After the three people sorted out the mess, they refocused their attention.

Fortunately, Sui did not spray the water forward, otherwise it was really embarrassing, and as the actress's last reason, let her spray on the wall behind.

"Alas~ it would be fun if it was sprayed on Brother Zaishi." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What did you say? What's the fun? Liu Zaishi has a different opinion on this, he doesn't find it funny.

Su Yi's ears are red now, and he pretends to be calm, and he lifts up and says, "Let's continue to pack rice!" "

"Then you can pack this~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.


And next door, attention was distracted, yes, it was Dongwan again, forever dripping god, as soon as he appeared, he directly attracted everyone's attention, and his image was too suitable.

As soon as they read the task letter, the three people were stunned, and Haha was the first to accept reality, "This, light pearl, is it this or this at the beginning?" "

At the beginning, of course, lettuce, otherwise how to pack ...

He didn't even see the first one, but fortunately the other two did, but the rest of them didn't.

Like Kim Jae-ho, at the beginning it was a mess, and then it was completely wrong, after Lee Kwang-joo wrapped it, he wanted to coax the eldest brother to eat first, but the eldest brother persuaded him to quit with a look.

Li Guangzhu had no choice, and he could only eat it himself under pressure, but at this time, haha exaggerated his brother's wisdom, and Minxiu immediately transferred, "Let Dongxun eat first!" "

Haha's smile gradually stiffened, and then ate the first pack of rice, they were different from Kim Jae-ho, they came after eating.

Haha that's hard to eat, but the eldest brother thinks he eats slowly, let him drink some water and swallow, haha is shocked, the eldest brother directly started.

Because the power of garlic is now a little on the top haha, directly grabbed the collar of the eldest brother, the eldest brother was stunned, haha reacted and also hugged the eldest brother, Li Guangzhu was dumbfounded next to him, is it so fierce?

"What are you doing?" Aren't you sober? Li Guangzhu scolded.

But the eldest brother was not only not angry, but also directly lay down in his arms and cried, "Woooooo~ have come to Qingju, and have to be killed by a child... Woooo

It can be said that it is very cute, reverse charm, big brother is too interesting.

The guests on both sides are wonderful in their own way.

But in fact, theory is theory, reality is reality, Liu Zaishi they ate too much, suddenly found that people's memory is limited, the order of their own eating has forgotten, isn't that infinite repeated eating?

They don't even know that one of the attempts they just tried was only wrong with two, as long as they changed the same position, but this kind of thing PD will not tell them.

Kim Jae-ho is still harmonious on this side, and there is haha on the other side, which is impossible.

The first one to eat dumb losses, how can he not find the field, wrap a few garlic, he will feed light beads to eat, beautiful name garlic, so that people are healthy.

This love from his brother was so heavy that Li Guangzhu was moved to tears.

Haha proposed to go to the next door to blow a breath, Li Guangzhu thought, love, is to share, this is the great love in the world, so he immediately got up and prepared to exert the breath of love.

As soon as he opened it, he signaled Liu Zaishi to go over, Li Guangzhu looked like this, Kim Jae-ho and Liu Zaishi knew that he was going to do something, Liu Zaishi walked directly over, covered his face with the door, and whispered: "Get out~"

It's worth it!

Li Guangzhu immediately made a small report, I have a big brother hood!

"This, he just wanted to make people cry and say me!"

Minxiu was originally very happy, and his face changed when he heard this, "Really? "

"When did I... Brother..." Liu Zaishi shivered.

"Big brother, give Brother Zaishi a gift~" Haha took the garlic and walked to the next door, saying that this was given by the bearded teacher next door, this fox fake tiger power, Liu Zaishi didn't want to eat it, but saw that the "bearded teacher" was about to get up, so he quickly ate it.


Kim Jae-ho laughed happier than they all could, and he had done something like this just now.

"Oppa, I understand you." Su Yi patted Liu Zaishi's arm, looking deeply touched.

No, you don't understand.

In addition to Brother Minxiu, there is also humiliation from Haha.

He immediately put a few garlic with kelp, and then opened the door: "That, this is a thank you to the bearded teacher." "

You give me a gift, then I have to return the gift, otherwise impoliteness is not ~

This exchange of gifts between the two sides really makes people feel the warmth of society.

Minxiu looked at Le bad, smiled and took it and ate it, but as soon as he ate it, his face changed.

When Liu Zaishi saw this scene, his heart jumped, and he quickly closed the door, this small door was his last barrier, but it was fragile.

"Ah, I have to finish and leave!" Liu Zaishi fidgeted and urged, he had already felt the wind and rain coming.

Just as he was wrapping the next one, the wind and rain came, and it was so fast that people were caught off guard.

The small door brush pulled and slashed, as if cutting Liu Zaishi's heart defense, Minxiu brother came over with a majestic look of cabbage and walked straight to Liu Zaishi's side, looking like he wanted to feed him.

"Fortunately, I like garlic very much..." Liu Zaishi found himself under the steps.

That's just right!

"I put five~" The eldest brother said while opening the cabbage, which was really full of garlic and full of love.

"Wow..." Su Yi couldn't help but exclaim, it was really ruthless!

Liu Zaishi ate the eldest brother in one bite, not a mouthful, the eldest brother kept stuffing in, all full.

Seeing Liu Zaishi eating so happily, the eldest brother intimately added a piece of garlic, and Liu Zaishi's mouth was full of fish called garlic, wrapped in an ocean called humiliation, inspiring waves that made people go up.

"Choi Min-so! Choi Min-so! "Li Guangzhu and Haha are coaxing next to each other, or the eldest brother!

Because the atmosphere is so good, Kim Jae-ho also shouted, that is so angry that Liu Zaishi wants to get him, what are you shouting along?

But the eldest brother was dancing happily next to him, and he didn't dare to speak, he couldn't speak, and his mouth was too busy.

The rise of play, haha suddenly asked: "Brother Ultimate Kingdom hasn't come yet?" "

Let him feel the charm of the big brother!

At this time, PD gave an explosive news: "Jin Zhiguo has passed." "


"Already passed?"

"Already off and going."

"Huh?" The six people who were still playing were stunned, especially Liu Zaishi, and the double bombardment from taste and hearing made his brain buzz.

What they didn't know was that not long ago, another location in this store, Jin Zhiguo they came late, but they were keen, they did not make small talk, did not ridicule, Dongwan came, when putting things, Jin Zhiguo and Song Zhixiao felt that something was wrong, because it was too slow, and immediately realized that it might be a problem of order, so both people remembered the order of serving.

Double insurance, it only took two chances and it passed perfectly.

This game, it's actually not difficult, as long as you remember, it's very simple, so they left quickly and didn't eat much.

After knowing this situation, everyone quickly accelerated the progress.

Liu Zaishi took a sip of water and looked at the things on the table blankly, he suffered a round of mutual injuries, and now, he can only be described in one sentence.

Washed away the lead bloom and looked down on life.

They came first, and they are still stuck, but they have an advantage that others do not have, that is, fault tolerance!

Kim Jae-ho may have eaten, the opportunity to try is limitless, as long as they wrap it up, they don't want to eat it, just stuff it into Kim Jae-ho's mouth, and what Kim Jae-ho has to do during this period of time is to chew.

He chewed for a long time, in fact, he was not like this, but after seeing the homestay of a certain goddess named Li Zhi'an, it was also an extended chewing time, and the charm of idols was really infinite.

Kim Jae-ho's mouth is now bulging and stuffed, and only since the progress is raised, he has only one thing left, chewing.

Fortunately, he has good teeth and healthy teeth in this life, otherwise he would have a lot less fun in this life.

In fact, everyone eats quite slowly, and they have eaten more than a dozen times so far, more in the order of discussion, and Kim Jae-ho is clamping, put, eating, a ruthless eating machine.

Slowly, the rice is empty, the meat is gone, and the sauce is less.

"Oppa, it should be garlic, sauce, pickles." Su Yi said, and handed another copy to Kim Jae-ho.

Liu Zaishi thought for a moment and slapped the table, "It's not right! It should be pickles, sauce, garlic! With his vague memory and experience, Liu Zaishi intuitively said that he seemed to be very sure, but in fact, he still guessed.

This is unreliable, even Su Yi can see it, "PD seems to be laughing at my brother all the time!" "

"Seems to be laughing at you, right?" Liu Zaishi said cheekily.

"Brother, talk well! How to talk to Nu Na, this is a guest, a guest! Kim Jae-ho started calling her angry again.

"I'm sorry!" Liu Zaishi immediately apologized.

Su Yi doesn't mind, angry or something, call it, it's a lot more comfortable, her image has long been gone, what guest's halo, gone, the aura of an actress, extinguished, even CP is not C.

But worry is the most useless thing in the world, so let's live like this.

She has accepted reality.

The three of them now get along like good friends for many years, without the restraint and distance at the beginning.

Kim Jae-ho treats her as a sister, she regards Liu Zaishi as an older brother, Kim Jae-ho as a younger brother, and Liu Jae-seok treats them as younger siblings, which is actually the most natural way to get along, much better than the hard CP sense I thought at the beginning.

The eldest brother comes up with an idea, the sister wraps it, and the younger brother eats, which is probably such a process.

Although I didn't believe in the useless big brother, I tried it as he said, put it in my mouth, and the three people looked at PD, "Correct!" "

"Positive answer!" The three people were so happy that they finally succeeded!

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