Chapter 84 After the sports meeting

After the sports meeting is over, there will naturally be something like an award ceremony.

In the final result of the competition, Shanta naturally took the first place, while the runner-up was Shoto Todoroki, and the third place was tied for Yaoyorozu Momo and Iida Ida.

“Because Iida’s family had something to leave beforehand, I hope everyone will be considerate.”

At this glorious moment, Iida was absent.

“It’s a pity, Iida-san has worked so hard.”

Asui in the stands said regretfully, while Midoriya recalled what Iida had said to him before.

“Brother Iida… Ingneum, don’t get into trouble!”

“I–coming with a medal!”

The hearty words reached the ears of everyone present, and All Might descended from the sky with his iconic smile and landed right in front of the podium.

As soon as All Might’s sturdy body appeared, the audience uttered endless cheers. In this society he calmed down by his own efforts, the name All Might has such an influence.

“Yaoyorozu Ten Thousand Girls, your quirk has unlimited possibilities. It is not just about creating weapons. I believe you can use your quirk better in the future!

Putting a medal on Yaoyorozu, All Might came to Boom, and there was still a trace of confusion on Boom’s face at this time. He met his father 283 just now. Although it is not clear whether he really hates him, the idea that he has been insisting on since childhood is not so easy to change.

“Congratulations, boy boom. I am very happy that you can use your left body in the finals. Your future is bright. Use your strength!”

“Hmm… I also want to be a Hero(es) like you, but it is not enough to just untie my own knots. I have to confirm some things myself.”

There have been changes before the game. The biggest thing is that there are more words to say. All Might also saw these changes. After hugging him, he came to the champion of the sports festival.

Hanging the gold medal on Masata’s neck, All Might patted Masata’s strong body.

“Igarashi boy, I am very happy that you fulfilled the promise you made to yourself before the game.

Hearing All Might’s praise, Masata was also very happy. After all, she used to target him. Although there are some differences now, a person like All Might is worthy of respect at all times!

“Although I don’t think it is good to say to you, I still want to say.

Seeing All Might’s smile, Masata also grinned.

“I will surpass you in the future, All Might!”

After hearing Masata’s words like a declaration of war, All Might not only did not get angry, but smiled brighter. The days when he can perform Hero(es) activities are getting fewer and fewer. What can be more happy than the rapid growth of a younger generation at this time!

After awarding the medal, All Might also turned around and cleared his throat.

“This time the top three are them, but!”

“All the students present are likely to stand on this podium in the future! Just like everyone sees in the competition!”

“Compete! Compete! Think of a higher and stronger realm to challenge! You are the new generation of Hero(es)!!!”

“Finally, I’m saying something! Please join me in cheering and shouting!”

“PlusUltra!!!” Everyone has worked hard!!!”

The annual sports festival ended in this somewhat funny string of words.

After the competition, teacher Aizawa Shouta announced a two-day holiday, and during these two days, the school will also count the recruitment applications of the office.

“What a tiring day!”

(cdei) After school, Masata, Yaoyorozu Hyak and Cha Cha walked on the way home. The continuous battles made Masata a little overwhelmed. Why can’t this sports festival be divided into two days? In this way, the school can make more extra money, right? But Xiongying guesses that there is no shortage of money.

“It’s really amazing, Masata classmate.”

Chacha, who had stopped in the top 16, walked to the front, turned around and said to Masata.

“It’s nothing great, it’s all the accumulation in usual times, and I’m far from bad enough.”

Facing the cute girl, Zheng was too modest, and he couldn’t help but think of the man who brought fear to himself for the first time, ALLFORONE.

Even after the transformation, I still can’t imagine how to fight that man, so I can only rely on elementalization to deal with him, right? However, the physical strength that has been elementalized is also overwhelming. I am afraid that I was able to get away last time. Don’t want to make things big.

“You are also very good, especially Chacha, Bakugo has suffered a small loss under your hands, so let’s beat him at this time next year!”

“What about me? Don’t you praise me?”

Yaoyorozu, who felt that he was being left out from the beginning, was originally full of joy and waited for Masata to praise himself, but in the end, he passed by and stared at him with his mouth pouting.

“Haha, of course Bai is the most powerful, but I was almost killed by your last trick! Come on, hold one~”

He swept the other party’s shoulders, showing weakness, it was too big to show weakness, and the mouth was a bit of a loss, but there was no physical comfort. Feeling the warm and soft body of the other party, it was too awkward.


Yaoyorozu did not push away the Masata, the blushing Yaoyorozu Baijiao groaned, and the setting sun pulled their backs very long. . .

Leaving the school does not mean that everyone is free.

I hurried to the hospital’s Iida and saw my unconscious brother.

After learning that his brother might not be able to engage in Hero(es) activities after being attacked by the Hero(es) killer, Iida planted a seed in his heart.

On the other side, Shoto Todoroki also went to the hospital to visit his mother, whom he had not seen for nearly ten years, and wanted to untie her heart.

Midori Valley is thinking about how to master the method of [ONEFORALL], which is exclusive to his own fighting method; while Bakugo is angry that he loses to Masata, he is also tempering his body; even Minoru Mineta is the color grape.

“I really want to see a swimsuit.”

Looking at the white thighs on the street, Mineta said to Kaminari next to him with a dull expression.

At this time, the Masata three also returned home–

“Welcome back!!!”

The Zhengma who had just pulled out the key was stunned by the sudden opening of the door.


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