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“89! 10! After Chi Shi finished shouting, he still looked at the referee not very confidently.


"That's it." The three words of the referee moved the two middle-aged men... There was no time to move, Liu Zaishi seemed to have torn it again, and he couldn't say anything.

People passing by sympathetically said: "Hard work"

It's so hard...

When they were leaving, Song Zhixiao and the two who set off after Liu Zaishi had just arrived, without him, haha went the wrong way...

Kim Jae-ho also arrived quickly, and as soon as they arrived nearby, the PD said to let them find the banner of the RM sports conference.

Because the walkie-talkie suddenly rang, he Jin Zhiguo had not heard it clearly for the first time.

"So what, that's it!" After Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, Kim Ji-guo quickly found a place to park, and then immediately ran over there.

"Yay! What are you doing! Kim Jae-ho ran over and found Haha and Song Ji-hyo doing sit-ups, and he went up and snapped to overturn Haha.

"Yay! Go away! Song Zhixiao almost slapped and said breathlessly: "Ah! It's almost done! "

Haha, on the one hand, he is weak-hearted, on the other hand, he does not have the strength to resist, save some strength.

When Kim Junguo went to see what to do, haha they started again, Kim Jae-ho went down without thinking, "I'll come!" "

803 helped haha press his legs haha not only didn't scold him, almost said thank you, until he felt the pressure on his toes.

"Aaaaah!" Haha immediately shouted out in pain, "Yay! Is this leg press or toe press! "


Song Zhixiao and Jin Zhiguo next to them are going to laugh, which is too happy.

In the distance, the single-handedly Lee Kwang-joo was belated, on the one hand, his car skills were bad, on the other hand, it also showed that Kim Jae-ho did not deliberately detour for food, and it was really a smooth way.

When he saw his mission letter, everyone was dumbfounded, "How do I do it?" Do it alone? "

"Can you help me then?" Li Guangzhu asked.

Kim Junguk and Kim Jae-ho: "Go away, don't get in the way!" "

Li Guangzhu: ...

Kim Jae-ho and Kim Junguo went back to get the blanket, just in the car, never thought that there was also Qiankun here.

"No, can't you just come and get it alone? Why am I following you?" Kim Jae-ho felt afterward.

"How do I know about you?"

When they ran back, they were already over, and Li Guangzhu also went to find someone, and the two of them hurried to solve (dec) the decisive battle when no one bothered in this gap.

"My waist is still sore..." Kim Jae-ho looked embarrassed.

"Hurry! Fast! Kim Junguk pulled Kim Jae-ho's pants.

"Don't! Am I still okay with it? The pants are about to be ripped off by you" Kim Jae-ho tugged at his pants and grumbled as he sat down.

"Hiss~" Kim Jae-ho felt that the whole person was better, the muscles were sour, very comfortable, but in fact, the problem was not big, after all, it has really been a few days, and now it is some rhyme"...

"I'll get used to it first, brother first." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good." After Jin Zhiguo finished speaking, he lay down and put it down.

"Ready! Begin! As soon as Kim Jae-ho shouted, Kim Ji-guk moved like an engine, and his voice was as big as an engine.

This is the most hideous face Kim Jae-ho has seen Kim Ji-kook.

“1! 12! Kim Jae-ho counted, and suddenly grabbed Kim Junguo's collar with both hands, and pulled up with Kim Junguo's swing, and suddenly, the person who called became two people.

People who don't know still think that Ten is doing something strange.

Because of the problem of Jin Zhiguo's waist, everyone also turned a blind eye, and just looking at it, it didn't have any effect.

The scene became very ghostly, Kim Jae-ho grabbed Kim Junguo's collar, and then the two men shouted while doing sit-ups as if they were going to die.

"Thirty!" After Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, the two people quickly switched, this is exchanged, the leg press became Kim Junguo, and Kim Jae-ho did sit-ups.

Accompanying Kim Jiguo's thirty-first was Kim Jae-ho's huge shout: "Eh! Forehead! "

"Brother, I can't do it!" Kim Jae-ho's speed is as slow as Ji Seok-jin.

"Yay! That's only ten! "Kim Chengguo was stupid, and suddenly, he also grabbed Kim Jae-ho's collar, so he repeated his skills and helped.

However, the effect, very different...

Just now, Kim Jae-ho's help can be said to be the icing on the cake, but now, it is almost like installing a motor for Kim Jae-ho, his speed is several times faster with the naked eye, and his head is thrown up and down, like a doll in Kim Junguo's hands.

"Ahhh... Elder brother... Wait... Ah..." Kim Jae-ho said a word every time he came up, not that he didn't want to say it completely, he couldn't say it, and when he got to the back, he could only shout as if he had lost his mind.

This scene, too violent, too miserable, miserable, the referee laughed...

"Fifty-one ~ fifty-two" Kim Junguo smiled, looking very relaxed, completely different from Kim Jae-ho, who looked like he was dead.

Li Guangzhu, who was watching from the side, was stunned, "Fortunately, I didn't team up with this brother, and suddenly I felt that it was good to be alone..."

This is a complete tool man!

This is really not to treat Kim Jae-ho as a person, how fast Kim Jae-ho can do it, it is completely controlled by him, and in just fifty seconds, the battle has ended.

"Sixty! Yes! It worked, right?! "

The referee nodded, Kim Jae-ho didn't let them live like this, is he still human?

"Really?! Was it successful all at once?! "Li Guangzhu is stupid.

The first two groups succeeded several times, and they actually succeeded once, but the price was a little big...

Kim Junguk tugged on Kim Jae-ho's collar and asked with a smile: "My brother!" Are you okay? "

Kim Jae-ho is obviously unable to answer him anymore, for the time being...

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Go to the next stop! Kim Junguo took the mission letter and said excitedly to Kim Jae-ho on the ground.

"Yay! Jaehiro's clothes are all torn! Li Guangzhu suddenly exclaimed.

The ignorant Kim Jae-ho sniffed and looked down, and sure enough, the collar was bigger...

Everyone also looked over, it was too exaggerated.

"Brother! Are you still human? Kim Jae-ho only said this sentence, and he was helpless.

"Whatever, that's how it is." Kim Junguo weakly smoothed out the folds on Kim Jae-ho's collar, but it couldn't be smoothed, it was broken.

"Yay! Get up! Jin Zhiguo shouted, "Gone! "

With the help of Kim Junguo, Kim Jae-ho reluctantly stood up.

"How do I feel so many stars in front of me?" Kim Jae-ho's eyes narrowed, looking like he could fall at any moment.

"This is normal, just stand up and lack oxygen, hurry up!"

"Is this normal?" Li Guangzhu's eyes widened, but he didn't dare to ask further, because Kim Jiuguo led Kim Jae-ho and left, in that way, if you don't consider Kim Jae-ho's state and Kim Ji-kook's strength, it is also quite beautiful......_

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