Song Jihyo pinched Kim Jae-ho's ears and as soon as he walked into the gate, the radio was in place.

"Third RM entry."

"Ugh!" Song Zhixiao was frightened, and thought that he would be eliminated as soon as he arrived, of course, such an unfortunate thing, Guangzhu can encounter.

Their order is six or seven, so they know that this is the order of entry, simply.

"Wow, that's big!" Song Zhixiao was very happy, "The first time I came to the park where no one was. "

"Wasn't it also a park last time?" Kim Jae-ho said with a vain look.

Song Jihyo doesn't know the word bar essence now, otherwise she would know how to describe Kim Jae-ho.

But it's not the first time, but it's been a long time.

"Whatever, buy me marshmallows." Song Zhixiao said.

"Marshmallows are not good for teeth." Kim Jae-ho replied.

"Yay! Do you really know what romance is? "Song Zhixiao is dizzy, girls must have some longing when they come to this kind of place.

"I don't understand romance?" Kim Jae-ho smiled, "You go and ask the aunt on the side of the road if I understand romance, it's really ~"

Song Zhixiao: ???

Hiss...... How does it feel a little wrong?

"I don't care, I want it!"

"Okay, buy it for you ~ buy two, buy the big one!"

Song Zhixiao was happy, even if they didn't know if there were any staff members here to make whole marshmallows.

The more the two people go inside, the more special they feel, which is probably the feeling of enjoying a paradise alone, this feeling is wonderful.

"Let's take a look at the scariest and most fun thing in the park." Song Zhixiao said.

Kim Jae-ho: "In this case, it must be a Ferris wheel." "

"What's so scary about the Ferris wheel?" Song Zhixiao was puzzled.

"That's when you're not afraid of heights." Kim Jae-ho has palpitations, especially when the wind is strong, and you can face the most primitive fears.

"Then it's a haunted house." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Ah! There is such a place ~ I can't enter a haunted house ~ " Song Zhixiao looked scared.

Jin Zaihao gave her a blank look and directly debunked: "Sister, just the two, pretend..."

"Where am I pretending, I'm scared of whether those places are good or not!" Song Jihyo patted Kim Jae-ho, "Aren't you afraid?" "

"Ordinary haunted houses are not afraid." Kim Jae-ho said.

is really not afraid, ordinary haunted houses, to be honest, like a joke insults IQ, of course, most of what he used to play was played by children, so it will be less lethal.

And Kim Jae-ho's guts, that's a small pitiful, a person who walks the road in total darkness at home in the evening will scare himself half to death, horror movies that are basically not watched, horror games are basically not played, so you see that there is not a horror game on the company's side so far, even if he knows a lot.

For example, a videographer game with physical strength like a special soldier, a game that spins around someone else's house, is far away.

The two chatted about where they wanted to go, and they didn't feel like they were looking for a golden crown at all.

The main thing is that this picture is too beautiful, just doing the task seems to be a little for nothing, walking to a fork in the road, a rockery in front, Song Jihyo to the right, Kim Jae-ho to the left.

Kim Jae-ho just wanted to make an effect that he suddenly disappeared, Song Zhixiao was very panicked, and suddenly saw a golden light, he fixed his eyes and saw that such a big golden crown was actually in front of him!


Suddenly, he thought of something and immediately hid behind him.

"What's wrong?" Song Zhixiao followed the sound.

"You turn around." Kim Jae-ho said.


"Turn around."

Although Song Zhixiao didn't know what happened, she obediently turned around, and suddenly, her head sank, and she went up, it was hollowed metal.

"What!" She said and took it down, looked at it, and said in surprise: "It's the golden crown!" "

"Hahaha, awesome!" Kim Jae-ho was triumphant.

"What? Where did you find it? Song Zhixiao said in surprise.

"Here, this, suddenly I saw it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Wow! That's nice! "

"Here, send you!" Kim Jae-ho said angrily, "The princess should be one." "

"No, I don't want it, I'll find it myself." Song Zhixiao was very anxious to stuff the gold crown back into Kim Jae-ho's hands, not caring that there were only seven golden crowns, which was probably a personal charm.

Kim Jae-ho crooked his mouth and smiled evilly: "That's not. It's all mine. "

"Hah! It's funny~


Kim Jae-ho's unashamed words also aroused Song Ji-hyo's desire to win or lose, which made her must win, "You wait, I must find more than you!" "

"Hah! It's funny~

"Don't learn me to speak!"

"What's wrong with just studying?" Kim Jae-ho looked like the two of them were fighting for a while, and he looked at the sky, "It's going to get dark." "

"yes, it should be scary when it's dark, right?"

"Indeed." Kim Jae-ho frowned, "How can I have a sense of foreboding?" "

"Wouldn't you? Don't you scare me? Song Zhixiao knew that Kim Jae-ho's premonition had always been accurate, and when Kim Jae-ho said so, she looked at it even more terrifying.

Emptiness suddenly turns from romance to horror...

"It's okay, you just follow me." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"I don't want it, I'm going to find it myself, let's go separately." Song Zhixiao said.

"It's okay, be careful yourself, be restrained if you have something, don't hurt others." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Are you worried about this?" Song Zhixiao couldn't laugh or cry, what the hell is this?

Normally, isn't it all to let girls be careful, afraid that others will scare her, and Kim Jae-ho is afraid that she will hurt others?

"That's for sure, what if a ghost suddenly comes out and scares you, and you subconsciously punch him to death?" Kim Jae-ho knew she had the ability.

"Okay, I pay attention, then goodbye~",

"Bye bye~"

The two people were also very crisp and separated directly.

Kim Jae-ho walked alone in this paradise, but it was also comfortable, hearing that the people behind him were coming, Kim Jae-ho was not in a hurry, anyway, he had already got one.

While walking, Kim Jae-ho suddenly stopped, in front of him was the place where the golden crown was placed, looking at the sign of the seven people, he suddenly froze.

Groove! It turned out to be this episode!

Brother Minxiu!

There's an eighth person here!

If there were anything else, he might not be able to remember, but this episode is so impressive, he even watched it several times, and he can't remember anything else, he must remember this episode!

The main thing is that it is different on TV and in reality, and what you see is different, so he didn't remember until now that it was this episode.

He patted himself on the head, he should have thought of it a long time ago!

He remembers the episode as... Didn't you come if you won? It seems that Zhixiao won?

It doesn't matter, you are a variable, and the outcome can change at any time.

That's right, Golden Crown!

He recalled the location of the golden crown ...

Who remembers!

I can't remember the details, I still have to find it myself, then this is half a team battle, and he has to grasp it.

Afraid of him is not afraid, the first time you look at it may be afraid, the second time or three times you don't feel it, so he subconsciously ignored the fear problem.

The order behind that is the order of elimination... Wait a minute! Broken! The first is Chi Shizhen, he won't be gone already, right?

Kim Jae-ho seemed to hear Ji Seok-jin's scream.

But he is the sixth, he is quite comfortable, find a way to tell everyone about the existence of hunters so that everyone can work together, and he needs to find some gold crowns, and then let himself survive, trying to delay time for Zhixiao.

This plan is called, Defend the Princess Plan!

No, Queen!

The staff who followed next to him did not know that Kim Jae-ho had quietly built all the plans, of course, whether they could be implemented was another matter.

On the other side, Chi Shizhen really screamed.

He just called Jin Zhiguo, but before Jin Zhiguo could answer, he was picked up by someone else, and a person sneaked up on him from behind, and he couldn't even see the appearance of the sneak attacker and was pressed his chest muscles.

What is even more cruel is that his name tag was not torn off immediately, but little by little, as if to make him deeply feel this horror and despair.

When Chi Shizhen saw his appearance, his feet were soft, and it was the first time he was torn off like this, and he felt that his life was half scared.

My voice is also half gone, because the cry is too loud...

"Brother Minxiu... Wait a minute..." Chi Shizhen's voice was like gossamer, he was completely leaning on Minxiu's body, as long as Minxiu let him go, he was on the ground...

I was so scared that my feet went soft!

It's more than forty and almost fifty, it's easy for him ...

Why should he suffer this!

Then Min-so smiled and told him because he was number one.

Chi Shizhen was very uncomfortable, he didn't expect this number one to wait here, he only now thought of the number he got at noon, it turned out to be this use, the order of elimination, but also the order of elimination.

After he was eliminated, things were much simpler, this was just a big brother, four years older.

"Brother, number two is the final country."

Instant enemy!

As soon as he chatted, Chi Shizhen said everything.

When you chat in a group of older people, soon they will know your information, and you will know a lot of their information, whether you want to know or not, in that atmosphere naturally said.

And Chi Shizhen, eliminated, winning or losing naturally has nothing to do with him, so he began to say what he knew, such as the information of Jin Zhiguo.

"Number two is the hardest, I'm easy, but number two is the ultimate country ah zero."

The intimate Chi Shizhen has already begun to think about Minxiu, who has just eliminated him...

"I know, in 30 minutes." After Minxiu finished speaking, he turned around and left.

"What? End country or all? "

"The end of the country." Minxiu looks at Chi Shizhen like a fool, solve all people in 30 minutes, you and I can fly?

"30 minutes shouldn't be enough..." Chi Shizhen looked at VJ, so his question just now was really a bit of a problem.

30 minutes, Jin Zhiguo's kind, let alone eliminate him, even if Ji Shizhen stays on him for 30 minutes, it is difficult ... ·

Just as Chi Shizhen was thinking, Brother Min Xiu suddenly easily climbed over a fence in front of his eyes...

Brother, do you know Kim Jae-ho? _

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