Soon, the two men were surrounded by RM.

"Oh, what's going on?" Chi Shizhen asked.

Everyone also came up, and it was also funny to see Kim Jae-ho's sad look, especially with the dog brother's helpless face with a little shame, and they all came up to ridicule.

These people are considered kind, not recorded, mainly infected by Kim Jae-ho, although everyone will not be like this, but parting is always sad, the adult world, it is almost rare to cry like this.

Everyone didn't expect that the relationship between the two people who usually didn't seem to communicate was so good, which also surprised everyone, and they couldn't help but think, if they left one day, would anyone hold themselves like this and cry?

"Yay! The snot is out! The dog brother smiled helplessly, and Song Zhongji immediately handed over a tissue when he saw this, and he was a very considerate, well-behaved and polite good boy in and out of the play.

Brother Dog had to wipe Kim Jae-ho's tears and snot, and also smiled bitterly, he was a big man who wanted to do these things, and he was also drunk, this was the first time in his life.

But the heart is also inexplicably moved, and the heart also recognizes this brother, it is rare to meet such a person in the entertainment industry, of course, you must cherish it.

Everyone looked at Kim Jae-ho kindly, with a feeling of relief, although it was with a smile, but it was not as small as usual, tonight, Kim Jae-ho was just a child.

What Brother Dog didn't expect was that Kim Jae-ho was already like this, and he had to drink, and a few cups of belly, and he was directly unconscious, everyone wanted to stop it, helpless, had to let Kim Jae-ho leave first, even if Kim Jae-ho was drunk, he was holding the corner of Brother Dog's clothes tightly with one hand, and Brother Dog had no choice, so he had to help him out with two people with haha.

So there was the scene just now, Kim Jae-ho was carried out by Haha and Brother Dog.

The two people finally put Kim Jae-ho down, the dog brother just wanted to leave, but did not expect that Kim Jae-ho seemed to wake up suddenly, grabbed the dog brother tightly, and shouted, "Kaji!! Don't go!!! "

The dog brother was pulled tightly, and it was also embarrassing to no, fortunately, the neighborhood was relatively remote, otherwise it would really be laughed to death when the reporter photographed this scene.

The dog brother found that although Kim Jae-ho was shouting, his eyes were still closed, and he also pulled Kim Jae-ho's hand away with tears and laughter, straightened him on the seat, fastened his seat belt, and then took a deep look at the sleeping Kim Jae-ho, listened to his murmuring "brother", patted Kim Jae-ho's shoulder, turned his head, closed the door, and went back side by side with the waiting haha.

There, there are still a few people waiting for themselves...


When he woke up the next day, Kim Jae-ho only felt that his headache was split, and the annoying BGM did not sound, but his head was groggy, and it was better to put BGM.

"Awake? Here, drink some porridge. "The uncle showed up on time like a babysitter.

Kim Jae-ho frowned and touched his head.

"What happened? Why does my head hurt so much? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Huh, you don't remember anything?" The uncle looked at Kim Jae-ho unexpectedly.

"Almost, I remember that yesterday I seemed to be going to dinner..." Kim Jae-ho was still a little impressed.

"Almost, it's that you drank too much alcohol during the dinner, and you fell directly, or haha they carried you out, don't drink so much if you can't drink, hurt your body." The uncle said.

"I thought I could drink, but I didn't expect to get drunk after a few drinks." Kim Jae-ho also recalled yesterday's events, of course, he couldn't remember what happened after getting drunk.

To be honest, the degree of these soju is not high, such as him who can drink is of course not worthwhile, but did not expect that it was only his body in the previous life that could drink, and this life can be said to be a glass pour.

How far away the mind is, how far the gap between the two bodies is, like the amount of alcohol this time, to be honest, Kim Jae-ho did not expect that reality would pit himself here.

Usually he doesn't drink at dinner, after all, they are all stars, and it's not good to drink too much, but this time is different, he has a reason to drink.

But when he thought of this, he thought of Brother Dog again.

"Uncle, has there ever been a time when you felt that it was a mistake to exist?" Kim Jae-ho looked at the uncle sitting on the other side.

The uncle glanced at Kim Jae-ho in amazement, "What do you want to do so much, eat your porridge, you don't go to the company this morning, take a good rest at home." "

"Oh." When Kim Jae-ho heard this, he began to drink porridge.

yes, what do you want to do so much? I don't have a very powerful person, just an ordinary person, just enjoy the world, don't think so much.

After eating a beautiful breakfast, Kim Jae-ho's whole person was in good spirits, but his head still hurt.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and his phone really didn't ring once for a long time, because not many people knew the number.

This time it was Liu Zaishi, mainly to greet Kim Jae-ho's physical condition today, and after learning that Kim Jae-ho was still alive, he began to ridicule.

"Huh? Is it? Did I have this yesterday? Brother, did you remember correctly? Kim Jae-ho said into his phone.

"Oh, don't think about it, so many people have seen it, it's useless to pretend to have amnesia." The great god said.

If lying groove is an adjective, then Kim Jae-ho's current expression is probably these two words.

He actually threw himself in the arms of the dog brother and cried???

He also said that he wanted to sing together???

Don't let the dog brother go yet???

Also runny nose???

No way!!!

Just kidding, right?

But the next call came, he knew that these were all possible, and they were real things, because this time it was Chi Shizhen, even this brother teased him, then there was a fake?

The next is Song Zhongji, this straightforward teenager heard that Kim Jae-ho didn't believe it, and even described Kim Jae-ho's predicament yesterday in a colorful voice, and used a lot of adjectives, really worthy of being a scholar.

Lee Kwang-joo, Kim Junguo these all called, and then haha, haha said more, after all, he still has a memory of moving Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho hung up the phone.


It's all over!

How will this make him face the dog brother in the future?

And at this time, the dog's call also came.

"Hello? In Hao? How is the body? The dog's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Ahhh... Ah, okay. "Kim Jae-ho is a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, take care of your body, do a variety show well, brother will always pay attention, find me if there is anything, although brother's ability is limited, but can help to a certain extent." The flat voice of the dog brother came from the other side of the phone, but Kim Jae-ho almost cried.

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