Zhang Mao was just plain to come and want to say hello to Su Ming. I haven’t seen Su Ming in a few days.

However, after seeing Song Zhe, Zhang Mao immediately became complicated, and thought that Song Zhe was looking for someone to play Su Ming, so Zhang Mao felt a move and said that he had the opportunity to perform in front of Su Ming.

So Zhang Mao said nothing, and he was going to cut He Zhejian when he commanded his younger brother.

He Zhejian looked at a group of fierce sluts, and a pair of retreats couldn’t help but feel a little soft. Opened the mouth and said loudly: “What are you doing, telling you not to mess, do you know who I am?”

“Who is your special person? I dare to get my big brother, brothers give it to me, kill this kid.” Zhang Mao is called a prestige, and I can’t help Fcuk/idiot. is you?

After the words, Zhang Mao rushed up with a few gangsters, and he couldn’t help but beat He Zhejian stopped. He Zhejian’s screams around the school could be heard.

However, people around them have chosen to detour, because everyone has noticed Zhang Mao and Song Zhe, both of whom are the owners of cannot afford to offend, no one wants to come to drowning.

Everyone was shocked. Even Su Ming didn’t think that Zhang Mao’s movements would be so fast. Su Ming now has more and more appreciation for Zhang Mao.

After Song Zhe reacted, the whole person was stunned. My heart said that Fcuk/idiot even the son of the police chief dared to fight. Did you eat the bear heart and leopard?

At the thought of this He Zhejian came to help himself today. If he was beaten, I am afraid that he could not get away with it, so Song Zhe hurriedly shouted: “You will stop me, do you know who his father is?”

Song Zhe’s shouting did attract Zhang Mao to the past, but it attracted hatred.

Zhang Mao has long been watching Song Zhe. This guy is upset. He was pitted twice before, so Zhang Mao suddenly let the younger brothers stop and said: “Who is his father? His father is Li Gang and he is still playing.” ”

“Brothers, give it to me, and cut this guy back.” Zhang Mao pointed to Song Zhe instructed the younger brother behind him.

“You… I warn you not to mess around.” As a result, Song Zhe had not finished talking, and his mouth screamed.

The two plainclothes policemen had already rushed over. As a result, Zhang Mao suddenly transferred the object, but the two policemen did not manage Song Zhe, but quickly helped He Zhejian.

The son of the director was actually beaten under the eyes of both of them. It’s true that they both must be bad luck.

Fortunately, He Zhejian was not seriously beaten. It was just a skin injury. However, the nose and face were a little unsightly. It was ugly when it was long. This time has more influence on the city.

“big brother, how do I do it beautifully?” Zhang Mao came to Su Ming and said to Su Ming.

Su Ming nodded, said: “young man is good, I am very optimistic about you, directly save me.”

The beaten He Zhejian was almost discouraged. He was usually in Ningcheng City tyrannize. He knew that his identity was too late for him. No one would dare to beat him.

So He Zhejian said in an angry voice: “Fcuk/idiot, give me all this group of people.”

Originally, He Zhejian was only prepared to catch Su Ming with Song Zhe, but now He Zhejian changed his mind, and Zhang Mao could not let go of this group.

“What did he say? Grab us? Is this kid’s mind beaten abnormally?” Zhang Mao was happy to hear this.

“Give me not to move.” But when I saw two plainclothes policemen picking up their hands, Zhang Mao suddenly looked dumbfounded.

“big brother, why didn’t you tell me that these two people are policemen?” Zhang Mao was stunned and his face was sore.

Su Ming is also speechless and said: “You are moving too fast. I haven’t spoken yet. You have already rushed up. I am thinking about it anyway, reminding you that it is too late, it would be better to let you have a good time.”


Zhang Mao thought that it was indeed that he had just moved too fast. He said that it didn’t matter. He was arrested and arrested. Anyway, he had never been to the police station before. He was not considered a major event. He basically detained 24 hours. Out.

He Zhejian sneered at this moment and touched the blood on his nose. He said, “Do you know who I am? My dad is the director. You don’t want to run one or two today.”

When I said this, Su Ming’s face changed. The son who was killed was not the son of the police chief. It’s no wonder that this kid’s appearance was like a plainclothes policeman.

Zhang Mao was suddenly scared of urine, and his face was pale: “big brother, why didn’t you tell me that this kid is the son of the secretary.”

Zhang Mao was really crying at this time. I thought I would play an ordinary person. Even the wealthy person Zhang Mao is not afraid. Like Song Zhe, Zhang Mao said that he would fight.

But He Zhejian’s identity is different. If Zhang Mao knows his identity in advance, I am afraid that it will not be killed.

If you are just looking for a reason to stay in it for a few years, then the whole life is almost abolished.

Su Ming wants to cry like Zhang Mao and says, “I don’t know beforehand.”

“ding dong, congratulations on the successful completion of the Mission Lesson He Zhejian, rewarding 20Integral Points.”

Su Ming heard the sound of System and had a feeling of crying and tears. The egg hurts and said: “Little Na, without such a pothole, you are in the Mission and you are in the pit.”

Although Su Ming didn’t take the shot at all, He Zhejian was stopped and was equivalent to being stopped, so the prompt of Mission Completed sounded.

Little Na has a calm tone, and he has a calmer tone than Su Ming. He said: “The host asks you to have a bit of a bit of interest. It’s not just a son of a director. How big is it.”

Su Ming: “…………………”

There was no way, He Zhejian Su Ming dared to fight, but the two police officers, Su Ming, did not dare to directly start, they could only be picked up.

Things can only be taken one step at a time, Su Ming thought for a long time, did not expect a good way to break.

The more sad reminder is Zhang Mao. Originally this was a conspiracy against Su Ming. As a result, Zhang Mao forcibly blended in.

At this time, Beauty Police Luo Xiaoxiao got off work, and today I handled the whole day of underground black casino things, and Luo Xiaoxiao was tired enough.

At this time, Luo Xiaoxiao had arrived at home by bus. After thinking about it, Luo Xiaoxiao took out his mobile phone and dialed Su Ming’s phone.

Yesterday, Su Ming did send a big favor to Luo Xiaoxiao, and after smashing the underground black casino, Luo Xiaoxiao was also praised by the leadership of the bureau.

Luo Xiaoxiao has already accepted Su Ming’s two personal feelings. Luo Xiaoxiao is a straight-forward character. He is going to ask Su Ming to have a meal and thank him.

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