When Kim Jae-ho came out of the barbecue restaurant, he was already unconscious.

Brother Dog and Haha two people supported him left and right, both of them were speechless, especially Brother Dog, how can there be people who pull others to drink, but they are drunk?!

Fortunately, the Great God has the phone number of Kim Jae-ho's agent, otherwise, he can only send him back in person.

"Then please." Haha said to the uncle.

The uncle looked at Kim Jae-ho, who was full of alcohol in the back seat, and touched his forehead depressedly, this guy really can't look at it for a while, he is really an unconscious child.

"It's okay, leave it to me, you guys continue to play, I'll take him back first." Uncle Lin Zongren said.

"Okay." Brother Dog pressed the brim of his hat, ready to go back with Haha to continue, the meat has not eaten a few pieces of really, I have never seen someone so easy to get drunk.

Especially people who know that they are easily drunk and drink so much.


When Brother Dog said that he was going to withdraw, the scene fell silent, and for a long time, the great god asked why, he needed a reason, but probably he also thought of it.

After all, from the beginning of recording, Brother Dog often said that recording is difficult, very tired, physically and mentally exhausted, and the god can also help, and keeps forcibly finding some shots for Brother Dog, but Brother Dog still can't stick to it after all.

Brother Dog spoke, and the reason for saying was similar, for a variety show newcomer, these episodes brought a lot of pressure to Brother Dog, especially when he saw the outstanding performance of other newcomers, he even looked extremely stiff to find a shot, and finally chose to give up.

Everyone expressed understanding, after all, Brother Dog is a singer, even if he does not do variety shows, he can live well.

In fact, before the recording of the show, Brother Dog was already a popular hip-hop singer in Han Country, and he already had his own piece of the black bubble music industry in Han Country, and Black Bubble is hip-hop

In reality, Brother Dog is probably the richest person among all people, almost all of the songs they combine are written by him, how about his lyrics, known as a genius composer, he has more than 100 officially registered copyrights alone, and the copyright fee alone is nearly 50 million won in a month, which is still the state that he did not appear in RM.

As for how well his lyrics are written, you can go and see them yourself and feel them.

His rap is also, at first it sounds chaotic, but if you listen carefully, it is all stepped on the beat, inexplicably good, this peculiar flow also makes his songs only he can sing, uniqueness is a very important thing for singers.

And writing songs is not an easy task, and it may often take a lot of time to stay up in one place and write it down as soon as you have inspiration.

After quitting the variety show, which is not good at it, he can have more time to write his own songs and focus on his music, and quitting RM does not mean that he will never appear in variety shows, there are still opportunities in the future.

With his obsessive love for music, it's actually normal to make this choice.

Moreover, Brother Dog had already discussed with PD in the last issue, and PD also agreed, rather than let him continue like this, it is better to quit early, so that the impact on the show will not be too great.

When the members accepted this fact, they also sent their blessings to the dog brother, life is not only the show, there are also human feelings outside the program, and feelings will not be broken because of this.

The one who can't accept this fact the most is none other than Kim Jae-ho.

He hurried to catch up, just for this sentence?

When he heard Brother Dog say that sentence, Kim Jae-ho "boomed" in his mind.

There is only one person in this world who knows that Brother Dog can go on forever, and that person is Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho has always been a supporter of 7012, and he naively thought that he could keep these numbers going, but now, only a few episodes? Brother Dog quit?

If there is anything different between this life and the RM in the previous life, it is probably that he Kim Jae-ho, that is, the dog brother withdrew, it was completely the butterfly effect brought by himself, and he suddenly felt a great sense of guilt.

He looked at the dog brother who received everyone's blessing, but he himself did not even have the courage to send blessings, because he was the culprit, and he suddenly began to doubt his existence.

Is it that this world, without itself, would be better?

In this short half hour, Kim Jae-ho felt like sitting on pins and needles.

Fortunately, this difficult time ended quickly, the dog brother offered to go to the dinner, he invited guests, everyone was coaxed, only Kim Jae-ho laughed stiffly.

Just when Kim Jae-ho looked at the meat that had not yet been grilled in a daze, the dog brother came over with a wine glass.

"Ah, in Hao Xi, why is it like this, is it because you are hungry?" Brother Dog made a joke, and he seemed to have more sense of humor when he quit the show.

When Kim Jae-ho heard Brother Gou's words, the whole person was shocked, and he looked up and saw Brother Gou's face that looked at him kindly, and he was even more uncomfortable.

"Brother, can't you leave without leaving?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Ah..." Brother Dog was a little surprised to hear this question, but quickly smiled and said, "yes... If you don't go, you can't do it~"

Kim Jae-ho felt very dazzling when he saw the smile of the dog brother.

One picked up the small cup of soju on the table, touched the cup in the dog's hand, and then swallowed it, letting the fire-like heat flow in his throat.

"Ah, what should I do if you do this~" Brother Dog was also a little uncomfortable when he saw Kim Jae-ho like this, but he still made a joke, shook the soju in his hand, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Kim Jae-ho is dry in one mouthful, he can't just take a sip, right?

"Brother, is there any more wine?" Kim Jae-ho looked at Brother Dog.

"And, of course, what are you going to do?" Brother Dog originally came to toast the members one by one, and he also took a bottle of soju in his hand.

Then, Kim Jae-ho pulled the dog brother down, and with the dog brother by his side, he felt a little better and felt a little relieved.

Brother Dog was also a little moved when he saw his younger brother like this, but he didn't expect that this person who he hadn't talked about a few words was so reluctant to be himself, and Kim Jae-ho was afraid that he was the most excited person in the audience.

Touched by the dog brother, he also sat down and comforted Kim Jae-ho, at this moment, the dog brother really felt like a brother.

Kim Jae-ho pulled the dog brother not just to say a few words, after this guy drank two more cups, his eyes were a little confused, and when it came to the emotional part, he actually threw himself into the dog's arms and cried.

Brother Dog was instantly stunned, what kind of situation did he not have psychological preparation at all? He could only bite the bullet and awkwardly touch Kim Jae-ho's head to comfort him against the strange eyes of the people around him, and then pressed the brim of his hat with his other hand, asking him to cover his face as much as possible.

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