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Seeing Kim Jae-ho like this, Kim Junguo finally couldn't hold back his laughter, even if he wasn't laughing.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho's resentful eyes, Kim Junguo quickly changed the topic, "Hurry up and drink, don't talk." "

So Kim finished a can in Hotun Dundun, just when he was also thirsty, he also loved coffee, and remembered that the first time he had actual interaction with Song Zhixiao was because of coffee.

Of course, he only likes to drink sweet coffee, pure bitter he does not like, child taste.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho finish drinking in one gulp, Kim Ji-kook whined, it seemed to be cheering up, as soon as Kim Jae-ho put it down, he took it smoothly, and Kim Jae-ho also gave it naturally.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that the coffee can thrown out by Jin Junguo was perfectly off the trash can...

Kim Junguo looked at Kim Jae-ho's eyes for the first time, and the two looked at each other, silently, all this happened too quickly.

"So what about this?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Go buy it again." PD said.

"Still coming? My stomach is still ice..." Kim Jae-ho's whole person is not good.

"Let's go." Kim Junguo said 23 and ran out, but Kim Jae-ho had no choice and reluctantly followed.

Although this is said, Kim Jae-ho now feels that this task is actually not difficult overall, it is a luck game, how difficult is it?

Thinking about it like this, it was much better, he ran up, and Jin Zhiguo was already buying coffee.

"Brother, let's buy more at once, so we don't have to run around." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good." Jin Zhiguo thinks about this truth, but how to bring it back?

When PD saw them, it was still in the same posture, Kim Junguo was holding Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho actually had six cans of coffee on his body, two cans between his legs, one can on his feet, and three cans on his stomach, just like that, much easier than the last time.

"Yay! If that's okay, why put it in my stomach last time?! Kim Jae-ho sent out a soul question, but Kim Junguo did not answer, after all, Kim Jae-ho is also a man no matter how light he is...

But fortunately, this is probably equivalent to weight training, and the horror thing is that when Kim Junguo put Kim Jae-ho down, PD said: "Drink everything you take." "

Kim Jin: ???

What's even more terrifying is that Kim Junguo looked at Kim Jae-ho and said, "You know, I don't drink coffee." "

Kim Jae-ho: ???

I think you just want me to die.

The speechless Kim Jae-ho did not talk nonsense, and Tun Duntun began to drink again, but now the mood was like drinking poison, and Kim Junguo even happily greeted fans from afar.

He was still laughing in front, and when he turned around and saw Kim Jae-ho's resentful eyes, he scolded directly: "Hurry up and drink!" Hurry up! "

Kim Jae-ho: Are you still human?

Am I still human?

Tool Man...

Jin Zhiguo even dared to let his sad-faced himself greet the aunts in the distance, and Jin Jae-ho glanced at him.

Man, there is a limit to my patience.

Jin Zhiguo patted him.

"Hello ~ today's air is so good~ It's the season for coffee~ Do you know? Some people don't drink coffee~" Kim Jae-ho said to the fans in the distance


Then, the empty jar in his hand suddenly struck. As soon as he turned around, Jin Zhiguo took it again.

"Brother! wait..."

With a clatter, the coffee can is out of target.

Kim's outstretched hand turned from cloth to stone. As soon as the eyes are closed, black.

Holding the posture of throwing things for a second, he took it back, stood up and said, "No, drink again!" "

"Brother! Can you respect the fruits of my labor? "

"Don't talk nonsense, drink quickly."

Kim Jae-ho: It's too hard for me.

Looking at the remaining five cans of coffee, he was speechless.

This is probably coffee hell.

Duntuntun, Dunduntun, unconsciously, there are only two bottles left, and Kim Jae-ho's face has turned coffee now.

"Brother, I finally know now that you are the least good at sports." Kim Jae-ho said.

Jin Zhiguo smiled awkwardly and took the empty jar to aim: "Don't talk nonsense, drink quickly!" "

After speaking, he threw it out and crooked.



"I'm full."

Pun intended.

Suddenly, Kim Junguk looked at Kim Jae-ho's coffee and said, "Give it to me." "

"What for?" Kim Jae-ho wanted to guard against thieves, "I'm just hot." "

"Give it to me anyway!" After Kim Junguo finished speaking, Kim Jae-ho gave him the coffee although he was inexplicable, and now he has a can left.

In Kim Jae-ho's incredulous eyes, Kim Junguo actually opened it and drank it, Duntun Dun.

"Brother, calm down! I can drink it! Elder brother! Don't be like this, are you drinking for me? Ya~" Kim Jae-ho was so frightened that he quickly persuaded him to stop, but Kim Junguo did not stop.

"There is such a thing! It's over! Jin Chengguo drinks coffee! Obviously it's just drinking coffee, but why am I so distressed to watch? Is it okay to give a little applause? "

As soon as Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, the fans in the distance clapped their hands, making Kim Junguo's uncomfortable face show a little smile.

"Brother, you wait~" Jin Hao quickly opened his coffee, this is the last can, "Come!" Elder brother! Cheers! Our two brothers are advancing and retreating together! "

After that, Jin Zhiguo really touched the can with him.

"Ya~ tears!" Jin Hao exaggerated wiped his non-existent tears, crying and drinking at the same time, moved inexplicably.

Jin Zhiguo drank the jar 000 down, indicating that he had finished drinking, obviously it was just a cup of coffee, but there was a kind of grandeur of drying a bottle of old white dry.


Kim Jae-ho gave a thumbs up, and the coffee in his stomach was dangling.

Kim Jae-ho clapped his hands, "Everyone give another applause!" "


Jin Zhiguo threw it to applause and was crooked.

Six cans of coffee were not thrown, and the ones I drank were not thrown away.

"Brother, I think you have a particularly good place." Kim Jae-ho said.


"It's a solid play."


"Less nonsense, throw it quickly! Hurry up and buy it when you're done. Jin Zhiguo said impatiently.

But this kind of diverted the topic made Kim Jae-ho's whole person fall into a state of consternation.

"What? Elder brother?! Are you going to let me come?! "

"Hurry." Jin Zhiguo simply said it all in two words.

"Ah! I almost cried, I even have the right to throw it! Kim Jae-ho was inexplicably moved.

Jin Zhiguo was speechless, "Is it such an exaggeration? "

"Of course, you, the one who threw it six times and didn't hit a single muscle, certainly can't experience it." Kim Jae-ho complained.

"Are you trying to die?"

Just as the two were about to have some physical collisions, an annoying frivolous voice came over.

"Hey Yigu~My brothers, arguing again~Sure enough~"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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