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As soon as Kim Jae-ho got into the car, Lee Kwang-joo, who had just arrived at the scene, slammed Kim Jae-ho's car window.

"What for? In a hurry! Kim Jae-ho said, "Today is a team of two people, we are already two people." "

"What about me?" Li Guangzhu's smile was like snow meeting ice salt, quickly melting.

"How do I know?" After Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, PD said: "You are the last place, so you are a team alone." "

"Last place?! Again?! "Li Guangzhu is stupid.

He wasn't the last to set off, and he might even be the first to leave home, but the problem is, his home is far away!

Kim Jae-ho could even have a leisurely breakfast, he came, but even so, he was the last to arrive, but it was too difficult.

"Goodbye~" Jin finally waved his hand, happily left in the car driven by his brother, and leisurely said goodbye to Li Guangzhu.

Looking at Li Guangzhu's appearance of being ten years old in an instant, it seemed to hear BGM ringing, which was particularly funny.

"What is Girls' Generation Station? Is there a station for this? Or a concert? Do you want to ask them? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Do you have contact information on them?" Jin Zhiguo was curious.

"Many people know this..." Kim Jae-ho's casual face couldn't hide the pride.

"Yes, but it shouldn't be about them." Kim Junguo remembered Kim Jae-ho's hot search before, which seemed to be related to Girls' Generation, but he didn't mind, he also had contact information.

People who have been mixed for so long, who has not had a girlhood phone like ~

I just haven't fought it...

Girls' Generation, Girls' Generation Station...

"Ah! It's Shuhyeon Station! Jin Zhiguo said.

Kim Jae-ho, who was driving, was dumbfounded, "Homophone terrier? "

He almost blurted out: this is to deduct money!

Fortunately not, otherwise he would probably have been discovered by someone who wrote the same article that he had crossed and used this water for a few words.

Kim Jae-ho quickly turned around and walked back directly, and he couldn't fall before he turned around and waited for the meeting.

"Sure enough~!" Kim Jae-ho happily gave Kim Junguo a high five, "Ah! Brother's wisdom plus my strength, invincible! "

"Your power?" Jin Zhiguo seemed to have heard something ridiculous, probably misheard.

Kim Jae-ho was also speechless, "A muscular person's brain is still good, and the singing is good, so don't let others play?" "

"You can too, just exercise well, do you want to exercise with me in the future?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Forget it, I can't stand it for a week, your old man will spare me..."

"It's strange to say, how do you feel that you are still so weak after practicing for so long? Are you not doing what I say at home? Jin Zhiguo wondered.

"How is that possible? I'm that kind of person, if you say that, I'm going to cry! "Kim Jae-ho didn't look aggrieved at all.

"Anyway, I taught you what you said. Shame..." Jin Junguo doubted his own professionalism.

You have to say that there is no progress, he does have it, but if you want to say that it is effective, it is not very visible...

"Speaking of which, I didn't wear any makeup... Izuku muttered.

"What else do you wear?" Is it better than makeup when you take off your clothes? Kim Jae-ho complained.

Jin Zhiguo smiled and did not refute.

"You still acquiesced, did you? Ah~" Kim Jae-ho sighed.

"What a default!" Jin Zhiguo was anxious, "I just can't sit in the same car with you, I feel like I've become a strange person." "

"Just the two of us, what are you afraid of, I still don't know who you are? Understood"

"You know what you know!" Jin Chengguo is anxious, this has a camera, he has the urge to jump out of the car.

And Song Zhixiao and the two of them alone will be embarrassing, these two people are often like this, go out with Kim Zhiguo, Kim Jae-ho doesn't even have to bring bodyguards, and he is very relieved.

It's just that it's usually Jin Zhiguo who drives, and today it's them who drive.

Just when Kim Junguo thought it was stable, Kim Jae-ho suddenly stopped on the side.

"What's wrong?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Brother, you wait..." Kim Jae-ho said and got out of the car.

The people of Jin Chengguo are stupid, this has not arrived!

Then I saw Kim Jae-ho walking to the side and going to a small stall, and the fragrance was overflowing.

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho! Jin Chengguo was so angry that he rushed directly over and grabbed him.

"Brother! That one looks very fragrant! I'll finish it soon! Kim Jae-ho tried hard to go somewhere, but it was useless, and he was directly dragged back.

"Are you crazy?! Wait a minute! Doesn't Zhixiao chase after him?! "Everyone in Jin Zhiguo is fainting.

"It's not a big problem to take a bite and chase it... This is usually not eaten ... It's coming..." Kim Jae-ho was reluctant, but it was useless, he was directly pressed by Kim Junguo on the co-pilot and buckled his seat belt.

"You sit here! I went to drive, hey one... Really, crazy really. Jin Zhiguo scolded and sat in the driver's seat, "You really want to eat, I will buy you tomorrow, give me a good task today, today is a sports meeting!" "

"How can you work hard if you don't have enough to eat?"

"Didn't you eat breakfast?"

"You know all this?" Kim Jae-ho was honest.

Jin Zhiguo was dizzy, just felt reliable, suddenly like this, he looked at the navigation, "Yay! You wouldn't have come here on purpose, would you?! "

Kim Jae-ho quickly shook his head: "How is it possible!" Passing by, purely passing by! "

Jin Zhiguo looked at the navigation and doubted the authenticity of this sentence.

"Then you remember to come at this point tomorrow, they won't open the door at other times." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yay! You... Yes! I really am..." Jin Junguo was so angry that he didn't know what to say, "I know!" "

Kim Jae-ho felt that there was time to speak, he might have finished eating, just a little, not much, for him, what else he wanted to say, Kim Junguo glanced at him, Kim Jae-ho did not dare...

The belated (good money) desire for survival suppresses the appetite ...

On the other side, the combination of Liu Zaishi and Chi Shizhen has long arrived, and they have even begun the fourth attempt, this task, it is not difficult to say, but it is not simple to say.

This morning, what they have to do is to do sixty sit-ups in one minute, if they find a high school student, the 60 are simple, without substitution, but they, ah...

In general, two or three years after graduation, the age can be said to be older ...

So, the fourth attempt to pull out.

Originally, the two people were the oldest, doing this, hard and laborious, the first time and the second time have used the strength almost, now the fourth time, that is the old life.

The main force Liu Zaishi, under the condition of relaxing the rules, tried his best, and when Liu Zaishi couldn't hold on, Chi Shizhen seized the opportunity to do a few, and the appearance of the two people working hard was very beautiful.

Beautiful middle-aged man. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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