The radio sounded overhead, well, the model worker has arrived, maybe he will be separated from her in himself.

Because the time to get out of the car is only one minute, everyone starts running as soon as they open the door, and Song Zhixiao runs the fastest, because thanks to her two younger brothers, she has to roll the dice.

She ran in place, there was no dice, but the back haha handed her the dice, she got it and threw it, very decisive, maybe this is the bottom line.

I saw that the dice that has always eliminated the upward side up, at this moment actually riding the upward side, everyone is dumbfounded, they used to believe in science.

Li Guangzhu's heart suddenly clicked, he is the next person, he does not waste time, quickly grab it and throw it.


"I know!" Kim Jae-ho shouted, and then ran back with everyone, Lee Kwang-joo people were stupid, when they turned around, they were all running, laughing and running, and none of them looked back.

What he didn't know was that he was already lucky to be eliminated at this time.

He walked back in a daze, it happened so suddenly, he didn't even know what he should do now.

He knocked blankly on the window of Kim Jae-ho's car, but he was afraid of damage and did not dare to force too much, so he knocked lightly.

Who is it, knocking on my window~

It's a confused person~,

Unlike Liu Zaishi, the three people happily said goodbye to Li Guangzhu, and Li Guangzhu was dizzy and watched the train leave in a daze.


In a daze for a long time, the mobile phone rang, it was Liu Zaishi's call.

Liu Zaishi already knew the news of Li Guangzhu's elimination at this moment, and he contacted Li Guangzhu, not because he wanted to help him, but, he didn't have enough money 23...

His next stop is also here, "I'm going to be there in ten minutes, you and I put the money together today, yes, put the money together and go to the taxi." "

For the confused Li Guangzhu, let alone take a taxi now, even if it is a taxi, Li Guangzhu will approve.

Li Guangzhu hurriedly agreed, and then stayed where he was waiting for Liu Zaishi's arrival.

When Liu Zaishi arrived, Li Guangzhu was already followed by a circle of people, no wonder Li Guangzhu was a star, and he could be seen at a glance in such a group of people, very conspicuous.

Li Guangzhu was tall and white, and had his own unique temperament, and Liu Zaishi quickly found him.

The two eliminated people converged smoothly, and the first thing was to be pulled by the citizens to take pictures, and the aunt has been waiting here for a long time, and it is not the aunt who wants to shoot, but the baby who wants to shoot.

Carefully pushing the baby to Liu Zaishi's side, the aunt very naturally handed the mobile phone to Li Guangzhu, which is probably the most humiliating thing to be a star.

Auntie, do you look like a staff member?

I also have self-esteem, okay!

Then the aunt handed the mobile phone to the baby, and after the baby adjusted to the photo mode, she handed it to Li Guangzhu very naturally.

Li Guangzhu: ???

Li Guangzhu took the mobile phone in humiliation, wanted to cry without tears, and then really helped to shoot it, still kind.

While patting and asking: "No, who is Oppa who doesn't know?" The popularity in Taikoku is no joke! Haven't you read the Taiguo chapter? "

Wa smiled and continued posing.

How do you talk so much with one staff member? Can you shoot well?

After Li Guangzhu finished shooting, he quickly left with Liu Zaishi, the two of them have money, they can take a taxi directly, in one step, they also chose a more expensive but cost-effective nanny car, even the staff's share is calculated.

On the other side, Chi Shizhen also got out of the car, no, got off the plane, and the two men also got into a taxi and walked to the terminal.

Everyone is walking towards the destination, Kim Jae-ho they also arrived at the next stop, directly eliminated Haha, this is not Haha's good vision, but Song Zhixiao shook out of the ride, Haha bells and whistles but shake out to eliminate.

Because there was enough time, Kim Jae-ho also shook it, it was eliminated.

"Fortunately..." Kim Jae-ho wiped a cold sweat, "I almost became like Haha, alone!" Old miserable! "

Haha drunk, big brother, can you wait until I can't hear it?

But thankfully, the bus stop is next to it.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo took the car prepared by the production team to go, because the two still had work, and they were talking about acting.

Now this is the best situation for Song Ji Hyo, Kim Jae-ho is still a screenwriter and director funder, so it is best to discuss it with him.

Kim Jae-ho is a very good actor and a good teacher, he knows how to describe what he wants, and how to guide the actor to give what he wants.

"Oh! I probably got it. "Song Zhixiaoji.

Kim Jae-ho smiled: "Don't be nervous, our group will take care of your acting skills." "

"What? There are also Huiyu seniors and Bingyu seniors. Song Zhixiao quickly interrupted him, but he couldn't say that.

"I think you're the best anyway." Kim Jae-ho disagreed, "Okay, it's here." "

As soon as the car door opened, Kim Jae-ho got out of the car and threw the dice, eliminated!

"Let's go, let's go over together." Song Zhixiao said and turned his head and left.

"Why are you so good?" Kim Jae-ho followed quickly with a grin.

Song Zhixiao: "Hmph~."

This is a big road, the road in front of the amusement park will generally be long and wide, convenient for coming, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo walked like that, and there is still a section of the road.

But it's not that far.

An afternoon passed quickly, the sun was just right, very sunny, but in a good mood.

The scenery is really nice, the view is wide, it gives a very clean feeling, two people walking on the road, the shadow is elongated, if there is no one behind to follow, this is definitely the best date.

Love this thing, Kim Jae-ho is actually not good at it, he has flowers on his mouth, in fact, he has not had a love experience, for this thing, it all depends on feelings and his own understanding, and the woman who accompanies her is very exciting, so wonderful that he actually doesn't know what she is thinking.

In the past, this was only a person he could only see on TV, and now, even if she really stood around, there was still a trace of unreality.

But now, he wants to be with her like this, always with her, he likes this feeling, there will be a feeling of touching in his heart, as long as he is by her side, there will be.

I don't know if the other party has this kind of throbbing, Kim Jae-ho doesn't ask, some things, in fact, he also feels, Song Zhihyo likes himself, now they are in an ambiguous stage, maybe just such a ceremony, they are together.

However, at this stage, it is also incredibly beautiful.

It's that kind of feeling that every day when I get up and think of her, I feel hopeful.

"What's wrong?" Song Jihyo noticed Kim Jae-ho's gaze.

"Nothing, thinking about when we'll be together." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Huh? Aren't we together now? Song Zhixiao said with a smile.


Kim Jae-ho outlined a good-looking smile at the corner of his mouth, which made Song Jihyo also stunned, and then followed the smile and looked ahead.

There will be a day, and it's close.

"I'm tired!"

"Come, Oba carries you~ Kim Jae-ho half squatted down.

"No, I'm afraid you'll die halfway through."

"Look at my back, how wide it is, and exercise every day!"

"Then I'll come up~",

"You don't want to sweat and come up~"

"Huh~" Song Zhixiao looked disgusted.

"You still dislike me?"

"Hahaha~no~Then I'll come up~",

"Come up~" Jin Zai patted his back, and Song Zhixiao jumped up.

"Oh yes~ Is this the weight of five or two kilograms?"

"Yay! Are you trying to die?! Song Zhixiao was so angry that he directly restrained Kim Jae-ho's neck.

"I was wrong!"


The two people were fighting, and they thought they were ahead, so they had a lot of leeway, not in a hurry, in order, they were one sixth and one seventh.

But they never expected that the first and second actually surpassed them and had arrived at the park first, yes, it was the magical combination of Chi Shizhen and Jin Zhiguo, who took a plane and taxi today, and it turned out that this combination turned out to be not bad000. ,

However, they are only coming together, which is essentially a personal battle, and as soon as you step into the amusement park, the personal meaning is even heavier.

"The first RM admission."

"I'm the first?"

Listening to the broadcast of this paradise, Chi Shizhen was stunned, he was actually the first?

Soon, the second broadcast tone also came, and the second RM also entered, and Chi Shizhen reacted, as if he was the first and Kim Junguo was the second.

And this is the same as the number behind them, so this broadcast has two meanings, they only think of it as the first for the time being, that is, the order of entry.

The two people at the entrance, took over the task again, this time with a little detail, probably there are gold crowns everywhere and then found out and placed on the display table, and there is an extra display table setting.

"Such a big place for us to find?" Chi Shi Zhenren was stupid, he didn't know it was such a big place before.

"Just look for it." Jin Zhiguo was very indifferent.

"It's not seventy, it's seven in such a big place..." Chi Shizhen complained that he still had to complain a little, so that the audience knew how difficult it was.

Such a big place, it may be a day to play it all.

So they have to start quickly, say seven, in fact, as long as you find four yourself, you will absolutely win, and the chances of victory are very large, but theory is theory, and practice is practice.

Soon, theoretically supposed first and second came.

"My God, I'm tired..." Kim Jae-ho panted and carried Song Ji-hyo to the door.

"It's hard work~ Song Jihyo patted Kim Jae-ho's arm, "It's already good, I thought you were going to put me down after a few steps~"

"It's impossible, I can do it until you reach fifty-five, what is fifty-two~" Kim Jae-ho wiped his sweat.

"Do you want to die?"

"Ah! It hurts! "

"Yay! If it goes on like this, everyone thinks I'm that weight! "


"Shut up!" _

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