The citizens looked at Kim Jae-ho, who was struggling to take away, and they couldn't laugh, even if they were pulled to him, they waved as much as they could, and it was the first time they felt the humor of these people so closely.

Originally, they still felt that stars were out of reach, there was a sense of distance, and other stars had a sense of distance, but these people were more like silly children next door that made people feel cordial.

Kim Jae-ho's undisguised scream and love for them, almost carving the word happy on his face, was also infectious.

Some stars will pretend to like the audience for the support of the citizens and their popularity, which looks very cordial, but they have a feeling of being high and high, an inexplicable sense of alienation.

But Kim Jae-ho will not have such a feeling, although it is a little silly, but everyone can really feel his love for everyone, you will naturally be infected by him, inexplicably have a warmth.

Kim Jae-ho, who was dragged away resentfully, had to follow everyone to do the task, some people were very afraid of the camera, some people were afraid of the onlookers of the citizens, and some people even felt bored, felt that these people were very annoying, others did the task, what are you doing around? I've never seen the world or anything.

But Kim Jae-ho will not have such a feeling, he likes these people, he likes to be watched by everyone, the more people, the more hi he has, the more his heart waves, the more floating, the thief is happy.

He couldn't wait to hug these people all over again to express his excitement.

All this time, Kim Jae-ho felt that he was unlucky, but at the same time lucky, because he was loved by so many people, but he did nothing and could not even repay them.

So every time he signs, he is extra serious, for fear of writing wrong or ugly, they like you unconditionally, support you, do what they can for you, and don't even need you to reciprocate, just hope that you can be happy.

These people are not saints, just ordinary people, so for these people, Kim Jae-ho has always been grateful, and he can only do his best to express his gratitude to them.

So he is the main station, shoots pictorials, practices autographing, singing, playing games, reading various books to improve himself, just to be able to repay their love as much as he can, even if it is only a little, otherwise, with his inertia, he does not lie at home every day, and come out to play when shooting RM.

Kim Jae-ho enjoys all this, the love of fans, the process of doing things to his fans, he enjoys it, so he has the enthusiasm now.

If there is anything that can make him interesting, it is probably a matter of meeting fans.

"Haba, Habe, are you RunningMan?" Kim Sin-young has already begun to try the mission.

She was probably the most serious one, but the uncle standing opposite him looked at her with a confused expression, and he was embarrassed.

But Kim didn't care, because her goal was not her uncle's response, but, "Then can you give me the cookies behind you?" "

She stretched out her hand and stared at the cookie in her uncle's hand with a wistful look, and Kim Junguk and Song Zhongji quickly stopped her while feeling amused.

"Why are you robbing the citizens' cookies?" I'll buy it for you later..." Kim Junguo saw the poor Kim Junying who was comforting the hungry, and then apologized to his uncle.

Gradually, the members gathered at the octagonal pavilion, which was well lit.

"First of all, we have to see if there are people who are hiding from us." Jin Zhiguo analyzed.

But after a while, the citizens surrounded this pavilion, and there were quite a lot of people on the scene.

Haha Seeing this, he made an idea, it is better to let Jin Zhiguo gather everyone here, so that they can be easy to find, after all, the onlookers here are generally not the hidden staff.

Just do it when you think of it, Haha immediately shouted, "Everyone, Jin Zhiguo wants to present a song to everyone here!! "

Jin Zhiguo heard it, and shyly pushed haha, with a shy smile.

When the citizens heard it, they cheered instantly, Jin Zhiguo's popularity is not covered, his concert tickets are also very expensive, if you can hear Jin Zhiguo's singing, it is simply a welfare!

Instantly, the audience went crazy, and the members immediately began to act.

"Find !! quickly" Everyone immediately scattered to look for the staff outside the crowd, leaving Jin Zhiguo standing awkwardly.

"Wait a minute, leave someone to help me!!" Jin Zhiguo called out to the members nervously, really, he was not so nervous on stage.

Kim Jae-ho walked slowly, and when he saw his eldest brother's call, he also immediately answered the call and walked to Kim Junguo's side to support him.

"Clap your hands !!!" Kim Jae-ho clapped vigorously to drive the atmosphere, and the onlookers also applauded happily.

Seeing that the citizens really applauded, Kim Jae-ho was happy.

"Jin Zhiguo! Kim End-country! Kim End-country! Kim Jae-ho clenched his fists and waved them up and down, and the audience actually shouted and coaxed with Kim Jae-ho, and the scene was jubilant.

Jin Zhiguo also smiled shyly when he heard this answer, cleared his throat, and was ready to sing.

Seeing this, Kim Jae-ho clenched his fists with open hands and shouted, "Receive!" "

The audience really stopped shouting, like a well-trained team.

"Thank you all!!" Kim Jae-ho shouted excitedly, smiled incredulously with his hand covering his mouth, and looked at everyone with emotion.

These people are really too face-giving!!


Just after the scene quieted down, Kim Junguk also began his "performance", singing a cappella of a man.

But just after Kim Junguo sang a few words, Kim Jae-ho, who was standing next to him bored, suddenly thought of something and immediately covered his mouth with his hand, and then, only heard the rhythmic drum beat coming out of Kim Jae-ho's mouth.

This beat, this drum, this melody --

It turned out to be the accompaniment of a man who Kim Junguo was singing!!!!

Kim Jae-ho was actually holding the B-BOX, and it was also the accompaniment of the song that Kim Junguo was singing, and several different voices came out from the side, and the clear drumbeat reached everyone's ears.

A perfect fit!!

Not bad!!

Kim Junguo looked at Kim Jae-ho in surprise, and continued to sing in his mouth, and with Kim Jae-ho's beat, this "a cappella song" became less monotonous in an instant.


The audience who were originally intoxicated by the singing looked at Kim Jae-ho with a surprised face, if they closed their eyes, they would probably think that there was really a band accompaniing Kim Junguo!!

Mom has a yokai!!

Senior brother, come and save me!!

Their three views were directly refreshed by Kim Jae-ho, which was simply heavenly!!

Some people who had not picked up their phones picked up their phones again and filmed this scene, as far as possible so that the mobile phones could record this sound.

If this is not recorded, I will regret it for the rest of my life!!

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