Chapter 85 surprise

“Mom? Are you back from vacation?”

It was Masata’s mother who pushed the door open. At this moment, she was looking at the three people at the door with a smile on her face.

“Yes, come in, there are unexpected guests in the house.


It’s so strange. It’s still a working day today. Who will be a guest at this time.

“Dad, mom?!”

As a result, as soon as he entered the living room, Cha Cha saw his parents sitting on the sofa.

“Why are you here!”

Cha Cha’s parents are two middle-aged people with gentle faces, especially her mother. Cha Cha and her are almost carved out of the same mold.

Seeing the tea tea that was full of excitement and tears, the Uraraka couple also stood up and touched her head.

“Seeing the heroic figure of the precious girl fighting in blood, how could we still be able to sit still!

“So I came to condolences you~”

“What about work? Are you here by Shinkansen?”

Chacha, who left home for the first time, seemed to have endless words to say to his parents, Masata and Yaoyorozu Hyaku also reserved space for their family and went to the kitchen.

“Oh, I forgot to say that, Xiao Yaoyorozu Wan, your mother will come here later.

Seeing the two, Mrs. Igarashi who was cooking said to Yaoyorozu with a smile.

“Mum, too?”

Yaoyorozu Bai, who suddenly heard the news, was also taken aback. She had the impression that her parents were very busy, and they were running around for the company’s affairs all day long.

“Yes, but your father won’t be able to leave. Today is a celebration banquet for your three little Hero(es)! Let’s go to the party first, and we will have dinner when everyone is ready.”

“Just so do you, show me the appearance of a master. But I heard that you let Chacha and Xiao Yaoyorozu eat supermarket bento in the past few days when I was away?”

Seeing a gleam in the eyes of his mother’s raised eyes, Zheng was too decisive and put on an awkward smile and couldn’t speak.

Mrs. Igarashi, who was very confident in her cooking skills, obviously had no plan to let the two of them intervene to help, so she pushed them out.

“I didn’t expect it, it turns out that my parents are still watching me.”

Feeling the deep concern from his mother’s eyes, Masata couldn’t help but warm up. I believe that even a serious dad will have a smile on his face the moment he sees his victory.

“Since there is still some time to leave the meal, then I will take a bath first, and my body is sticky to death after a day.

Masata had already simply washed her sportswear during the day because of the breakage of her sportswear, but Yaoyorozu hadn’t changed her clothes after a day of exercise. She was a little uncomfortable at this time, who loves to be clean.

Seeing that everyone in the family is busy with their own affairs, as if they are doing nothing, Masata decided to go downstairs to buy some drinks.

“Speaking of which, I really want to buy some wine to drink, but it’s a pity that I won’t sell it to me when I’m underage.”

Swinging slowly to the convenience store, looking at the people shuttled between the containers, and the familiar old and good salesman, I felt that my mood suddenly became clear.

“The leisurely life is really good! Suddenly I want to go back to the country to live for a few days.”

Masata’s family also has a house in the country. When I was young, I would often live there for a few days during the summer vacation. But since I started junior high school, my parents’ work has become busy, so I rarely go there.

After walking aimlessly on the street a few times, it is clear that Xiongying and this society are only separated by a wall, but this society is so peaceful and quiet.

“The quieter the surface, the stronger the darkness is often hidden!

Thinking of the USJ being invaded, thinking of the ALLFO RONE still active in the dark, Masata reminded his relaxed heart, but he was still being stared at by the big boss of villain(s)! I can’t figure out who is in the surrounding crowd. Is his confidant.

“I am back!”

Carrying a few large bottles of orange juice, Masata returned to his home. After walking outside for a while, it didn’t take long for Masata’s father and Yaoyorozuwan’s mother to also come.

Although it was the first time for Yaoyorozu’s mother and Chacha’s parents to meet each other, because the children in the family were good friends, they also exchanged warm greetings when they met.

“Then congratulate our Masatajiang for winning the sports festival championship today!”

At the dinner table, Yaoyorozu’s mother smiled and raised the cup to Jeongtae. She is very familiar with Jeongtae, and it can be said that she has grown up since she was a child.

“Of course there are Xiao Yaoyorozu Wanhe Chacha, we are watching the live broadcast this afternoon, they are really great!”

……For flowers……

Mrs. Igarashi and Chacha’s parents apparently stayed at home in the morning, and I wanted to surprise her without telling Chacha on the phone.

“It’s okay, I lost in the end

Hearing the compliments from Masata’s mother, Chacha’s blushing face became even more attractive at this time, and Yaoyorozu Bai also responded modestly.

“Masatajiang’s ideals are really lofty! But my mother will always support you!”

For her precious son, Mrs. Igarashi was naturally not indifferent. She took a bite of food for Masata and cheered him up.

“Yes, and I also heard that Masata-chan wants to open his own Hero(es) office in the future? It’s a good idea, and my aunt is also very supportive!”

I don’t know where to inquire about Masata’s goal, Yaoyorozu’s mother also spoke out. With the support of such a large company, the help for Masata is undoubtedly tremendous.

“Don’t worry! And I have already incorporated Baihe Chacha, this will definitely be the best Hero(es) office! Now there is no need to worry about future work!”

Hearing Mrs. Masa’s words, the Uraraka couple, who were still a little worried that their daughter would give up their ideals because of family affairs, are now relieved.

“But we still need to pay attention to safety. As parents, we can only hope that you live a healthy and healthy life.

Hero(es) is a dangerous profession after all. There are not a few people injured or even killed due to the activities of Hero(es). This is also the biggest flaw of the profession of “Hero(es)”.

“Don’t worry! I will protect them!”

In the face of the girl’s parents, Masata obviously also said a bonus. Under the influence of Minoru Mineta, Masata’s emotional intelligence is constantly improving, which can be regarded as a benefit collected by a boss.

The happy dinner soon came to an end. Yaoyorozu’s parents had to make the Shinkansen to go back, so after hugging Chacha, they hurriedly left; while Yaoyorozu’s mother left with a smile, as if There is no plan to take his daughter home.

“It seems that our family needs one more member!”

Looking at Yaoyorozu, who bowed her head shyly in front of her, Mrs. Igarashi joked with her hands folded and smiled. After taking a shower, I put my hair down and my face is still blushing, Yaoyorozu is so cute!

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