, she invited a man to eat. It was rejected by chop nails and sever Iron. There was a feeling of doubt in life.

Su Ming said another sentence: “Your kindness is my heart, but I really have no time tonight.”

“What to grind, give me a hurry!”

At this time, a plainclothes policeman came over and fiercely pushed Su Ming, and said with no politeness.

“I really don’t have time, I hung up first.” After talking to Luo Xiaoxiao, Su Ming hangs up and then gets on the bus with two plainclothes policemen.

After seeing Su Ming finally being taken away, Song Zhe’s heart was so happy that it was more refreshing than a big hot bath in the winter. I just stopped being stopped and didn’t feel any pain.

Song Zhe rushed to He Zhejian and said, “Young Master He, today is a big thanks.”

“Aiya, Fcuk/idiot has killed me.”

He Zhejian wanted to speak and accidentally pulled the wound at the corner of his mouth. He immediately called out pitifully, then he said to Song Zhe, “You are at ease/reassured, this kid will be good to him. of.”

When he said this, He Zhejian’s eyes were full of coldness and some bitterness.

Song Zhe and Li Dalei did not follow the police, because there was nothing between them.

After leaving, Song Zhe said to Li Dalei happily: “Big Lei, where do you want to go today, I invite you to drink.”

Seeing that Su Ming was caught, Song Zhe’s heart was so happy that he walked with joy and jumped, and he was very happy.

Li Dalei glanced at Song Zhe and said, “Young Master Song, drinking is no problem, but the wound on your face does not need to be treated first?”

Song Zhe didn’t look at Li Dalei with a sigh of relief. He said that this guy didn’t open the pot and said: “You know a fart, it’s painful and happy.”

Li Dalei: “……………”

Song Zhe is gone, but He Zhejian has to follow the police. The reason is very simple. Su Ming and Zhang Mao’s group of people dare to beat him. He He Hehe can not be trifled with.

It was not his style that he was beaten and not looking for a place. He Zhejian planned to go to the police station to give a good lesson to the group.

Luo Xiaoxiao’s face was inexplicable after hanging up the phone, but Luo Xiaoxiao was not stupid, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

The words that the plainclothes policeman said after hanging up the phone were just heard by Luo Xiaoxiao, and the voice was very familiar.

In addition, the crisp metal sound of Su Ming’s hand chain was also heard by Luo Xiaoxiao after being pushed.

As a policeman Luo Xiaoxiao is familiar with these things, and instantly determined that Su Ming was caught by the police.

The more I thought about it, the more I didn’t feel right, Luo Xiaoxiao couldn’t sit still, and quickly changed clothes and rushed to the police station.

Since Su Ming has helped himself, Luo Xiaoxiao will not sit idly by Su Ming. This is the style of Luo Xiaoxiao.

It took more than half an hour to get to the police station when Luo Xiaoxiao took the taxi. When he arrived at the police station, Luo Xiaoxiao was noticed by the little policeman at the tip of his eye. The little policeman immediately came to the hospital and said: “Captain Luo, you are not off work. How come back?”

Luo Xiaoxiao didn’t bother to talk to the little policeman and asked directly: “I asked you, did someone who just took us back?”

The little policeman snorted, and then quickly nodded replied: “Ah… there are, yes, just grabbed several people back, as if the director Young Master is also there.”

“He Zhejian?”

Luo Xiaoxiao frowned, I don’t understand how He Zhejian is related to Su Ming, but Luo Xiaoxiao guessed that the person who caught it should be Su Ming and continued to ask: “Where are they now?”

“In the interrogation room…” The little policeman continued to answer, and he was almost sure to answer Luo Xiaoxiao.

Luo Xiaoxiao did not say anything more, and quickly walked up to the interrogation room upstairs.

The familiar interrogation room, this is the second time that Su Ming was locked in this place, but Su Ming’s mind was all about playing Luo Xiaoxiao buttocks. The feeling, the excitement, the endless aftertaste.

It should be a tense moment, but I want this thing. Su Ming really wants to say to herself: “Can you be serious?”


Within a few minutes, the heavy iron gate of the interrogation room was pushed away. The people who came in were He Zhejian and He Zhejian with a cold smile. Looking at Su Ming, he said, “The boy is still not able to follow me.” Already?”

Su Ming didn’t even look at this guy, the fighter in Idiot.

He Zhejian continued to say: “If you admit mistakes with me now, call me three grandfather, I may let you go if I am in a good mood.”

Su Ming looked at the kid and said directly: “Grandson, do you think you are a gourd doll?”

He Zhejian See Su Ming at this time, yes dare to be arrogant, suddenly angry, took out one, said with a malicious smile: “boy, you don’t see the coffin, no tears.”

Su Ming’s eyes jerked and he had already made plans. If the kid dared to move himself, no matter what the price, he would force himself to break free of handcuffs and stop him.


As a result, at this time, the door of the interrogation room was violently kicked open, and tenderly shouted came in: “You dare to try him!”

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