Now success is already luck, "Hurry up and go!" Liu Zaishi did not hesitate.

"Brother, I haven't eaten enough, can I pack it?" Just pack the meat. Kim Jae-ho hadn't eaten enough, and he still wanted to eat, but Su Yi was shocked, his glasses widened, so he could eat.

"What else to pack! Wait until you eat too much and you can't run again! Hurry! Let's go! Liu Zaishi saw that he was not strange, and directly pulled Kim Jae-ho, who was still grabbing the last bite, to go.

Kim Jae-ho couldn't help it, he couldn't eat enough stuffed meat, and left.

This time it was Liu Zaishi driving, he still sat in the back until the car drove and he was still chewing.

The next place turned out to be a museum, a very special museum, the theme of these two days is actually to visit Qingzhou, one paradise after another, really good!

The team next to them was quiet, Li Guangzhu and they were anxious, and they were behind again.

They don't have the endurance like Kim Jae-ho, and now they are all fed up, and they don't want to eat anymore, haha desperately said: "It seems that we can't walk." "

"We ate so many kinds just now..." Li Guangzhu also had his own opinion.

Minxiu interrupted directly: "No, what we need now is wisdom." "

He was the eldest brother, he had to find a way to break this dilemma, sat down and thought about it for a while, and suddenly, he looked at VJ on the side, his fingers ticked.

VJ, who was hooked, felt that his soul was gone, and the soul messenger came to ask for someone, curled up, and did not know what to do.

"Come here! Come quickly! The eldest brother shouted.

VJ That's, weak, pitiful, and helpless, look at PD's eyes.

PD, you also saw the situation, I don't want to, if you are brave, you will stop it.

Everyone has already guessed what the eldest brother wants to do, directly the eldest brother wants to come to the camera, VJ still doesn't want to give it, Minxiu glared at him, and he let go.

VJ: I tried and failed, and my salary can't be deducted, right?

Minxiu held the camera and said, "Let's see what order we just laid out." "

Haha are shocked, this is really daring, this is a straight foul!

There is still a commotion on the staff side, and Minxiu directly threatens:

"Shh! Be quiet! "

PD, and still the Lord PD, lowered his head, I saw nothing ...

The younger brothers were shocked, this brother is so powerful, he can still do this, learned!

Minxiu also called VJ just now and asked him to come over and adjust to the section where the things were put just now, but the most angry thing was that this camera did not capture the most important thing to put down, and he was the main photographer of Li Guangzhu.

"Yay! I want to take pictures of the things that are put down! Minxiu drank angrily.

This is too uncomfortable, I didn't even photograph what I wanted to see, all of them were Dongwan's figures, but it was too grassy, and the three people were crazy.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Minxiu asked VJ next to him, VJ hunched over, with an embarrassed smile, big brother, I don't want to ah...

It's really too much to change another one, they can only rely on this paragraph to guess the order, but the shot is so wonderful, even if it is difficult to guess the position, it is really more and more annoyed the more you look at it, VJ is panicked and fidgeting on the side.

Why do I feel guilty?

It's obviously your own foul, why do I feel sorry for you?

"Why are you like this? Are you kid having fun? "

Brother VJ wants to kneel down and apologize, he is too difficult.

The light beads are high, so he can only shoot high, he does not shoot on the table, he mainly shoots people.

But even so, Li Guangzhu still deduced the correct order, but Minxiu felt that it was wrong, Guangzhu was angry, and Minxiu, who knew that he was wrong, immediately apologized coolly, and the look of apology was a little cute.

It's hard to describe such a cool uncle with cuteness, but he is really cute, if yesterday the main horror, then today is cute, really subverting the impression.

With the cooperation of several people, they finally escaped from this dinner table by threatening the production team and cheating, and it is estimated that they will not eat packed rice for a while, and they will not even touch raw garlic.

Why, because in the car, even if there is no speech, it is a smell of garlic.

This garlic smell is too strong, which is probably the smell of health.

But in this weather, opening the window is more difficult than garlic, so bear with it.

Along the way, every car is a mobile KTV, Kim Jae-ho had no intention of speaking, but Liu Zaishi actually sang "loststars", which is still the kind of hot singing, which makes Kim Jae-ho very uncomfortable.

"Brother, concentrate on driving." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What's wrong?" Liu Zaishi pretended not to understand, "andGod~!" tellusthereason~! "

"It's really amazing, my brother's singing voice is really on the verge of breaking and not breaking, it's too subtle." Kim Jae-ho sighed, it was really too tile.

Liu Zaishi also didn't mind Kim Jae-ho's complaint: "I wrote down your entire song, all in English." Saying that, he began to show his memory, because the high notes could not sing, so he pressed and sang.

"Nuna, I'm really sorry." Kim Jae-ho said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Su Yi looked calm, these are small scenes.

This answer made Liu Zaishi, who was singing, laugh, "Yay! Suyi, what's wrong with you? You are not like this in the morning! "

Su Yi smiled bitterly when she heard this, what had she experienced?

I still remember when I first came, she was so spirited, so ambitious, saying that she would make a big wave so that everyone would remember her, but now, there is a feeling of detachment.

Love it!

I have only victory in my heart!

Liu Zaishi and the Minxiu team are still on the way, the Jin Zhiguo team is almost there, they are a lot ahead, the museum is different, the place is very large, and you have to walk a lot.

But for them, the bigger place was only visited yesterday, what is the museum, as soon as they arrived at the place, the staff handed over a task letter, and their task was to find the most expensive bear in it.

"What is the most expensive bear?" Sui asked.

"That has to be a panda." Kim Jae-ho said naturally.

"Yes!" Liu Zaishi also reacted.

Remember such a conversation, a person asked the lawyer, will stealing pandas be punishable by death? The lawyer said, I can fight for you.

That's a national treasure, a national treasure of this country, probably Feikeer, of course, not yet.

But there must be no panda inside, a panda kept in the museum, this museum is afraid to be bulldozed.

The collection here are all kinds of bear dolls, and some people have to ask, what is the bear doll collection for? I throw all the trash cans.

But you think about the bear dolls made many years ago that were already very expensive at that time, and then other people's bought and thrown away when they were tired of playing, and you kept them intact for decades, and after those decades, how much is this bear you are willing to sell?

"Oh my God, more than 16.3 million!" Kim Jae-ho is stupid, this is a bear doll from more than a hundred years ago, if he is outside the glass cabinet, you may be kind enough to throw it into the trash, but he is inside the cabinet, it is 16 million, about 90,000 yuan.

This is ordinary, and the big bells and whistles next door are more expensive.

Kim Jae-ho understood what it was to be a random flower, and he followed the past.

"Ten million, ten million, one hundred million, thirty-seven million!" Kim Jae-ho gasped, "BlackJack... In 1912..."

The last time he heard this term, it was an anime he watched in his childhood, called Black Jack, the protagonist in it is called Black Jack, that is, blackJack, the thief is good-looking, but he has only seen the clip.

I vaguely remember that there was a paragraph where there was a strange human face tumor on his face, the kind that could talk and think, very ugly, and then Black Jack helped him remove it, but in fact, this person is a killer, and the seemingly scary human face tumor is actually formed by his conscience, just to prevent him from continuing to kill.

How can ordinary screenwriters come up with such a ghostly plot, it seems that the human face tumor is terrible, in fact, the human heart is even more terrible, that plot he remembers until now, I don't know if it is a childhood shadow, he only knows that the fiercest childhood shadow is the three words - big brother...

How fierce, everyone who understands understands.

More than 37 million, which is about more than 200,000 yuan, 11 years, you think it is a bear doll, but in fact it is a building.

Kim Jae-ho was stunned, his mouth couldn't close, he just wanted to know if there was anything more expensive.

But in fact, for him, who just donated a billion won casually, it should not be so surprised, but this is actually a matter of value, a car hundreds of thousands, you will feel normal, but a teddy bear, hundreds of thousands, you will be surprised.

The black bear sat there, smiling at himself, as if asking, "Can you afford it?" "

Can't afford to play...

Attention looked away, Kim Jae-ho saw the big bear doll next to him, so big, four, definitely not as valuable as the small one inside, but such a big one, very suitable for hiding things.

"Brother! Over here! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"What?" Liu Zaishi and they came over, "This bear, look at how much money." "

"How much?" Su Yi was also curious, and when he saw that it was more than twice as large as the one just now, he gasped.

The reaction was the same.

"You see this." Kim Jae-ho pointed at the bear.

Behind the bear, there was a box hidden, and Liu Zaishi took it out, it was really the handbag written down.

"Dafa!" Su Yiwan never expected that he would find it so simply.

"Ah, you found it all, wouldn't it be good if you took it out yourself?" Liu Zaishi complained.

"It's not for you to feel a little involved." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Liu Zaishi gave him a blank look, meaning that you are quite selfless?

In fact, Kim Jae-ho originally wanted Su Yi to take it, but because it was a place with a collection, he had to be careful, and he still had to go to Liu Zaishi, who was more stable.

Fine, very thin.

Liu Zaishi sounded and said: "It seems that the box this time is an attack weapon, we are still a subordinate, it's over, how can it be a subordinate?" "

Kim Jae-ho black question mark face, big brother, what the hell are you talking about?

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