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Why, obviously such a small jar, things that can be solved in one bite, why divide it?

In fact, when they came just now, because of the sports meeting, they drank a lot of water in advance, and now they don't want to drink it...

So they decided to use rock-paper-scissors, one bite per person ...

Just after Chi Shizhen took a dry sip, he suddenly thought of a question, that is, Jin Zhiguo also needs to drink coffee, as we all know, he is a person who attaches great importance to his body, so this kind of thing, he does not drink...

Two uncles, suddenly happy~

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Jin Zhiguo shouted before he got out of the car.

"I feel like I've heard these two words ten thousand times today..." Kim Jae-ho followed behind with blank eyes, and after the initial state of struggle, he realized the inconvenience caused by his teammate's excessive positivity...

He is regretting it now, very regretful, as long as he gets up earlier and drinks less hot soup, he can have a one-day self-driving trip with Song Zhixiao, and there is no cameraman to follow, isn't that fragrant?

Although it is also very likely to be with the Haha team, even Chi Shizhen, Liu Zaishi...

If you run into Liu Zaishi, probably there will be a problem with your throat today, after all, such a small space, such a boring itinerary, and two people who can beep ...

And just then, when the Jin Jin brothers arrived with their steps, the Liu nose brothers were just about to leave.

"Hey, a golden final country~" Liu Zaishi greeted him with a smile as soon as they met, "Why are you guys, I thought it would be Zhixiao who came first." "

I don't know why, Kim Jae-ho felt a little schadenfreude in it.

"Zhixiao, haven't they come yet?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No, you're the second." Liu Zaishi said.

"We succeeded in one go, but I don't know if they went first." Kim said.

"Did that one succeed in one time?!" Chi Shizhen was shocked, such a difficult thing turned out to be passed at once, it was worthy of the golden final country, terrifying.

But in fact, Kim Jae-ho paid a lot more...

Jin Zhiguo smiled and did not show off: "Are you leaving?" "

"Yes." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Ah, you definitely won't be able to finish this~" Ikeishi Zhenle said.

"Oh ~ yes?" Jin Guo doesn't know where Chi Shizhen's confidence comes from, this is a special edition of the Games.

"Don't talk to you, we're going to the next stop~bye~" Liu Zaishi sighed.

"Oh~ where is that going?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Don't tell you~" Liu Zaishi just wanted to mock, and suddenly said: "But you can follow us, then you can skip the task directly." "

"No need, let's just be down-to-earth~" Jin Zhiguo refused very crisply.

"Then it's whatever you want~ Liu Zaishi looked like he didn't care, as if Jin Zhiguo and they suffered a loss.

Jin Zhiguo looked at their departing backs. The letter will be suspicious, and Liu Zaishi's appearance makes him suspicious again.

"Oh, is that true?" Kim Junguo asked.

"It must be fake, needless to say, it is difficult for brother to be sure that it is true." Kim Jae-ho continued, "Let's go quickly, they're all going." "

"Good." Kim Junguo nodded, not to mention, Kim Junguo, who played dirty, still believed in Kim Jae-ho.

He said so, that's it.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho whose face was full of troublesome words, Sang-yoon was a little puzzled.

No matter what team he is in, Kim Jae-ho has a faint feeling of being the backbone, even if he behaves like a bastard, no, it's a bastard...

As soon as Kim Zhiguo arrived at the mission point, Kim Jae-ho did not see the mission letter, Kim Zhiguo took the mission letter Balabala and read it, and when Kim Jae-ho was digesting what he read with a confused look, Kim Zhiguo handed him the task letter and began to run.

After Kim Junguo ran a few steps, as soon as he turned around and Kim Jae-ho was still reading the letter in place, he shouted:

"Hurry up, hurry up! I told you to hurry! "

"I didn't take the money!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Already taken! Hurry up! Run! Jin Zhiguo shouted.

Kim Jae-ho could only shake his head to follow, and then was dragged by Kim Junguo, who disliked his slowness, if you don't consider this situation, it just looks quite romantic.

The two of them were still quite slow, but the distance was not as long as they thought, and they felt that the difficulty should be to transport them back here without using their hands.

"Oh, it's easy to pick and drink." Jin Zhiguo inspected the vending machines in front of him.

"Coffee?" He asked, "No, I don't drink coffee!" "

"What about drinking Coke?" Kim Jae-ho asked, he didn't seem to drink this option himself.....

Jin Zhiguo gave him a blank look, generally at this time, he should not volunteer and say, "I'll come!" "The?

"I don't drink Coke even more, you drink it."

"Okay." Kim Jae-ho doesn't mind either, isn't it just a can of coffee? He can drink a dozen!

Because when he was in the car, it was not necessary not to eat and drink, so there is no problem drinking now.

"Brother Shi Zhen just said that you can't do this, this should mean this." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh!" Jin Zhiguo also understood, and at the same time the coffee also came out.

"Why don't you hold it in your hands?" He looked at Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho took it, thought about it, and put it on the brim of his hat.


Saying that, he looked at the top and walked up like a tightrope.

Jin Zhiguo looked at the side for two seconds and asked, "Ah, are you a fool?" "

After all, it really doesn't look smart.

"This way." Jin Zhiguo wants to be as close to them as Chi Shizhen.

"Brother, I still have to get married." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yay! So what do you say! Kim Junguo smiled, Kim Jae-ho really is, grinding has a hand.

"In this way, you hold me, I put this here." He said, pointing to his stomach.

"Good." After Kim Junguo finished speaking, he directly picked Kim Jae-ho up, and then Kim Jae-ho put the coffee under his clothes and went on it alone.

Phase 42 is speechless, in order to be held by a big man princess, do you think you will marry out?

As soon as Kim Zhiguo walked out, Kim Jae-ho regretted it: "Brother! Elder brother! Cold! Cold! "

"Yay! Endure! Kim Junguo was annoyed, directly ignored Kim Jae-ho, and continued to walk.

Then the citizens saw a magical scene, a strong man walking with another good-looking man in his arms, and then the man looked like he was going to die with a hideous face and a wolf howl, the scene was like a very emergency scene.

PD was about to die of laughter when he saw this scene, and when they arrived, Kim Jae-ho immediately jumped down and took out the coffee.

"I'm going to die! It's so cold! "

"Stop barking! Drink quickly! "Jin Zhiguo is so ruthless.

"Brother..." Kim Jae-ho took the coffee and looked at Kim Junguo aggrievedly.

"What's wrong?"

"The coffee is hot..." _

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