The atmosphere of the scene was perfectly driven, and everyone was surprised by this musical "feast", it turned out that B-BOX could be like this.

Suddenly, everyone thinks that stars are actually very powerful, at least they will not be able to do things.

When the song ended, Kim Junguk and Kim Jae-ho-il, who were moved and excited, grabbed their hands, bumped their chests, and came to a hip-hop-style celebration.

Because he was too excited, this sharp bump made Kim Jae-ho really feel the ferocity of his chest muscles, rubbed his chest, Kim Jae-ho complained, "Brother, you also have too much strength..."

Kim Junguo didn't feel sorry at all, and directly pulled Kim Jae-ho to give everyone a curtain call, and at the same time explained their task, and mobilized the masses to find it together, which can be said to be very witty.

After everyone dispersed, Kim Junguo said to Kim Jae-ho, "Haha, I didn't expect you to be Bbox, it's really hidden deep~"

Kim Jae-ho said modestly, "Hi~ say this, what is hidden deeply, just for fun, can't get on the stage." "

"It's already very possible, there are not many stars who will do this now, and there will be a market after a good development." Kim said.

"Got it, hurry up and find it, the blue team will arrive later." Kim Jae-ho changed the subject.

Jin Zhiguo smiled and didn't care, after all, the road is for him to walk by himself, and he can only suggest it, and he can't influence other people's lives.

Kim Jae-ho looked at Kim Junguo's back and felt that fortunately he didn't show much.

To be honest, not only the drums, he can even imitate all the accompaniment in that song, but because there is no Mai, the drums will be a little more powerful and make everyone hear them more clearly, so he only shows the drums.

These knowledge introductory things are not very powerful, so everyone is just surprised, and there is no other feeling, after all, people who generally know Bbox can do a combination of these simple beats.

The great thing about Kim Jae-ho is that without practice, he perfectly fits with Kim Ji-kook's singing, you know, Kim Ji-guk slightly speeds up the rhythm, and Kim Jae-ho can also speed up his own rhythm along with him.

Of course, everyone does not know the difficulty of this, only that Kim Jae-ho has practiced in private.

Because a man is a very important song for Kim Junguo, it is not surprising that Kim Jae-ho practiced this song.

This is also the reason why Kim Junguo was so excited to celebrate with Kim Jae-ho after singing the song, and he thought that Kim Jae-ho practiced this song in private, after all, it was exactly the same, I am afraid that he loved him very much, which also proved that Kim Jae-ho really liked his brother, not false.

Of course, this liking is a love between brothers, and there is nothing else that will think crookedly.

But in fact, Kim Jae-ho did not, he did not practice, all this is a natural thing, just come out like this, without braining, he can come as he wants, it is a very simple thing.

As for why you cover your mouth, it's because of the ventriloquist, it will be ugly if you don't cover your mouth ...

Soon, Kim Jae-ho also joined the search team, but because of the large number of people and more people wearing sneakers, everyone was not found.

What's more, wherever he went, there were a bunch of people following him, which made it more difficult for him to find, after all, these people are not short, and it is actually quite difficult to see other people through them.

You can't ask them not to follow, after all, this is not your home, they can take pictures with their phones, and they won't listen to what you say.

Many people are actually not fans of Kim Jae-ho, just a lively picture, others take photos, they also take photos, take them back to show off, look, I see the star!

So you see many of the figures of aunts and uncles, and chasing the stars is much more powerful than young people, after all, they originally came here to exercise.

At this time, the blue team is also late, they don't even have the strength to complain after walking a kilometer of stairs, Liu Zaishi was probably complained all the way, after all, it was his bad idea that made the players like this, and now he is also very embarrassed, especially when he sees that the red team is already looking for it.

There is no way, I can only take my sweaty body into the crowd to find it, which is also very miserable.

But the popularity of the god is also very high, and all the people who surrounded the red team just now ran to the blue team, after all, they are all new stars, especially Liu Zaishi.

Liu Zaishi is obviously more familiar to everyone, and immediately gained a lot of popularity.

And the red team also took the opportunity to quickly search, after all, it is rare that no one surrounds them.

However, Kim Jae-ho was still surrounded by several girls.

"Is there water?" Kim Jae-ho asked them, and along the way, Kim Jae-ho was already familiar with these people who were obviously his fans.

"I have it, do you want to eat it?" The girls were welcoming.

"Food? What's there? Kim Jae-ho's eyes immediately lit up, and he didn't look for it, looking at the girls' carry-on bags.

"There are chocolates and cookies, what does Oppa want to eat?" When the girls heard what Kim Jae-ho wanted to eat, they couldn't wait to give Kim Jae-ho everything they ate.

"There are chocolates, there are cookies, are there chocolate chip cookies?" Kim Jae-ho made a joke.

But I didn't expect that Kim Jae-ho was joking, but these people really had, and the cookie happened to be chocolate-flavored.

"I'm going, is there really one? I want chocolate, thank you. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Here and here, Oppa I have!! I have!! "

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho asked for chocolate, everyone took out the chocolate on their bodies.

Those who came up to watch the scenery, who did not order something to eat, saw so many chocolates, everyone was anxious, eager to let Kim Jae-ho eat the chocolate in his hand.

The situation was out of control in an instant, and everyone tried their best to stretch the chocolate in their hands to Kim Jae-ho's face, and they were about to reach Kim Jae-ho's mouth, and they couldn't wait to stuff it directly into Kim Jae-ho's mouth.

Kim Jae-ho panicked suddenly, "Wait! Wait a minute!! Yikes! Take it easy!! Other!! Yikes! Other! Nose!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "

Kim Jae-ho felt that there were a lot of black things in front of him instantly, and some even took the packaging bag directly into his mouth, unable to hide, drowned in chocolate, and overwhelmed...

Unscrupulous VJ saw Kim Jae-ho's miserable appearance and screamed and laughed so badly that he deserved it, made you lazy, and made you gluttonous.

Soon, Kim Jae-ho, with a red face, messy hairstyle, and holding a bunch of chocolates, looked at Sangyoon VJ with a resentful face.

"Hahaha!" The camera that allows VJ to laugh is about to lose its grip.

Seeing that Sang-yoon VJ was still smiling without conscience, Kim Jae-ho's expression became even more resentful, as if he could see the black shadow shrouded in his body, with a miserable look and a pitiful look.

The cool summer breeze blows on the body, the chicken nest-like hairstyle floats on the head, life is always so difficult, leaving Kim Jae-ho alone in the wind messy.

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